Chapter Eighty-Nine: The Sense of Fear Dominated by the Ancestors of the Sea [Three More Kneeling Requests].

“Hahaha, win!”

“After all, our Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment laughed to the end.”

“Lord Kaido, rest in peace!” Lord Lorei has avenged you with snow and hatred. ”


With the rise of the lanterns, the ruined capital of flowers seemed to have returned to its former prosperity and liveliness, and many pirates of the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment were not only happy, but also had a tear in their eyes, and even more they had begun to kneel on the ground and began to miss Lord Kaido.

Originally, the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment was defeated by the coalition of the Straw Hat Pirate Regiment, and Boss Kaido also fell into the underground magma, and now it is good, after the resurrection of Lord Luo Lei, the ancestor of the sea, he has taken back all that he has lost.

“Forget it, I’ll surprise you later!”

Listening to these voices, Ember hesitated, but finally did not say that even if Lord Kaido died, Lord Lorelei could be resurrected.

“Big news, tomorrow the sea will shake again.”

Morgons had already put away the video recorder in his hand, and he was going to rush to the manuscript immediately to spread everything that had happened in the country of Hezhi.

After all, now the country of Wano is being watched by the whole sea, and once his time slows down, other newspapers may seize the first 183 machine and take the lead in releasing news.

“The concubine is indeed not mistaken, Lord Luo Lei is really too strong.”

Han Cook’s pretty face showed a look of amazement, although she had already seen the picture of Blackbeard, one of the four emperors, killed in battle, but when she saw the red-haired Shanks, one of the four emperors, she could not help but be shocked.

Killing the four emperors is like killing a dog, maybe only Lord Luo Lei?

“It’s all over, it’s a defeat.”

In the distance, Lei Zang, Inuyasha, Hesong, Ah Nin, and Cat Viper, who had collapsed on the ground and had already confessed their fate, were depressed and did not want to resist anything, and there was a sense that it didn’t matter if they wanted to kill or kill.

They have dedicated most of their lives to the Guangyue clan, and now they are back to the pre-liberation period.

There was nothing left, Hikari Suki burned to death, Mitsuki Momosuke died, everything was meaningless, the only time to reassure the cat pit viper and Inuyasha, Galot had already moved out of the country of peace with the furry principality.

“Is the Hundred Beasts Pirates going to rule the Kingdom of Peace again?”

Yamato trembled and climbed up on the ground, without caring about his bloody cheeks, and looked at the fluttering flower lanterns in the sky in such a daze.

A familiar scene, but not a familiar person, maybe she is really wrong!

“After all, it is a failure…”

Hikari Nichiwa also gave up resistance, squatting on the ground with his hands on his knees trembling, and the tears in his eyes flowed out irrepressibly.

Her grandfather actually dedicated him to the ancestors of the sea? Think about it, there are some sadness and ridiculousness in the light moon and day, I have done so many things for the light and moon family, but I ended up with such a general ending!

That’s it!!

“This is just the beginning?”

Listening to these voices, Luo Lei’s eyes flashed a hint of cruelty, and he muttered to himself: “World government, navy, straw hat pirate regiment, revolutionary army, cross union, green pheasant pirate regiment…”

“I’m going to make you go completely crazy.”

At the same moment, under the eyes of all the major forces in the sea, what happened in the country of peace could not be concealed at all, when Luo Lei killed the elephant lord, leaving only a pictographic skeleton of tens of thousands of meters high, many people in the sea near the country of peace were frightened, when one of the four emperors, the red-haired Shanks broke out of the overlord color domineering, many forces knew that the man with the strongest domineering spirit was red-haired Shanks somehow also participated in the battle of the country of Hezhi.

Of course, due to the reason that the distance is too far, many people in the sea near the country of Wano only know that Shanks’s overlord color domineering spirit and swordplay have failed, but they do not know what happened; Therefore, that afternoon, the newspapers of the World News Agency, once sold, were snatched up.

So much so that what happened in the country of peace spread throughout the sea in an instant.

【Shocked! The elephant lord who had lived for thousands of years was exploded alive, leaving only a 10,000-meter-high elephant-shaped skeleton! 】

【Horror! The man with the strongest overlord color domineering spirit turned out to be the sea ancestor Luo Lei! 】

【Terrible! The red-haired Shanks, one of the Four Emperors, was crushed… 】

【Desperate! There must be a cause and a result, the Hikari clan was crushed madly, and General Momonosuke was headshot. 】

【··· When these news spread to the entire sea, even some people who had been shocked by the ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei, were still in turmoil in their hearts, and they could not calm down at all.

It was to be expected that the Sea Ancestors swept through the Hikari Moon clan of the Land of Peace, after all, the Straw Hat Pirates had not spoken out yet, but… The elephant lord who had lived for thousands of years was exploded alive, and even the red-haired Shanks, one of the four emperors, was dead, and if you think about it, there were still some scalp tingling.

“Who can stop the Sea Ancestor Luo Lei?”

“With the strongest overlord color domineering spirit that is even more powerful than Shanks, how strong is the strength of the Sea Ancestors?”

“The world government, the navy, the straw hat pirates, the cross union, the pheasant pirate regiment, the revolutionary army, and other major forces have not yet reacted, so are they going to let the ancestors of the sea do whatever they want?”

With a series of shocking sounds, on the sea, many people after reading the newspaper, their eyes could not help but appear afraid and worried.

Today’s sea ancestor Luo Lei, it seems that no one is invincible, even the hidden boss of the world government – Im, after a move to destroy a country, it seems to be dumbfounded.

If this continues, Luo Lei, the ancestor of the sea, is afraid that he will not become the ancestor who truly stands above the major forces.

More importantly, the personality of Luo Lei, the ancestor of the sea, is too unscrupulous, doing whatever he wants, so that everyone has an illusion that the whole world is like the ancestor of the sea.

It was also on this day that the whole sea once again experienced the fear of being dominated by the ancestors of the sea more than forty years ago.

[PS: kneeling for tips, collections, flowers and evaluations, cuteness, tears kneeling for tips… Kneel and beg you to read the boss, kneel and beg you to read the boss. 】。

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