Chapter Fifty-Seven: The Sea Shakes, and the Scared Straw Hat Pirates [Three More Kneeling for Subscriptions].

The world government and the navy were shaken, and the whole sea, a new storm has begun to contain, quite a kind of calm before the storm, many people depressed breathless!!

New World, the Cross Guild, one of the Four Kings; Recently, because of the bounty of the navy, the reputation of the Cross Guild has become famous, and the prestige of the leader Bucky has risen a lot, and there is a faint taste of becoming the head of the four emperors.

After all, it has always been the Navy bounty pirates, and now the Cross Union is doing the opposite, which can be said to have opened the eyes of many pirates, admired it, so that the leader of the Cross Guild, Bucky, is even more impressed, and the admiration in the heart is like a gushing river At this time, in one of the top conference rooms of the Cross Guild, if anyone is here, he will find that the famous Four Emperors Bucky, Mr.1 Daz Bonis, Mr. 3 Galdino and others on the sea are standing, just like the penalty station.

And the de facto rulers of the Cross Guild, Hawkeye Mihawk and Klockdahl, were sitting there, looking at the newspaper in their hands with puzzled faces.

“This… Is this a joke? ”

Crookdahl clutched a cigar and threw the newspaper in his hand on the table, but in the process of throwing it he shook his palm slightly, invisibly revealing that his heart was not so calm as it seemed.

How could he not have imagined that after the Cross Guild had managed to get on the right track, the World News would actually expose so many Misin that was enough to make the whole sea tremble, the Battle of the Valley of the Gods, the resurrection of the ancestor of the sea thief Luo Lei, the hidden boss of the world government – Im, and the sea ancestor Luo Lei killed the tea dolphin, the Warring States, and destroyed Marin Fando.

So far Klockdale has not reacted.

“Is this sea ancestor Luo Lei really not moving his hands, and shaking the sea with one shot?”

Hawkeye Mihawk suppressed the shock in his heart, picked up the red wine that had been poured long ago, and took a sip.

To put it mildly, after forming the Cross Guild, Hawkeye thought it was enough to compete with the Navy a little.

Now to good, out of thin air 08 appeared a dead forty years of the world’s fierce, the navy’s lieutenant general Tea Dolphin, the big eye to pay the Warring States to kill, but also destroyed the former naval headquarters Marin Fando; How terrible and unscrupulous is this?

“The world government has exposed an Im, and the ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei, has also been resurrected, how do I feel that the sea is getting worse and worse?”

I don’t know how long later, Klockdale spat out a few mouthfuls of white smoke and sighed: “This is really entering a worst era.” ”


Hawkeye Mihawk also showed a rare expression of speechlessness, “The Seven Martial Seas system has been abolished, and we have formed the Cross Trade Union just for win-win cooperation, but we did not expect that there would be such a big change.” ”

“Or shall we disband the Cross Union and go back to our respective homes?”

Hearing the conversation between Klockdale and Hawkeye Mihawk, Bucky, who had not spoken for a long time, smiled and said carefully.

During this time, Bucky, who became the fourth emperor, can be said to be like a needle in a haystack, and now that he has such a good opportunity, he certainly wants to try and try to escape the two demons of Klockdahl and Hawkeye Mihawk as soon as possible.

“Shut up!!”

“Shut up!!”

Unfortunately, Bucky was greeted by two unanimous rebukes, to which Mr.1 Daz Bonis, Mr. 3 Galdino and others seemed to have become accustomed to it, showing expressions that wanted to laugh but did not dare to laugh; and our four kings, Bucky, could only pull their heads and did not speak.

There was no way, after being dragged to the thief’s ship by Klockdale and Hawkeye Mihawk, Bucky felt that the sky was about to fall, and the real Four Emperors were on the great voyage, and the false Four Emperors could only be reprimanded and did not dare to return the mouth.

“By the way, the world government actually studied the Blazing Angel based on our ability of the Seven Martial Seas, and I think this is the direct cause of the waste Seven Martial Seas system.”

The next moment, Klockdale picked up a newspaper, pointed to a picture on it, and said, “This secret weapon of the Navy, the Blazing Angel, has black wings and looks exactly like when I was a child, and Lao Tzu doesn’t know what Bergapunk is studying.” ”

“The world government must have created blazing angels similar to mine.”

Not to say that it was okay, Hawkeye Mihawk’s tone was also a little cold, and he scolded: “After using us, he kicked us out with his backhand, and secretly created a fiery angel with our ability, and the world government really played a good hand.” ”


Klockdahl snorted coldly and said pointedly, “Now the whole sea is waiting to see the jokes of the navy and the world government, but I want to see what the world government and the navy do, what the exposed Im will do.” ”

“We can only wait and see what happens.”

