Chapter 101: Witnessing the Miracle [Five More Kneeling Requests for Subscription].

At this time, around the square, the embers of the Hundred Beast Pirates, Quinn, Jack, Foz Feuer, Black Maria and others had already taken their seats,

Charlotte Perot, Charlotte Katakuri, and others of the BIGMOM Pirates also found a place to stand excitedly.

No way, after arriving in the Kingdom of Wano, Ember told them the good news that Lord Luo Lei, the ancestor of the sea, was going to perform a kind of ninjutsu to resurrect Lord Kaido and Charlotte Lingling.

Hearing the news, Charlotte Perot, Charlotte Katakuri, and other cadres of the BIGMOM Pirate Regiment first shook their heads and then wanted to cry with excitement and joy.

This time, they gambled everything, but they did not expect that when they first arrived in the country of peace, they would receive good news, and their mother Charlotte Lingling was about to be resurrected. What surprised the cadres of the BIGMOM Pirate Regiment even more was that the embers also prepared some of the flesh and blood left by the elephant lord for them to take, which made the cadres of the BIGMOM Pirate Regiment suffer injuries, and the recovery speed was accelerated, and the spirit was also greatly improved.

Of course, in addition to the cadres of the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment, the cadres of the BIGMOM Pirate Regiment, there are also Morguns, Han Cook, Hikari Hikazuki, and Daitaka Yamato!!

“Can you really resurrect the dead?”

“We have to believe Lord Lore, don’t you see that Embers, Quinn, Jack, and others are full of confidence?”

“Once the mother is really resurrected, the BIGMOM Pirate Regiment will only be the ancestor of the sea, Lord Luo Lei, from now on.”

It seems that after waiting for some time, some cadres of the BIGMOM Pirate Regiment can’t help but whisper, and in addition to the color of expectation, there is a nervous worry.

“If you can really resurrect the dead, then Lord Lore, you are really powerful.”

Han Cook put his hands on his chest and couldn’t help but sigh.

However, as if thinking of something, Han Cook’s beautiful eyes seemed to have water light flashing;

“Can you really resurrect the dead?”

Hikari took a deep breath and suppressed the throbbing in her heart, she had already decided that if Lord Luo Lei really resurrected Kaido and Charlotte Lingling, then she would show her own skills as the first flower queen of the Wano Kingdom.

“Father Kaido, if you are resurrected, will you beat me?”

Yamato stood stunned in place, these days, her mind flashed a lot of scenes of life with Kaido’s father, unconsciously, the Mitsuki Mita in her mind had disappeared, and the influence of Ace and Wang Lufei on her had also decreased a lot.

So much so that she saw the Straw Hat Pirate Regiment coming from Eggtip Island to the Land of Peace with great momentum, and her heart only set off a little wave and disappeared.

Is it useful to come and go to the country now? Eating can’t catch up with the heat… Swish!!

At this moment, a cracking sound sounded and Lore appeared in the center of the square! Quiet!!

Suddenly, the scene returned to a death-like silence, as if even a needle could be heard falling on the ground.


Luo Lei did not hesitate much and took a deep breath.

If there is no systematic help, he is still worried, and now, he will not worry at all, waiting to witness the miracle and it will be finished.


In the next instant, accompanied by a terrifying wave of immortal chakra waves, Luo Lei’s cheeks appeared immortal faces, and his hands made rare seals, and the improved version of the dirt rebirth was completed by him.

Laugh at! Laugh at!! Without any warning, a slight spatial fluctuation occurred, and the two coffins were summoned from a black hole and placed upright on the ground.

One of the coffins is marked with “Hundred Beasts” and the other is marked “BIGMOM”, which is obviously a hundred beasts Kaido, and the other is Charlotte Lingling.

“This is Boss Kaido’s coffin?”

“Wrong, isn’t Boss Kaido dead?”

“Mother’s coffin appeared, could it be that the coffin is Mom’s body?”

“This… Is this a miracle? ”


With the appearance of the two coffins, the originally quiet scene quickly sounded an uproar, and even more could not help but rub their eyes, afraid that they would see their eyes…

Yes… No matter how they were kneaded, the names on the two coffins seemed to be the Hundred Beasts Kaido and Charlotte Lingling.


At this time, Luo Lei took a look at the coffin and gave a deep command.

“Bang bang bang…”

With two crisp sounds, the coffin lids of the two coffins, opened in unison, fell to the ground, and inside the coffin, there were two corpses with cracks in their bodies and emitting a thick dead breath.

If you look closely, isn’t this the dead Hundred Beasts Kaido and Charlotte Lingling?


A few seconds later, one of the corpses opened its eyes somewhat dazedly, as if it had not yet reacted to what was going on.

If I remember correctly, wasn’t he knocked into the underground magma by Wang Lufei and died without a body? How can I still open my eyes now, so much familiar breath?

“Kaido, have we been resurrected?”

Another corpse came out of the coffin and said incredulously, “Mo Fei… Did Lord Moferore really resurrect us? ”

“Wait a minute…”

“Isn’t that breath the breath of Lord Luo Lei?”

After hearing these words, the Hundred Beasts Kaido immediately became a spirit, and in an instant he knew what was going on, it must be that the ember went to the West Sea to resurrect Lord Luo Lei, and now that Luo Lei’s King’s Landing and the Kingdom of Peace had resurrected him and Charlotte 5.7 Ling Ling.

“Lord Loree…..”

“Lord Lore….”

Almost without any hesitation, in full view of everyone, Kaido and Charlotte Lingling, who had just been resurrected, completely disregarded the image and face, looked at Luo Lei standing in the center, looked excited, and knelt in front of Luo Lei, making a sad voice.

It’s just that the voice is sad and the crying is obvious, but… Neither the Hundred Beasts Kaido nor Charlotte Lingling saw tears fall on their cheeks, and all of a sudden, the two froze in place, how could there be no tears? How embarrassing it is to be embarrassed for a while.

[PS: kneeling for tips, collections, flowers and evaluations, cuteness, tears kneeling for tips… Kneel and beg you to read the boss, kneel and beg you to read the boss. 】。

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