Chapter Fifty-Six: Kapu’s Despair, Wang Luffy Will Die No Doubt [Second More Kneeling for Flowers and Evaluation].

New World, Navy G-1 Headquarters!! At this point, in the conference room on the highest floor of the fortress,

The atmosphere here is almost frozen to the extreme, the Admiral Red Dog, the three major admirals of the Navy Yellow Ape, the Fuji Tiger, the Green Bull, as well as the Navy hero Kapu, the General Staff Crane, the Navy Headquarters Vice Admiral and Substitute General Peach Rabbit and other people gathered together, no one spoke, the face is very ugly.

Nima’s, the Navy was backstabbed by the World News Agency, and the news of that article was like a sharp knife inserted into the heart of the Navy, making the hearts of the top brass of the Navy headquarters drip blood, which was very painful and angry.

What is even more infuriating is that with the support of the ancestors of the sea, the navy has not yet been able to take effective action against the World News Newspaper.

“How scary?”

Seeing that no one spoke, the yellow ape tilted his mouth and said in disbelief: “The sea ancestor Luo Lei, who was more than forty years ago, was actually resurrected, and after being exposed by the World News Newspaper, it has already caused the sea riot.” ”

“Why not just riots?”

A ray of shock flashed across Aramaki’s cheeks, and he said slightly unhappily, “The ancestors of the sea have been exposed, and the true leader of our world government, Im, has also been exposed, and I really did not expect that there is a boss above the Five Old Stars.” ”

“The five old stars are hiding from all the people, and it is really difficult for them…..”

After Tenghu picked up the teacup and took a sip of tea, he also showed a disdainful expression and said in a deep voice: “Now that it is exposed, I want to see how the five old stars will respond.” ”

“Hmm… The world government is hiding and pinching, and it does not regard our navy as its own people at all. ”

The black horse snorted coldly and said, “Maybe in that Im’s eyes, none of them are their own people, we are all walking tool people who serve her.” ”

“If it hadn’t been exposed, it might have continued to hide from us…”

At this point, the tone of the dark horse is obviously a little rebellious, but… Conference room, no one cares,


Kapu rarely dozed off and snacking, but only sighed with a tired face, adding: “The deaths of the tea dolphin and the Warring States caused an uproar in the Navy, plus Marin Fando was also destroyed, and if no effective action was taken, the Navy’s momentum would be greatly hit.” ”

“After all, the Warring States are the former marshals of the Navy, and they exist like the soul of the Navy…”

“Now it’s up to the world government to do it?”

Staff Sergeant Crane said with a calm face and some anger: “If the world government does not take effective action, our navy will directly lie flat and love the ground.” ”

“Staff Officer Crane, don’t talk angrily…”

At this time, without speaking, the Red Dog Marshal sitting on the main seat had a resolute face and solemnly said: “The world government has confirmed the existence of Im to me, and said that Im is the bottom card of the world government, and it will never be exposed until the key moment, and it is not intentionally hidden from everyone.” ”

“This time, Rolle, with the help of the Morgons’ World Economic Newspaper, exposed these secret things and caught everyone off guard.”

“Therefore, Lord Im has decided to take a shot and show his true strength in front of the whole sea.”

Despite hiding Im’s existence from the world government, Red Dog has a deep grudge in his heart, but… As a field marshal of the Navy, he must focus on the overall situation and stabilize his mentality, otherwise the Navy will collapse.

It is also a bit funny to say, Red Inu thinks that his temper is very grumpy, jealous as a vendetta, and pursues the concept of “complete justice”, but… After sitting in the position of marshal, his personality began to change to the personality of the former Warring States when he was a marshal, and the navy unconsciously became his bondage.


“Im is going to strike?”

“The world government is coming to Zhenge too?”

“As Marshal Red Dog’s voice just fell, the Yellow Ape, the Vine Tiger, the Green Bull, Kapu, the Crane Staff Officer, the Peach Rabbit and the others all took a look, and it seemed that they did not expect that the Five Old Stars had not yet moved, and Lord Im, who had only been exposed, was about to move.”

Is this the rhythm that keeps the sea from calming down?

“Isn’t Im going to do something to Lore, I…

“I want to participate.”

The next moment, a ray of light shone in Kapu’s dark eyes, and he said urgently: “As long as I can avenge the Warring States, even if I die in battle, I will die without regrets.” ”

“Me too!!”

Staff Sergeant Crane clenched his fist and said something in a deep voice.

“It seems to be about to do something to the revolutionary army…”

After taking a look at Kapu, who seemed to be more than ten years old since the death of the Warring States, the red dog hesitated, but still had some unbearable words: “The Yandi Saab of the revolutionary army has long been included in the list of the world government’s must-kill people, and this time Lord Im will use Saab to kill chickens and monkeys.” ”

“How scary?”

Before the words had fallen, and the others had not reacted at all, the yellow ape took the lead in standing up, revealing an exaggerated expression, and said, “This Im, is it really not a common sense to play cards?” In the sea ancestor Luo Lei, he was wronged, so he took the revolutionary army to open the knife, and the wronged debt had a master, is it really picking a soft persimmon pinch? ”

“No way….”

Red Dog smiled helplessly and said, “What the Five Old Stars mean is that the world government will not do anything until they find out the specific strength of Luo Lei after the resurrection, and Lord Im will also use Luo Lei to go to the New World…”

I haven’t finished talking, but… Everyone present instantly understood, Kapu was shocked, opened his mouth, wanted to say something, but could not say anything…

His grandson Munch D. Luffy in the Land of Peace Crazy Explosion awakened the Everybody Fruit • Esper Species • Nika form defeated the Hundred Beasts Kaido, took the new Four Emperors, and now it is good, Ember resurrects the big brother of the Hundred Beasts Kaido in the West Sea, don’t think about it, Munch · D. Luffy will be a must-kill target. There must be a cause and an effect, and Luffy’s retribution may be the ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei.

Now Im may be trying to use the hand of the sea ancestor Luo Lei to eliminate some of the sea thieves, including Luffy, who has long been a big problem for the world government.

“I… I was tired and went back to rest first. ”

After a few seconds, Karp shook his head in a daze, got up and slowly left the conference room. He knew very well that it was completely impossible for the Navy and the world government to protect Luffy; In the past, because of his own identity, the navy would turn a blind eye to Luffy, and now, do whatever you want to do as the ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei, will not give any face, coupled with Luffy’s personality, it is undoubtedly the tip of the needle to Mai Mang.

Unless Luffy’s Everybody Fruit, Esper Species, and Nika form explodes again with 5.6 species, perhaps, that Im is playing this wishful thinking! The Battle of Kamiya sneaked in, and now he is still thinking of hiding behind the scenes to control everything. As Karp left, the people in the conference room looked at each other and sat there with different looks, even the standing yellow ape realized that his reaction was too great, and sat down.

Red Dog shook his head, sighed, and didn’t say much, Straw Hat Luffy should have died a long time ago, even more damned after becoming the fourth emperor, the navy did not move to give Cat face, and some scruples, but… Will Lorelei have any scruples and give Kapu face?

“The meeting continues.”

“Then, let’s discuss the issue of the 24/7 surveillance of the Revolutionary Army’s telephone bugs after the exposure of the Blazing Angel…”

[PS: Kneel to ask you to read the boss to subscribe to it, the subscription is very fart very fart, I will try to update, kneel thank you for reading the boss

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