Hawkeye Mihawk nodded, turned his gaze, and looked at Bucky, “Next, it’s time for your performance.” ”


Bucky was trying to say something, but found that the two cold killing intentions had locked in him, and he could only wisely change the tone of his speech and said with his head held high: “No problem, I will develop the cross trade union well.” ”

………… New World, Pirate Island “Hive” Pirate Island is one of the islands occupied by the Blackbeard Pirates, because of Blackbeard’s infinite indulgence, it is more and more known as the paradise of pirates; In the central area, above an open-air square, you can see Marshall D. Titch, Gizas Badgers, Hiryu, Van Oka, Abaro Pizarro, San Juan Evil Wolf, Catlin Deme, Poison Q and others are gathering.

“I really didn’t think of that?”

“Morgonsis is actually the ancestor of the sea, Lore, and it seems that this Lorei began to lay out more than forty years ago, and his heart is too deep.”

“The Navy has suffered an unprecedented blow this time, and it is really cool to die two high-end combat forces.”

“Whether it is the boss behind the exposed world government – Im, or this resurrected sea ancestor Luo Lei, it seems that it is not a fuel-saving lamp, should we Blackbeard Pirate Group keep a low profile?”

“Only to see the cadres of the Blackbeard Pirate Regiment, you discussed every word and I said, the words were full of solemnity and incredulity, it was really something exposed by the World News Agency, so that even as a cadre of the Black Regiment, they were a little frightened and their scalps were numb.”

“Hahaha, the sea is getting more and more interesting.”

Ignoring these voices, Marshall D. Tichy laughed conceitedly: “The news exposed by the News of the World really opened my eyes, but… I wouldn’t admit it, after all, I’m a blackbeard? ”

Talking and talking, Marshall D. Titch also stretched out his arms violently, and as soon as his heart moved, one arm was entangled in the energy of the Dark Fruit, and the other arm was also wrapped in a wisp of concussive force.

As the first ever two-fruit abilityr, he wouldn’t be afraid of anyone.

The hidden boss of the world government, Im, and the sea ancestor Luo Lei, who has been dead for more than forty years and resurrected, he will not be afraid, but will definitely become more and more excited, more and more motivated.

After all, after receiving the power of the shock fruit of the dead ghost father, he announced to the world that this would be the era of “Blackbeard”!

In the past, he had no choice, he could only give Whitebeard a son in a sneaky way, but now that he has the strength, he only wants to realize his ideals and ambitions, after all, people’s dreams will not end.

“It’s time to get the sweet fruit of the female emperor.”

As soon as he thought of this, Blackbeard grinned, put away the strength of his arms, took a sip of wine from the wine altar, and muttered to himself: “The Seven Martial Seas system has been abolished, now is the best opportunity, as long as I can get the sweet fruit in my hand, I will become much stronger.” ”

Of course, against a small female emperor Poyahan Cook, Blackbeard does not intend to bring too many people, the waters of the New World Blackbeard Pirate Regiment still need to be guarded, this time he will quietly Mimi’s work, taking advantage of the navy and the world government to be in the fray, to pocket the sweet fruit.

“Ahh Hahahahaha!! ”


“The Blackbeard Boss is right, we are not afraid of anything.”


Seeing that Blackbeard was so full of confidence, Gizas Bajas, Hiryu, Van Oka, Abaro Pizarro, San Juan Evil Wolf and others for a moment, did not think so much, the world government and the ancestors of the sea are fighting in the air, what are they afraid of? Dog bites dog, watch the drama and it’s over?

As long as you don’t provoke the Blackbeard Pirates, then everything is easy to say… The second half of the Great Passage.

Another fourth-emperor red-haired Shanks was looking at the latest newspapers in his hand with a look of horror and shock.

Lord Im of the World Government was actually exposed, and the ancestors of the sea more than forty years ago were resurrected, directly killing the tea dolphins and warring states of the navy.

Of course, after seeing some of the mystics about the island of Kamiya, the red-haired Shanks finally knew why the huge statue of Senju Kannon in his mind had always appeared, and he must have witnessed the amazing battle and touched the soul when he was picked up on the island of Kamiya, which made such a deep impression on him.

At this moment, he didn’t even have to ask Pluto Reilly to know the cause and effect.

His ability to awaken the strongest Overlord color domineering may also be related to the battle of Kamiya Island, joking, being enveloped by so many top strong overlord color domineering, or baby he must have been affected, the only thing that disappointed the redhead was that the age at that time was too young, so that he did not have any impression of the Battle of Kamiya Island at all, only the huge Thousand Hands Kannon statue that was carved into the depths of the soul.

“Hey, stupid boss, the sea is going into a rage again.”

“The world government also has a Lord Im, who has been dead for more than forty years and the ancestors of the sea are resurrected, is this the rhythm of turning the heavens upside down?”

