Chapter Fifty-Nine: Female Emperor, You Don’t Want To, Snap! [Four more kneeling for subscriptions].


“Sure enough, the values of physique, spirit, strength, speed, and hot sight have nearly doubled.”

Roughly scanning his attribute panel, Luo Lei took a deep breath, couldn’t help but clench his fists, and with his current speed to cooperate with the power, even without armed color domineering and overlord color domineering, he could burst out with extremely terrifying power.

“It’s time to go to the Land of Peace…”

After slightly adapting to his transformed body, Luo Lei thought for a moment before muttering to himself, “It seems that you still have to find an opportunity to get some demon fruits to unlock the fusion peak motherland template, and strive to complete the fusion of the template as soon as possible, and then extract the next template.” ”

Thinking of this, Luo Lei casually threw the demon fruit that had dried up in front of him in the trash, bang!

Suddenly, at this moment, accompanied by a knock on the door, Morgoons and Ember pushed the door one after the other.

“Lord Lore, it is really terrible that Im will destroy the country in the air as soon as he strikes.”

After entering the room, Morgonz couldn’t help but exclaim, “Now the whole sea is shaking.” ”

“Why not just a shock?”

Ember took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, “The world government and navy can now be described as a rainbow, and have returned to their former majesty and domineering.” ”

“It doesn’t matter….”

Hearing this, Luo Lei shrugged his shoulders and said pointedly: “Im’s shot this time, on the surface, is incomparably beautiful, but in fact it has been completely exposed, I would like to see how many cards she still has.” ”

“Got it….”

Morgoons and Ember looked at each other and smiled, and immediately understood.

“Let’s go!”

The next moment, Luo Lei didn’t bother to continue this topic, saying: “Now that everything that should be exposed has been exposed, we should also go to the right thing and set off for the second half of the Great Passage.” ”


Ember showed a very excited expression, and his heart was shouting madly, Lord Kaido, Quinn, the pirates of the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment, Lord Lorei has come to save you; Momonosuke, the courtiers of the Mitsuki Family, the Elephant Lord, the Straw Hat Pirate Regiment, the Kidd Pirate Regiment, and the Heart Pirate Regiment, all have to pay a bloody price.


Morgoons hesitated for a moment before he whispered, “Lord Lore, the last king of the Nine Snakes Island, Gurolyossa, left a message through a branch of the News of the World and asked me to tell you that she would fulfill her promise and let you go along the way to the Nine Snakes High.” ”


Luo Lei thought about it for a moment, showed a suddenly enlightened expression, and smiled lightly, “Then stop by and go to Hydra Island.” ”

All right!!

More than forty years ago, when Aureliosa was still the king of Hydra Island, 373 Hydra Island was often harassed by pirates and the navy, and once Lorei happened to pass by, he randomly cast a tree realm to incarnate, and the regiment destroyed a large pirate group that was attacking Hydra Island, so that there were no pirates and navy to go to Hydra Island to spread wilderness.

At that time, Gurolyosa, as the king of Hydra Island, was grateful to Shu Zero for repaying him, and said that he was the patron saint of Hydra Island. Luo Lei refused without even thinking about it, after all, for him at that time, the birth of a small tree realm was only a small meaning, and saving the Nine Snake Island was also a matter of convenience.

Yes… Guloliosa had to repay him, and said that the next king of Hydra Island would serve him, to which Luo Lei smiled and did not pay attention to it, the so-called reward is false, and it is true to seek his asylum, right?

I didn’t expect that after so many years, Gurolyosa still wanted to fulfill her promise, wasn’t it that the Seven Martial Seas system was abolished and she wanted to seek asylum? Just stop by and play with women

“All right, Lord Lore!”

Ember nodded without much thought, Hydra Island is very close to here, Lord Luo Lei stopped by for a trip, it didn’t take much time.


At the same moment, Hydra Island.

Because the island is located in the windless zone next to the Great Passage, and the windless belt is infested with huge Neptunes, ordinary ships cannot enter the waters near Daughter Island.

At this time, inside the palace on the island,

“Snake Ji, no matter what, you should give me a clear answer.”

Seeing a short figure and a wrinkled face, Grandma Zhao looked at a newspaper in her hand and said in a heavy tone, “Now the situation in the sea has been completely chaotic, without the identity of the Seven Martial Seas, the situation of our Nine Snake Island is precarious.” ”

“The World Government has produced a hidden boss – Im, Klockdahl and Hawkeye Mihawk, and Bucky has also co-founded the Cross Guild!”

When she said this, Grandma Kui was full of worry, adding: “The Navy has sent people to put pressure on us again, and some sea thieves are also eyeing us, if…”


As if he was irritated, Poyahan Cook cocked his long legs, blinked a pair of ghostly eyes, and said very impatiently,

“The thing you said is absolutely impossible, after all, a concubine is a dignified female emperor.”

