Chapter Fifty-Eight: Momonosuke’s Confidence, Im Strikes, and Rolls, who becomes stronger again, [Three More Kneels and Asks for Subscription].


Extremely shocking!!

Looking at the news in the newspaper, the pirates of the Straw Hat Pirate Regiment, in addition to being shocked, were shocked, even if it was a large nerve, a positive and optimistic Straw Hat Luffy, the look was a little sluggish.

The boss behind the world government – Im, the ancestor of the sea who has been dead for more than forty years, and the truth of the blank year, the blazing angel of the navy; No matter which news it was, it was enough to shock the pirates of the Straw Hat Pirates.

“Wouldn’t it be true?”

“So much has happened in the blank year of history.”

“In the Battle of the Valley of the Gods, the thirteen top combat forces of the Sea were actually suppressed by the Sea Ancestors.”

“This dead and resurrected Sea Ancestor Luo Lei is the boss of the Hundred Beasts Kaido, so doesn’t that mean that the Harmony Nation is once again in crisis?”

……. A moment later, accompanied by a series of trembling uproars, Yamaji, Sauron, Nami, Shihei, Joba and others were already horrified and could not help themselves, and the expression on their faces was getting more and more ugly; There was no way, the Straw Hat Pirate Regiment had come all the way to the present, becoming the Four Emperors Level Pirate Regiment, and they had experienced various tribulations and difficulties, but it was the first time they had encountered such a heart-shaking thing.

Knotty! Super tricky!!

At the beginning, hearing that the Hundred Beasts Kaido let the embers go to the West Sea to resurrect the motherland, the Straw Hat Pirate Group was not a person who cared about it, and now it is good, this motherland who has been dead for more than forty years is resurrected, no need to think about it, the first to bear the brunt is the country of peace and their Straw Hat Pirate Group.

“Robin, is that true?”

After a moment, Sauron took a deep breath before he said slowly, “Is the legendary Sea Ancestor Luo Lei really so terrible?” ”

“Judging from the historical information I have gathered, what is published in the newspaper should be true.”

Robin hesitated for a moment before suppressing the throbbing in his heart, and added solemnly: “This ancestor Luo Lei is reckless in his work, and his flaws will be rewarded, and after his resurrection, he will take a shot at the Navy for no reason, and this time we have a big deal in the Straw Hat Pirate Regiment.” ”

“No, it won’t!!”

Yamaji took a cigarette and said somewhat irritably, “How can I be resurrected when I am dead?” ”

“I don’t know….”

Nicole Robin shook her head slightly bitterly, in fact, when she was in the country of peace, she vaguely felt that something was wrong, and now it seems that her feeling is true, the resurrection of the sea ancestor Luo Lei, directly set off a terrifying wave in the sea, so that the whole sea has entered a state of rage.

“Let’s go back to the Land of Washi and help Peaches and Yamato!”

Suddenly, at this moment, Luffy finally came back to his senses, there was no fear on his cheeks, but instead he grinned and grinned, clenched his fists, and said, “What are you afraid of?” No matter who the opponent is, I will not concede!! ”

Speaking of this, Luffy also added with great anticipation: “I not only want to find the legendary secret treasure and become One Piece, but also realize the ultimate dream of letting everyone in the world have a banquet together!” ”

“Luffy, it’s still possible to become One Piece.”

Hearing this, Usopp said somewhat wordlessly, “But… It’s a bit of nonsense to have everyone in the world have a party together. ”

“Hahaha, it’s really good, let’s go back to the country of peace!”

French should have laughed out loud.

“What are you thinking?”

Nami said fiercely, “Joba, diagnose Luffy’s brain to see if he is scared silly by the sea ancestor Luo Lei.” ”

“I wasn’t scared, that’s my ultimate dream.”

Luffy smiled and immediately lay down on the deck, thinking of some scenes and pictures from his childhood.

“Wait a minute…” However, at this moment, Nicole Robin, who was about to say something, inadvertently glanced at the sea in front of him and said, “Do you see the sea ahead?” ”


Nami’s eyes turned, and she directly widened her eyes and exclaimed: This warm water nest is inevitably too huge, how many warm water blocks have been pushed up.”

“This… Is this a warm water house? ”

Looking at the water dragon roll that shot straight into the sky like an exploding head, Brooke showed a surprised expression.

“Someone seems to be calling for help?”

Luffy’s sight and smell seemed to have heard something, and he hurriedly stood up from the deck, pointed to the sea in front of him, and said, “It came from the warm water nest.” ”

“I heard it too.”

Yamaji said doubtfully, “Is someone trapped in a warm water house?” ”

“No, the warm water nest is too rough for our pirate ship to get close.”

“Let me come… A knife stream Ergang bird”

Swish!! In the next instant, without seeing how Sauron drew his sword, a white chopping wave several meters long burst out of the air, slashing the huge warm water nest from the middle.