“The strength of the old Warring States is still there, but it was actually crushed, and the strength of this sea ancestor after the resurrection is absolutely terrifying.”


“Stupid boss, doesn’t the situation in the sea feel right?”

At this time, the rest of the cadres of the red-haired pirate group also read the newspapers in their hands, almost all of them with shocked looks. They are ready to fight for the big treasure, good fellow, the sea has changed again,

“Fortunately, my cooperation with the world government has not been exposed.”

Hearing these words, the red-haired Shanks did not say anything, but shook his head helplessly, and his heart was still relieved.

If this is exposed, his red-haired Shanks is really indefensible…

“Stupid boss, the Straw Hat Pirates may be suffering.”

Suddenly, a flash of anxiety flashed on Lackey Lu’s fat cheeks, “Do we want to go find the Straw Hat Pirates, the embers will resurrect the ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei, and it will definitely be to return to the Land of Peace.” ”

“The Straw Hat Pirates should have left the Land of Wano.”

Bendik Sneek looked a little solemn and said slowly, “I don’t know where I’m going, but they should also see the news in the newspaper.” ”

“It’s uncomfortable!!”

Benck Benzie rubbed his head,

“Now I just hope that the Straw Hat Pirates will take care of themselves and do what they can.”

“Hahaha, you don’t have to worry.”

Shanks thought for a moment, then suddenly laughed and said, “Now Luffy, but the Four Emperors?” It wasn’t the little kid who hadn’t grown up, he knew what to do. ”

“Boss Shanks, you’re still laughing, don’t you know how serious things are?” If Momonosuke of the country of Wano knows the funny words, he should flee the country of peace as soon as possible, otherwise…”

“Okay, good…”

The red-haired Shanks took a sip from the wine altar and waved, “Everyone has their own way to go, and the resurrection of the sea ancestor Luo Lei is not necessarily a bad thing.” ”

“137 Stupid Boss, when you used the Overlord color domineering to shock the Green Bull back to the Kingdom of Peace, that’s not what you said!”

“Hahaha, is it? I’ve forgotten! ”

Shanks smiled and rubbed his head.

“Why bother?”

Looking at the red-haired Shanks who pretended to be calm, Beckman smoked a cigarette, shook his head helplessly, and a helpless and deep light appeared in his eyes, the sea was about to change again, and Luffy, who awakened the rubber fruit to the form of everyone’s fruit, esper species, and Nika, would face a great enemy…

At the same moment, as the red-haired pirates expected, after leaving the country of peace, the Straw Hat Pirates suddenly received a lot of information, such as: Saab’s assassination of Kobra, the news of Vivian’s disappearance in the Holy Land, the pirates of the Straw Hat Pirates all thought it was fake, very sad, Luffy was firmly unconvinced, Robin also thought so, because the enemy of the revolutionary army is the world nobles, not the kings of the countries.

In such a situation, Luffy did not bother to take care of so much, and prepared to change the course to Alabastan, but Sauron said that Kobra was dead, and Vivi had disappeared in the Holy Land of Mary Joa, so Luffy proposed to go to Mary Joy.

“Luffy, are you an idiot?” Or do you want to go to war with the world government and the navy? ”

Hearing that Luffy was going to Mary Joa, Sauron’s anger did not come and he growled.

“Sauron, are you scared?”

Luffy said with great urgency: “No matter what, I have to go, it is about Saab, Vivi, I can’t sit idly by.” ”

“With our current strength, is it really not possible?”

Sauron said helplessly: “The world government and the navy are not easy to mess with, and if they rush forward, they will only throw themselves into the net.” ”


Luffy pointed at Sauron and said, “I didn’t think you were such a person?” ”

“Wait, you still read a few more newspapers, it’s arguing!!”

Seeing Luffy and Sauron arguing, Nicole Robin, who had never spoken for a moment, hesitated slightly, took out a few more newspapers, and said with a serious face: “In the past few days, there have been big things happening in the sea, and there may be another accident in the country of peace.” ”

Robin’s voice began to tremble as he spoke,

“How can that be?”

“The Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment has been defeated, and the Green Bull has also run away, what else can happen?”

“With the strength of the peach, it should be able to defend the country of peace.”

………. As he spoke, Luffy and Sauron, who were arguing, did not believe it at all, so they took the newspaper and began to read it.


After reading the contents of the newspaper clearly, the faces of Luffy, Sauron, Yamaji, Nami and the others froze, only to feel that the buzzing in their minds kept ringing, and finally became a blank.

[PS: kneeling for tips, collections, flowers and evaluations, cuteness, tears kneeling for tips… Kneel and beg you to read the boss, kneel and beg you to read the boss. 】。

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