At this point, Poyahan Cook’s tone was a little unhappy, just yesterday, Grandma Kui suddenly came to tell her that more than forty years ago, as the king of the time, Grandma Bo had promised the ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei, that is, to let the next queen of the daughter country serve Luo Lei, and had repaid the grace of protecting Hydra Island.

As a result, within a year, the sea ancestor Luo Lei fell on the island of Kamiya; Now, after the resurrection, Grandma Wu actually asked her to serve Lore, the current king of the daughter country. Han Cook almost died of anger, as a natural beauty, by the world as “the world’s first beauty”, she still needs to be pasted upside down? It was an insult to her beauty.

“Snake Hime…. Luffy is not for you. ”

Mother-in-law’s old face has some helplessness, holding a crutch, and said in a serious voice,

“There was no choice before, but now that the ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei, has been resurrected, he is the best choice, as long as you can serve Luo Lei well, Hydra Island will no longer worry about being harassed by the navy and pirates.”

After experiencing that era, Grandma Wu knew the powerful oppressive force of the ancestors of the sea, you know, the famous top combat forces of that era, such as Locks, Roger, Kapu, Warring States, Steel Bone Air, etc., were all defeated by Luo Lei, if they were not finally yin, Luo Lei was the god-like existence of that era.

Now that the sea ancestor Luo Lei has been resurrected, Grandma Qi’s first thought is to seize the opportunity and hug her thighs.

“Then why didn’t you serve Lorelei in the first place?”

Han Cook muttered, “Now it’s impossible for me to sacrifice myself to help you fulfill your promise.” ”

“Do you think I don’t want to?”

Grandma Zhao showed a wisp of helplessness, at the beginning, she pasted upside down, as a result, Luo Lei could not look at her at all; Now as the world’s first beautiful woman, Han Cook upside down is absolutely capable of success; As for the straw hat Luffy, even if he has become the fourth emperor, where cool is to take it!

“Needless to say, the Wailing Family is not interested in posting upside down anyway.”

Poya Hancook skimmed his lips in disbelief, revealing a narcissistic look, and said, “The Wailing Family is so beautiful, even if it is not pasted upside down, it can protect the stability of Hydra Island.” ”


In the face of the narcissistic female emperor, the mother-in-law opened her mouth and wanted to reprimand her, but she did not say anything. She knows very well that the extremely arrogant and narcissistic female emperor will not change her attitude so easily, is it uncomfortable?

Grandma felt as if she had lifted some stones and dropped them on her feet, and if Han Cook didn’t let go, and Lord Luo Lei came to Nine Snake Island again, wouldn’t that be the end of the calf?

“Well, you go down first!”

At this time, Poyahan Cook stretched his waist, got up gracefully, and said,

“The mourning family is hungry and is going to eat…”

“Snake Hime….”


Seeing the endless mother-in-law, Han Cook’s pretty face was cold, and he wanted to throw the mother-in-law out, “Not good…”

However, at this moment, a panicked female guard, Ping, ran into the palace and said in a panicked manner: “The ship of the News of the World newspaper appeared near Hydra Island, as if the ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei, had arrived.” ”


“The Sea Ancestor Luo Lei is here?”

“It won’t be for the sake of our Majesty the King!!”


In the next instant, there was a series of exclamations in the palace, obviously not expecting that Luo Lei, who had just shaken the sea, had actually come to Nine Snake Island, and then thought of the conversation between the mother-in-law and the female emperor just now, even a fool knew what was going on.

“Mother-in-law, you…”

Han Cook’s look changed suddenly, his body trembled, and he extended his finger to his mother-in-law,

“That’s right, I contacted the News of the World and asked him to tell Lord Rollley that I was going to fulfill my promise.”

A cold sweat appeared on her forehead, but… After a moment’s thought, he broke the jar and said, “Han Cook, you don’t want Hydra Island to be destroyed because of you, do you?” ”

“Good… Very good. ”

Han Cook’s face was slightly dull, and he couldn’t speak angrily, this mother-in-law, actually cut first and then played, with the character of the sea ancestor Luo Lei, if he did not fulfill his promise, the consequences would not be very serious.

“I’d like to see what Loree can do with me.”

The next moment, Han Cook’s silver teeth clenched, and he walked towards the dock with his long legs.

“Keep up!!”

Grandma Qi’s eyes flashed for a moment, and then she signaled to the people of the palace, followed Han Cook, and left the palace.


At this time, the port of Hydra Island.

The ships of the News of the World were already docked here, and many of the female warriors of Hydra Island on the island looked at the man standing on the deck, and their bodies trembled inadvertently a few times, so that none of the female warriors dared to open their bows and arrows, for fear of annoying the man.

There is no doubt that these days the newspapers of the sea, the female warriors of Hydra Island have read it, and they have also learned about the terrible nature of the sea ancestor Luo Lei, and they do not dare to act rashly at all.