Immediately after, a child appeared in the warm water nest, and it was Joe Ellie, the king of the most evil times. Pawnee!!

However, when Bonnie was rescued, a huge shadow suddenly appeared under the surface of the sea, and when the shadow was getting closer and closer to the sea surface, it was a blood basin mouth, even if Sonny was very small in front of this blood basin mouth.

It can be predicted that Luffy and others will not be able to return to the country of peace. After the Straw Hat Pirates Regiment, the Kidd Pirate Regiment, and the Heart Pirate Regiment all left, Momonosuke as the general of Wano Kingdom confidently led the entire Wano Kingdom into the reconstruction stage, and he firmly believed that he would be able to be the general of the Wano Kingdom, Yamato, Mitsuki Riwa, and the courtiers of the Mitsuki family were also assisting Momonosuke.

However, the ideal is very full, but the reality is very cruel; Not happy to a week’s time, the World News Agency, seemingly deliberately, actually sent a news bird directly to sprinkle a large number of news newspapers in the country of peace, boom!

The whole country of Wano boiled over, and when they learned that Lore, the ninja god who had unified the country of Wano more than forty years ago, had been resurrected, the people of the country of Wano looked shocked and incredulous.

Are you kidding? The ninja god Lore has been resurrected, so doesn’t that mean that Momonosuke, the newly ascended general of Wano Kingdom, can basically announce his abdication.

Intentionally or unconsciously, the most conspicuous place in the newspaper reads that the Mitsuki family has stolen the fruits of victory from the ninja god Luo Lei, and when Luo Lei returns to the country of peace, it will be the end of the Hikari clan.

Suddenly, the Kingdom of Wano was divided into two factions, those who supported Momonosuke and those who supported the ninja god Lore, which invisibly plunged Wano Kingdom into chaos. the capital of flowers, within the central area of the palace;

It was similar to the atmosphere of the Navy Headquarters, and it was very depressing.

Mitsuzuki Momotosuke, Mitsuki Shoukiyagi, Mitsuzuki Riwa, Yamato, and the courtiers of the Mitsuki clan all gathered together, and none of them spoke, making the already oppressive atmosphere even heavier.


I don’t know how long it took for Hikari Sukiyaki to sigh heavily, “Momonosuke, you take the people of the Hikari clan with you!” Never come back. ”

“No, I’m never leaving.”

Hearing these words, Momonosuke was already trembling with fear, but… Still taking a deep breath, he said, “I can’t let the Kingdom of Peace fall into the hands of others, this is my mission.” ”

“Why bother?”

Hikari Shoukiyaki shook his head, “The king of the Kingdom of Wano was originally the ninja god Luo Lei, and I was a ghost obsessed with the beginning, now it’s time to pay the price.” ”

“No… The kingdom of peace since ancient times belongs to our Hikari family, and no one can make it easy for anyone to come. ”

Momonosuke gritted his teeth, clenched the imperial flag of the Straw Hat Pirate Regiment in his hand, and said without hesitation, “No matter what, I will not back down in the face of the enemy.” ”

Hikari Shoukiyo was silent for a moment before revealing a relieved expression, waved his hand, and said in a firm tone, “Well, I respect your decision.” ”

“We are waiting for the ninja god Luo Lei in the Land of Wano, and we must let him see the powerful faith and spirit of the Hikari clan.”


Momonosuke nodded resolutely.

He also wanted to know how powerful the Sea Ancestor Luo Lei really was.

Listening to the conversation between Momonosuke and Sukiyai, the expressions of Hitsuki Riwa, Yamato, and the courtiers of the Mitsuki clan gradually became firmer, and if Momonosuke didn’t leave, they wouldn’t leave.

Moreover, the Straw Hat Pirates should rush back, plus the elephant lord who has not been able to do anything, may not be without the strength of a battle.

Among them, Yamato, the great filial piety, also showed a happy smile, Luffy did not look at the wrong person, Peach has completely grown into a man.

At the same moment, New World, within the G1 headquarters of the Navy, a huge monitoring room;

“Yandi Saab has contacted the Kingdom of Kamabaka.”

As if sensing something, a naval soldier looked at him and said something excitedly.

“Where is the source?”

Listening to these words, the red dog, who was still dozing, came to the spirit at once.

“Marshal Sakarsky, still under surveillance.”

A cold sweat appeared on the navy soldier’s forehead, and he said, “It seems that Saab did not use a white telephone worm that can interfere with the signal, and he will soon know where the source is.” ”


The red dog stood up from his chair and stood with his hands on his chest.

This time, he sat in person, just to get first-hand information, and then pass it on to the world government, to see how Lord Im was going to do it, and to see the big move that destroyed Lore.

One second….

Ten seconds…

Three minutes…..


As time passed, soon more than half an hour passed.

“Marshal Sakarsky, it was detected that Saab was in the Kingdom of Lucia and was talking to the dragons of the Revolutionary Army.”

