Chapter Sixty: The Nine Snakes Island Has Turned Over, Blackbeard, Navy, Reilly [Ichigo Tears Kneeling for Subscription].

“You don’t want Hydra Island to disappear into the sea completely, do you?”

Suddenly, Luo Lei, who had already walked out of the room, seemed to think of something, and said lightly,


Listening to these words, Han Cook, who was still in tears, trembled and looked at Lore’s gaze, which was full of fear and incredulity. Is this still a man?

Or is it?

What a demon, a pervert, a madman, who not only ignored her beauty and will, beat her, rolled her, but now threatened her? This puts her… When what? Is it a public toilet?

For a moment, the weak and poor and helpless Han Cook struck again,


In the next instant, as if he was no longer suppressing his inner feelings, Han Cook burst into tears.

Never, she had never been insulted like this, and today she had seen it all, and at the same time she understood that the Ancestors of the Sea were especially a pervert who did things according to his own preferences and did whatever he wanted with strength.


Without looking at the weeping heartbroken Han Cook, Lorelei walked out of the room without looking back.

This Han Cook, who had never experienced a stick at first glance, no, was a social beating, and Roley just wanted to tell her that beauty and charm were really worthless in the face of the truly strong.

“Ding!! Congratulations to the host, congratulations to the host, unfettered completion of a single do what you want, the system deliberately rewards two percent of the experience. ”

“Ding!! I hope that the host will continue to work hard, follow the heart, be unscrupulous, and do whatever you want. ”

The next moment, just as Lori walked out of the room, the belated prompt of the system sounded in his head.

“Can this still be so?”

Luo Lei’s body froze, revealing a surprised expression, he also thought that only the energy of the Demon Fruit could accelerate the unlocking of the template of the peak motherland? Now that Han Cook, who does not know the big king and the little king, has been sanctioned, the system has rewarded two percent of the experience, which is really a bonus.


Sensing his stronger body, Luo Lei stretched out his waist and walked away without looking back.


Originally seeing Luo Lei’s body pause, Han Cook had some vague expectations in his heart, and thought that Luo Lei’s conscience had found out, but he found that it was completely his own wishful thinking, and what could she expect from the sea ancestors who were like demons under the mortals.

Let’s cry!! Meanwhile, on the docks of Hydra Island; Seeing the female emperor Han Cook being abducted into the cabin by the sea ancestor Luo Lei, whether it was the guards and female warriors on the dock, or Morgons and Embers were all relieved, and they all felt that they had earned more…

The atmosphere of the front is because the charm of the female emperor still plays a great role in the critical moment, otherwise, they are afraid that the female emperor will be killed mercilessly; The sigh of relief in the back is because Lord Luo Lei is indeed a real man, with a normal sexual orientation, and he still does things as usual without dragging mud and water.

“Hahaha, success, I fulfilled the promise I made forty years ago.”

Grandma Qi got up from the ground in the distance, an old face full of joy, and her excited hands danced. Sure enough, the female emperor Han Cook did not disappoint her, and in another way, won the interest of the sea ancestor Luo Lei, how could she not have thought of it at first? I knew that the ancestors liked this kind of tune, can I?

However, Han Cook succeeded, then it is not too late, as long as the news is announced, I believe that the navy and pirates will not open their eyes.

From now on, as long as the sea ancestor Luo Lei is still there, the sky of the Nine Snakes Island will never collapse.

As soon as he thought about it, it was as if the mother-in-law was ten years younger, and he did not hold Luo Lei’s thigh more than forty years ago, which made him regret it to this day, and now that he has hugged it, it is definitely a thing worth celebrating.

As for the arrogant and wayward female emperor, Grandma Mi believes that over time, she will understand everything she has done. If you can’t beat it, send yourself out, really fragrant, absolutely no problem!

What’s more, there was an intuition in the heart of Grandma Zhao, that is, the sea ancestors after this resurrection seemed to be more unscrupulous and stronger, and if they went on like this, they would definitely be able to defeat the hidden boss of the world government, Im.

“What are you doing, ready to open the table?”

After a few minutes, Grandma Qi waved her crutch in her hand with excitement on her face, and said, “From now on, our Nine Snake Island will have the strength to stand on the sea, and we will no longer have to fear any pirates and the navy.” ”


“We’re going to prepare a wine feast…..”

“Such a historic moment, we want to celebrate it well.”


Hearing these words, the guards and female warriors on the dock were suddenly an excited spirit, and Lord Han Cook attracted the attention of Lord Luo Lei in his own unique way, such a heroic act of sacrificing himself to achieve Hydra Island, and they were full of admiration in addition to being moved.

It’s time… Celebrate the new birth of Hydra Island!!

“Have a drink?”

Looking at the Nine Snake Island where the wine banquet had begun, Ember turned back to his senses and sighed: “Lord Luo Lei’s doing things is becoming more and more perverted and overbearing, too addictive.” ”

“Very positive?”

