Chapter Ninety: Im: The Bullet Has Almost Flown [Four More Kneeling Subscriptions].

Holy Land Mary Joyce; Inside a mighty and domineering castle of the world government, at this time, the five old stars were standing or sitting, looking at the newspapers in their hands with heavy faces.

They knew that something big had happened in the Kingdom of Lore’s return to He, but they did not expect that the elephant lord who had lived for thousands of years had actually been blown alive by Luo Lei’s flesh, and the flesh and blood were scattered into rain and scattered throughout the country of peace, and what was even more incredible was that the red-haired Shanks did not know what was going on, and actually went to the country of peace and was killed by the ancestors of the sea.

“Why did the red-haired Shanks go to the Land of Peace?”

“The Overlord color domineering spirit was crushed, and the swordplay did not break Luo Lei’s defense, so he was afraid that he did not take the initiative to send him to death, right?”

“Damn, the red-haired Shanks wouldn’t be trying to save the Light Moon Clan of the Land of Peace, would he?”

“Hmm… Do you still need to say it? The Straw Hat Pirates are now trapped in the future country of Egg Tip Island, and the red-haired Shanks certainly does not want to watch the country of peace suffer, so he wants to fight with the Sea Ancestors, but he does not think that the Sea Ancestors are too strong, resulting in stealing chickens and not eroding rice. ”

“Shit’s faith and pursuit, red-haired Shanks is really naïve, and now that he’s dead it’s worthless…”


The five five old stars made their voices one by one, and the words were full of disdain and displeasure for the red-haired Shanks, and even worse, they had already snorted coldly and scolded angrily.

Just kidding, they had a secret cooperation with the red-haired Shanks, and now that the red-haired Shanks is dead, many things that cooperate must not be honored, and can only end without a problem.

There is also the fact that the identity of the red-haired Shanks is very special, it was Lord Im who personally placed it on the island of Kamiya, and now it is good, the red-haired Shanks does not know what madness has occurred, and he takes the initiative to go to the country of peace for the Straw Hat Pirate Regiment to die.

Now how do they explain it to Lord Im? All right!

In fact, for the true identity of the red-haired Shanks, the five old stars are not very clear, but… But knowing that the existence of red-haired Shanks must be of great use to feel bad?

This caused the five old stars who were already watching the drama to have a headache.

Eating melons can eat their own body, but also extremely unlucky, the only thing that makes the five old stars happy is that as the sea ancestors become more and more unscrupulous, do whatever they want, unscrupulously, the sea has begun to have the sea ancestors threat theory.

Can they all anticipate what will happen next?

Feeling the fear of being dominated by the Sea Ancestor will invisibly make the Sea Ancestor Luo Lei the target of everyone, and this is also what happened to the Sea more than forty years ago.

“You say Lord Im won’t be waiting for this moment, right?”

After a few seconds, the bald five old stars’ eyes lit up and he said in a surprising voice, “When the major forces feel the fear of being dominated by the ancestors, our world government may have a multiplier effect with half the effort.” ”


The blonde five old stars suddenly exclaimed,

“Wasn’t that how we were more than forty years ago, and we were able to smoothly unite all forces to strangle the ancestors of the sea?” By the way, it also destroyed Locks, which can be described as killing three birds with one stone. ”


The five old stars of the eight-character beard sighed and said, “Is Lord Im really tall?” ”

“Lord Im’s plan is really not something we can guess, it is too far-sighted, we just don’t know if Lord Im will repeat the trick this time.”

The fifth-oldest star with the highest status among the five old stars nodded thoughtfully and said pointedly, “No matter what, we can be ready.” ”

“Red-haired Shanks is really a crap thing…”

Suddenly, at this moment, accompanied by an indifferent voice, the space fluctuated, and Im, with red pupils, wearing a crown with four towering spikes, and wearing a black cloak, appeared in the office of the Five Old Stars.

Originally, all the plans were in her expectations, but she did not expect that the red-haired Shanks, a chess piece, would take the initiative to participate in the affairs of the country of peace, and now it was good, and it was killed by Luo Lei without hesitation, and the use value was suddenly gone.

“The domineering color of the overlord seems to be more powerful than more than forty years ago, and it is definitely not as simple as the overlord color.”

A glint of doubt flashed in Im’s eyes, compared with more than forty years ago, the current Luo Lei had changed so much, so that she had not yet figured out Luo Lei’s true strength.

“There are too many secrets in that man…”

I really can’t figure it out, and Im doesn’t bother to think about it, as long as she can defeat Lorelei and take her captive, everything will be solved, including the resurrection method she dreamed of knowing, why her eyes can shoot hot rays, why Mu Yu is so perverted, and so on…

··· Ask for flowers…

“Lord Im?”

In the face of the haunted Lord Im, the five five old stars were stunned at first, and then they did not hesitate much, and they simply knelt on the ground.

“Now that the bullets have almost flown in, you let the navy and the CPO prepare for it, and I will make a big move right away.”

Im ordered in an indifferent tone.


“Are you going to do it?”

“Okay, we get it.”

Before the words fell, a wisp of excitement appeared on the cheeks of the five old stars, and after enduring it for so long, they could finally bear it anymore, this feeling was really too comfortable.

“Lord Five Old Stars, for the sake of being foolproof, can we do it this time?”

The bald five old stars seemed to think of something, and asked with some anticipation.


Im nodded expressionlessly, “Luo Lei’s strength is becoming more and more terrifying, and the five of you are also ready to strike.” ”

“Got it!!”

The five five old stars hurriedly shook their fists, they who had not moved for hundreds of years, finally had the opportunity to do it, and next, they would also let the whole sea know the terrible strength of their five old stars.

“By the way, Bergapunk can get rid of it.”

The next moment, Im said casually,

“Blazing Angel’s technology has matured, and her use value has disappeared.”


The five old stars all showed a cold color, the production method of the blazing angel The world government has mastered, in order to ensure that the technology is not leaked, you can only kill Bergapunk, the only thing that is a little troublesome is that Bergapunk seems to have six doppelgangers, maybe more than that, you need to let CP0 plan it well.

“Okay… That’s it for first. ”

Laugh at!!

With a spatial fluctuation, Im disappeared into the office.

“It’s time to get started…”


After Im was gone, the five old stars all stood up and looked at each other and could see the smile in their eyes.

Next, it will enter the performance time of the world government.

[PS: kneeling for tips, collections, flowers and evaluations, cuteness, tears kneeling for tips… Kneel and beg you to read the boss, kneel and beg you to read the boss.?].

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