In fact, if you look closely, you can also find that the bodies of many female warriors are trembling slightly.

“Let me go….”

Soon, accompanied by an arrogant voice, Han Cook led a group of people from behind the crowd to come over,

“Lord Lore, please go ashore and rest!!”

At this time, Grandma Qi seemed to think of something, and she looked happy, and she wanted to cross Han Cook and go to ask Lore for peace.

“Who let you cross the House of Sorrows?”

Han Cook, who was already in a bad mood, grabbed Grandma Kuo fiercely, and with a strong flick, he threw Grandma out and smashed her on the ground not far away.

“Snakes… Lord Snake-Hime!! ”

Seeing this scene, those guards and female warriors on the dock were all shocked into a cold sweat, in front of the ancestors of the sea, such nonsense, Lord Snake Ji was really unscrupulous.

“You’re Lore?”

Han Cook didn’t care that much, and said proudly: “You are not welcome on the island, please come back!” ”

“Han Cook, don’t go too far.”

“Be bold!!”

Before the words fell, Ember and Morgons could not bear it anymore and each of them scolded.

“No matter how excessive, the mourning family will definitely be forgiven.”

Han Cook showed a confident expression, and his silver teeth clenched: “Because the Ichigoku family is so beautiful!” ”

Speaking of Han Cook, he also glanced at Lore, however, to Han Cook’s disappointment, both Ember and Morguns, the albatross, had some changes in their eyes. All the while, Luo Lei’s eyes did not change, and it seemed that there was still a crimson glare flashing.

How can it be?

Can it be that his charm has no effect?

Seeing Lore’s expressionless face, Han Cook doubted his charm for the first time.

“Even if I am obsessed with the mourning family, I don’t have to hide, I am very generous.”

Han Cook smiled, his hands posed in love, and gracefully released a void pale pink love-type light at Luo Lei.

A slight explosion sounded, and the love-type light hit Luo Lei’s body, as if it had been rebounded, and disappeared in an instant!!

“Is this what you are capable of?”

The corners of Luo Lei’s mouth cocked slightly, and he said indifferently, “It doesn’t feel good either?” ”

All right!

With today’s physical quality and spiritual strength, the special ability of the female emperor has no effect at all, and when she encounters the body, she will be forcibly excluded by the self-protection of the body.

“You… How can you be? ”

Seeing that Lore’s body rebounded from his ability, Han Cook was surprised and could not speak,

“Have you played enough?”

Luo Lei revealed a violent smile and said lightly.

“The Mourning Family…..”

Seeing that Loree did not react, the arrogant Han Cook wanted to say something again, but found that Lore disappeared,

“How fast?”

Han Cook was trying to perceive it with his sight and smell, but found that it was too late. Syllable!!

A crisp sound sounded, and a red palm print appeared on the left cheek of the female emperor,

“I was beaten?”

Sensing the pain on her cheeks, Han Cook was stunned, she never dreamed that this Luo Lei would ignore her beauty and hit her directly, completely out of the ordinary!


Another crisp sound sounded, and a red palm print appeared on Han Cook’s right cheek.

“How is that possible? The Mourning Family…”


Han Cook was really angry, and was slapped twice by someone, she really couldn’t stand it.

“Han Cook, do you want to die?”

Just as Han Cook wanted to move, Lorelei appeared in front of her as if out of thin air, grabbed her by the neck with his right hand and lifted her up.

Egg, what’s up?

Lao Tzu is a sea ancestor who can do whatever he wants, and still pretends? Originally, Luo Lei just stopped by the Hydra Island to play, and now he really wants to play without a reason….

“Cough cough… Cough…..”

Sensing that his throat was imprisoned, Han Cook kept struggling, but found that he could not break free at all, and more importantly, she actually felt the killing intention in Luo Lei, as if he was going to kill her.

How can it be?

Is it possible that the ancestors of the sea in front of you don’t like women?

And seeing this scene, the entire Nine Snake Island fell into absolute silence, those guards and female warriors on the dock looked sluggish, and their cheeks flashed with disbelief, what kind of situation, Lord Han Cook was actually ignored by the worldly beauty, first slapped twice, and then grabbed the neck, this is the meaning of destroying the flowers?

Or is it that the legendary sea ancestor Luo Lei is not a man? Even Ember and Morgoons had this question in their hearts. However, after a few seconds, everyone did not have this doubt, because, in full view of everyone, Rory grabbed Hancock’s neck, lifted her up, and walked into the cabin.

Block? No one dares!

I could only watch,– and three hours later, Loremez came out of a room in the cabin.


Han Cook in the room couldn’t help but shiver, remembering some scenes in his mind, two lines of clear tears on his cheeks with bright red palm prints flowing silently, the man, is a super pervert.

[PS: kneeling for tips, collections, flowers and evaluations, cuteness, tears kneeling for tips… Kneel and beg you to read the boss, kneel and beg you to read the boss. 】。

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