Morgoons said matter-of-factly, “If I also have the powerful power of Lord Lore, I am afraid that I will not be more perverted and violent than Lord Lore.” ”

“That’s right….”

Ember thought for a moment and nodded in agreement.

For example, if an ordinary person has superhuman strength, ninety-nine percent of them will be unscrupulous, right? If you have the strength to do whatever you want, and cower and shrink when you do things, then you have a brain problem.

“Go, drink!”


Ember and Morgons glanced at each other, and they could see the smile in each other’s eyes, just as Grandma Blair felt, only Lord Lorelei was there, and they were not panicked at all.

Sea Ancestor YYDS….. So, under such circumstances, when Lorre walked out of the cabin three hours later, he saw the Hydra Island where the banquet was being held, and many female warriors and guards began to drink happily, including Ember and Morguns.

“Lord Rowley…”

At this time, seeing Luo Lei, who had come out refreshed, the mother-in-law who had been waiting on the deck had a bright eye, hurried a few steps forward, and carefully said: “The guardian spirit you gave to the Nine Snake Island has not appeared for more than twenty years.” ”

“It’s all right.”

Luo Lei said without any concern, “That wooden dragon is just that Chakra has been consumed, and I will send you ten more from Nine Snake Island.” ”


Grandma Gu sighed for a moment, and seemed to have some disbelief.

More than forty years ago, Lord Luo Lei left a huge wooden dragon with a long hooked nose and thorns all over the body on Hydra Island, and after Lord Luo Lei’s fall, he also blessed Hydra Island for more than twenty years.

One is so cool, now Lord Luo Lei wants to send a dozen of the Nine Snake Island at a time, that female emperor, no, is the Nine Snake Island not a one-time cool to heaven?

“The Art of the Wooden Dragon!”

“The Art of Wooden People!”

With a terrifying wave of cha-ton-la, Lore’s hands just gently tapped, Hum!!

Without any warning, the five wooden dragons suddenly circled out and hovered over the Nine Snake Island, and then, the five towering trees on the Nine Snake Island grew rapidly, transforming into five super giant wooden people.



After the appearance of the wooden man and the wooden dragon, all of them screamed in the sky, and an extremely majestic shock wave erupted, sweeping out in all directions, shaking this sea.

Under this momentum shock wave, the clouds above Hydra Island were scattered, and there was a piercing cracking sound in the air, there was no doubt that this was the domineering spirit of the overlord, all right!

For today’s sea, the domineering color of the overlord is actually not very rare, but… This overlord color domineering spirit erupted from the five wooden dragons and wooden people, and in a flash, the Hydra Island, which was still holding a wine feast, fell into silence, and between heaven and earth, there was a silence.

Fortunately, this overlord color domineering spirit came and went faster, and it disappeared in less than three seconds.

As soon as the tail of the five wooden dragons flung and circled in the sky a few times, they wrapped around a large mountain on the Nine Snakes Island, and the five wooden people were even more straightforward, standing in place with their eyes closed.

“This is…..?”

“It seems to be the patron saint of Hydra Island!”

“Didn’t the patron saint not appear for more than twenty years, how did ten suddenly appear?”

“Surely Lord Lorelei has appeared?”

After the wooden man and the wooden dragon fell into a dormant state, the female warriors and guards of Hydra Island were filled with shock and horror in their eyes, and even forgot to drink the wine, especially Han Cook’s two sisters, their eyes were even wider.

Just kidding, the rumored reappearance of the patron saint of Hydra Island also broke out into the domineering spirit of the Overlord, which is also too terrible, right?

“Am I not mistaken?”


Originally drinking Morgoons and embers looked incredulous, people are more than people, angry people, wooden people and wooden dragons can burst overlord color domineering, is there any mistake?

Of course, when you think of Lord Lore, Ember and Morgoons are also relieved, others can’t do it, doesn’t mean that Lord Lorey can’t do it.

“Too… Too…..”

The mother-in-law standing in front of Luo Lei was already horrified and unable to speak, opened her mouth, wanted to say something, but found that her heart was in extreme excitement and excitement, and she could not speak at all.

Happiness really came too suddenly, at this time, the mother-in-law, only hated herself for not being a female emperor, otherwise, it would certainly not be a problem to get ten guardian spirits for the Nine Snake Island.

“How can that be?”

“Can the patron saint of Hydra Island also be mass-produced?”

At this time, in fact, not only them, but even Han Cook, who was crying in the room, was stunned, she did not see, but she felt the domineering spirit, and the pretty face of the tearful rain pear blossom was full of shocked expressions.

Immediately afterward, Han Cook fell into a powerless silence, she knew very well that that demonic man, must still eat her, the ten guardian spirits of Hydra Island, how long would this have to serve that demon?