Finally, three hours later, a naval soldier let out a voice of excitement.


The red dog clapped his hands happily, and Shunshi took out the phone bug.


At this time, the kingdom of Lulucia, because of the arrival of Saab, the whole country was thrown into chaos, and the revolutionary army instigated the civilians to start a rebellion, eventually trapping King Sage and Princess Comani of the Lucian kingdom in the palace.


King Sage of the Kingdom of Lucia stood on the castle tower, looked at the fallen capital, and gritted his teeth and said,

“When I contact the Shanghai Military Headquarters, these guys will be sentenced to the criminal law of piercing.”

“I’m going to do it myself.”

Princess Comani added with murderous intent,

“Hahaha, you still think about how to save your life!”

“From now on, the kings of the kingdoms of West Asia will have no nobility or privileges.”


Hearing these words, the people of the revolutionary army and the civilians involved in the rebellion did not care, but laughed wildly.

However, no one knew that with the call between Saab and the dragon, Im, who was far away in the depths of the ancient city of Pan, did not hesitate to cross out the kingdom of Lulucia from the map.

Affected by this, countless dark clouds unconsciously appeared in the sky above the kingdom of Lucia, as if some behemoth was hidden in it.


In the next instant, countless black thunderbolts began to spread out, and without warning, countless dazzling white pillars of light cut through the dark clouds, like the wrath of the gods, sweeping through the entire Lulucian Kingdom.

Laugh at!!

Many people don’t have to scream, and even before they know what happened, they will die without a place to die. In less than a minute, the kingdom of Lulucia was wiped out of the map.

Half a day later, the ultimate boss of the world government, Im, destroyed the Lulucian kingdom occupied by the revolutionary army with a single move, and the news of Yandi Sabo’s life and death was unknown, and it spread at a speed that could not be concealed.

For a time, not only ordinary people, but also countless countries and big forces around the world were all shocked and shocked!! No way, no one thought that Im was a king bomb as soon as he struck, destroying a country in the air. Thus, under such circumstances, the bad influence caused by the ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei, was swept away, and the power of the world government and navy reached a peak…

However, the storm of the sea did not affect Lore, the first half of the great voyage, on that commercial island; Central area, the top floor of an upscale hotel,

“This kind of attack method, Im should consume not small, I just don’t know how many hole cards this guy who has lived for more than 800 years has in the end.”

Luo Lei casually placed the newspaper in his hand on the table, revealing a playful expression.

“It doesn’t matter.”

“No matter how many hole cards Im has, he can’t change the fate of being overwhelmed by the crescent moon, after all, my peak motherland template has not yet been fully integrated?”

As soon as he thought of this, Luo Lei took out the seal scroll, and Chakra surged and clapped his hands together, poof!!

With a puff of smoke, five Demon Fruits appeared in front of Luo Lei, the loot he had scraped from Malin Fando, which could now come in handy.

“System, absorb the energy of these five demon fruits, how much can unlock the fusion?”

“Ding… The host can unlock five percent of the fusion. ”

“Good! Redeem it. ”

“Ding!! Congratulations to the host, redeemed five percent of the experience! ”

“Ding!! Congratulations to the host, the identity exposure shocked the entire sea, and the system deliberately rewarded three percent of the experience. ”

“Ding!! I hope that the host will continue to work hard, follow the heart, be unfettered, and do whatever you want. ”

“Eight percent of the experience all at once?”

Listening to the prompts coming out of his head, Luo Lei looked happy, really what he said, didn’t this become stronger again?


In the next instant, a terrifying force poured into Luo Lei’s body and began to transform Luo Lei’s body. Finally, after an hour, Rollley stood up with some surprise, and if there was no perception error, this time unlocking the fusion, his ability seemed to double and become stronger.

“System, I’m going to take a look at my latest properties panel!”

Luo Lei suppressed the excitement in his heart and silently said a word.

“Ding…. The host’s properties panel is being built!! ”

“Ding…. Properties panel generated complete!! ”

Host: Lore; Age: 18 years old, chakra attributes: fire, wind, thunder, earth, water, yin, yang; Ability: Template between the first generation of Naruto Senju Pillar [Peak State] [Unlock Fusion 100%]; Navy VI [Mastery]; See and smell the color domineering [advanced]; Armed color domineering [advanced]; Overlord color domineering [top] [awaken exclusive ability overlord kill]; Motherland Template 【Peak State】【Unlock Fusion 60%】

Physique: 46630 [10 points for ordinary people] Spirit: 6750; Strength: 66000; [One punch is about 63,990 tons] Speed: 2150; 【19402100 m/S】

Thermal rays: [239500241000 degrees Celsius] The number of times the template is extracted: 0 times; [PS: You read the boss, tearfully kneel down and beg for a subscription, the current subscription is not even the qualification for recommendation, these chapters are just laying the groundwork, and then start to do whatever you want, and the ancestors crush everything. 】。

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