“I’m back!!”

A light wind sounded in the clouds

Luo Lei slowly got up, stood up from the golden coffin, and couldn’t help but stretch his waist.

Isn’t that easy?

The system of Dog Day was at the time he was going to die

Only then did he complete the hidden task of the system, unlock the template (peak state) between the first generation of Naruto and Senju Pillar to 100%, and extract the second template!

He also said that he could use the energy of a hundred demon fruits to resurrect him in situ, and as a last resort, he could only transform into a wooden man and wait for the arrival of the people on the bottom of the sea where the island of Kamiya was located.


Let him wait until his proud subordinate, Hundred Beasts Kaido,

After delivering the last message, he fell into a deep sleep.

Now full of blood resurrection, it seems that the Hundred Beasts Kaido did not disappoint him, but he just did not know how many years it was now in the sea calendar, and what the situation of the sea really was.

When I think about it,

Luo Lei casually turned the dried demon fruits in the coffin into ashes

In the words of the system, it simply absorbs the energy of the demon fruits, and after these dry demon fruits have turned to ashes, they will reappear in other parts of the sea.

“This is?”

At this time,

Took a look at Lore, who had changed from a wooden man to a living man

The pirates of the Flame Tank Pirate Regiment, led by Capone Becky, were also confused, and after rubbing their eyes, they involuntarily revealed a ghostly look

What’s the situation?

The wooden man actually became a living person

What are you kidding?

“Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment Big Kanban – Embers, meet Lord Rowley!!”

Directly ahead, seeing the resurrected Lore, the ember who was still in a state of stunned spirit finally came back to his senses, directly on his knees on the ground, his voice with unconcealed excitement and respect, and there were some faint cries.

The Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment was almost completely destroyed, so that the embers had not eased up until now

He still hadn’t figured out why Straw Hat Luffy would explode like crazy when he faced Kaido’s boss, and even the rubber fruit could awaken to the form of the Fruit of Everybody, the Esper Species, and the Nika, as if invincible.

Okay now

Legend has it that the man who caused the sea to be blank for a year was resurrected

The Hundred Beasts Pirates have been saved, the Kaido boss has been saved, and the rebels of the Kingdom of Wano will be punished, Momono Suke, Munch · D. Luffy, Roronoa Sauron, Eustace Kidd, Kira, Trafalgar Rowe, and others all had to pay a bloody price.

Hear this voice,

Luo Lei’s eyes turned before he carefully scanned the scene and looked at the people in front of him.

As a result, it was found that the Hundred Beasts Kaido and Charlotte Lingling did not appear, except for the first of the “three major disasters”, nicknamed the embers of the “Burning Disaster”, it seemed that there was no one of their own.

“Hundred Beasts Kaido, why didn’t Charlotte Lingling come?”

The next moment, Rory didn’t even look at Capone Becky and said something expressionless.

Good evil he is also reborn

As the former subordinates of Hundred Beasts Kaido and Charlotte Lingling, how could they lead the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment and the BIGMOM Pirate Regiment to meet the mighty Elephant? By the way, attract the navy and let the world government witness the miracle.

Okay now

Except for one ember, is it some cats and dogs?

Which cadre cannot withstand such a test?

“Lord Lore, are you going to avenge our Hundred Beasts Pirates?”

Not to say that it is okay, as soon as the embers of the “hot disaster” are some of them can’t be stopped, the cheeks under the mask are full of sadness, and there is a wisp of tears in the eyes, and the boy has tears that do not flick, but they are not sad.

Thinking about this time

Like a lost dog, embers cannot suppress their inner sorrow.

“What year is it?” Hearing this, Luo Lei’s brow inadvertently frowned, and there was an unmistakable tone in his tone, “What happened in the recent time and the country has all been repeated to me.” ”


“Lord Lore, it is now 1525 in the sea calendar.”

Ember took a deep breath, did not dare to hesitate, and hurriedly said, “Lord Kaido and Lord Charlotte Lingling originally planned to lead the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment and the BIGMOM Pirate Regiment to the West Sea to resurrect the Lord after the Flame Celebration, but they were attacked by Mask. The siege of D. Luffy, Roronoa Sauron, Eustace Kidd, Kira, Trafalgar Rowe…”


Three minutes later

Ember was so sad that he explained everything that had happened in the kingdom of peace

“Has it been so long?”

Listen to the sound of embers,

Luo Lei shook his head wordlessly for a rare moment.

I thought it had only been a decade or twenty, but I didn’t think that it had been almost forty and fifty years, Locks was dead, Roger was dead, Whitebeard was dead, Kaido and Charlotte Lingling were off the line, and the new Four Emperors began King’s Landing.

More importantly,

The world government actually erased the year of his rise, creating a blank year.

There is also this hundred beast Kaido is too self-esteem, in order to get his own recognition and praise, actually want to establish an anarchic pirate empire in the country of peace;

In fact, if he were resurrected before the Flame Celebration, not only the current general of the Wano Kingdom, Momonosuke, would die without a corpse, but even Munchi would be killed. D. Luffy, Roronoa Sauron, Eustace Kidd, Kira, Trafalgar Rowe, and others will not have good fruit to eat.

The result is good

Putting herself and Charlotte Lingling in it.

The only commendable thing is that at the last moment he knew that it was a blessing in misfortune to let Ember come to the West Sea to resurrect him.

“Ding… Congratulations to the host resurrection, whether the template of the supervillain in the peak state of the Motherland that appears in the comic strip “Black Robe Picket” and its adapted TV series is fused. ”


It was at this time that

The crisp voice of the system sounded in Lore’s head

“Merge it!!”

Loremol’s command was a word

He could understand why it had been so many years since Kaido had resurrected him

After all, on the one hand, we must vigorously develop the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment to resist the navy and the world government; While collecting the demon fruit to resurrect him, the pressure must be great.

Now that it has been resurrected,

The people of the motherland who really want to do whatever they want should go online.



(PS: kneeling for tips, collections, flowers and evaluations, cute, kneeling and begging for all the readers of the big guys.) )

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