··· Ask for flowers…

For a moment, Han Cook felt that his life was dark. At the same moment, in a sea near the Chambord Islands, a pirate ship flying the flag of the Blackbeard Pirate Regiment was moving at great speed towards the windless zone where Hydra Island was located.

“Black Beard.”

Son and Boss, in less than a day, you will be able to reach Hydra Island.

On the deck, Catlin Demi, who wore a strange costume with heavy makeup, said with a smile: “That female emperor is evaluated by the world as the “world’s first beauty” I don’t know if the blackbearded boss will pity Xiang Xiangyu? ”


“The black-bearded boss will definitely pity Xiang Xiangyu.”

“What a bullshit female emperor, in front of our black-bearded boss, is just garbage.”

“This time we will leave the pieces of armor killed on Hydra Island and dedicate this female emperor to the Blackbeard Boss.”


After these words, the pirates of the Blackbeard Pirate Regiment on the deck showed a violent expression, and even more so, the cheeks had continued to squint, and they had long heard that the Nine Snake Island was full of female warriors, and they just went to see the pleasure.

“Pity Xiang Xi Yu?”

Blackbeard showed a cruel expression and picked up the wine altar and drank.

The woman was just a stumbling block on his way to success, and this time he went to Hydra Island just to get the sweet fruit of the female emperor, as long as he could achieve his goal, all the people on the ship could be sacrificed.

As soon as the sweet fruit arrived, he was the first three-fruit capable person of the sea, which would surely shock the sea and make the major forces frightened and afraid.

“Wait a minute…”

“How can there be a feeling of facing the peak white-bearded old dog in the first place?”

Suddenly, there was a faint sense of foreboding in Blackbeard’s heart, a feeling that had not been seen since he had announced to the world that it would henceforth be the era of Blackbeard, but now it had appeared.

“Maybe I haven’t rested in the recent period!”

It didn’t take long for Blackbeard to smile disapprovingly and not think much about it.

These days, the resurrection of the ancestors of the sea, and the boss of the world government, Im, destroyed the country in the air, which also shocked him, on the surface he did not think so, but in his heart he felt Alexander, which is why he was so eager to get the sweet fruit.

… Chambord Islands, within the Peony Knockout Bar;

“Alas, is the message accurate?”

Pluto Reilly took a sip of his wine glass and sighed helplessly, “Did the Navy really send Doberman to lead the Navy to Hydra Island?” ”

“Yes, the intelligence is true.”

Hearing this, Xia Qi said solemnly, “According to the intelligence, the naval headquarters originally wanted Kirby and the Fire Mountain to lead the team, but… Due to the recent situation at sea, Akaino personally appointed Dauberman, who had been promoted to the Naval Headquarters’ Substitute General, to take the shot. ”

“Dauberman is a naval hawk and a descendant of the Red Dog, and this time Hydra Island has some difficulties.”

Reilly shook his head and sighed, “With the resurrection of the ancestors of the sea more than forty years ago, the sea seems to have become somewhat strange.” ”

“Who would have thought he would be resurrected? Then there’s the exposed Im. ”

Xia Qi said slightly bitterly: “In fact, until the World News Agency exposed Im, I didn’t know why the world government could rule the sea for more than eight hundred years, and I also knew why the blank one hundred years of history would be erased.” ”

“Now I’m worried about Luffy.”

Reilly rubbed his head and said in a heavy tone, “Awakening to the Fruit of Peace, Esper Species, and Nika Form to defeat the Hundred Beasts Kaido is something I expected, but… The resurrection of Lorelei was something I hadn’t expected. ”

“At this stage, Luffy will definitely not be able to beat Lore, unless Joey Poey..”

The words are not finished,

“Purr, Purr….”

Xia Qi’s body suddenly rang the voice of a telephone bug,


After Xia Qi picked up the phone and the worm connected, an urgent voice rang.

“No, we stumbled upon Blackbeard’s pirate ship in a sea near the Chambord Islands, heading in the direction of Hydra Island.”

“What, Blackbeard is going to Hydra Island too?”


Perhaps too surprised, Xia Qimeng stood up from his chair, “Yes…”

“Well, evacuate for the time being, don’t be spotted by Blackbeard.”

“Got it….”

“Purr, Purr….”

With the sound of the phone worm hanging up, Xia Qi’s face was very ugly, and she subconsciously looked at Reilly,

“Let’s go!”

As an old partner for many years, Reilly of course knew what Xia Qi wanted to do, and did not hesitate to get up.


Xia Qi shook her fist and nodded coldly.

As the previous emperor of Amazon Lily and the former captain of the Nine Snakes Pirates, she still couldn’t put her mind to it after all.

[PS: kneeling for tips, collections, flowers and evaluations, cuteness, tears kneeling for tips… Kneel and beg you to read the boss, kneel and beg you to read the boss. Beg].

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