Chapter 102: The Desperate Sengoku, Karp, Blackbeard, Redhead [One More Kneeling Asking for Subscription].

Kaido and Charlotte Lingling had some embarrassment, originally wanted to express their inner excitement and excitement after resurrection, but found that there seemed to be something strange about their resurrected bodies; However, just when the two were embarrassed there,

The cadres of the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment and the BIGMOM Pirate Regiment had already shown a frightened expression to the extreme, and there was only one thought in their minds, that is, resurrection, Sleeper, Lord Luo Lei really resurrected Boss Kaido and Charlotte Lingling….. Shock!!

Extremely shocking!!

Even if you have been mentally prepared for a long time, but… When you really see Kaido and Charlotte Lingling standing on the square alive, everyone is still shocked! A second…

Two seconds….. Three seconds…

With the gradual passage of time, until he saw the Hundred Beasts Kaido and Charlotte Lingling kneeling in front of Lord Luo Lei, the shocked people gradually woke up like a dream.



Embers, Quinn, Jack, Charlotte Perot, Charlotte Katakuri, and others could hardly help but let out exclamations, and then countless exclamations converged and directly shook the entire Flower City.

“Really resurrected…..”

Morgons, Han Cook, Hikari Hikari, Yamato and the others were also almost wide-eyed, with expressions of disbelief flashing on their cheeks, no way, even now, they looked at the living Kaido and Charlotte Lingling, and their hearts also had an unreal feeling.

“Something doesn’t seem right with our bodies?”

“It seems that there is no food sickness, and the new body is really great except that there is no temperature…”

“It seems that with unlimited armed color domineering and overlord color domineering, strength, it seems to be not much different from our peak period.”

“If there is no mistake in perception, our new body is no longer flesh and blood, and it feels like it is in a state of immortality.”

“The Demon Fruit Energy of the Fish Fruit • Esper Species and Green Dragon Form is still there…”


In the field, as the emperor who once came to the sea, the hundred beasts Kaido and Charlotte Lingling, after discovering that they had no tears, they sensed the body after resurrection, as a result, they did not perceive it, a perception was frightened, it turned out that their bodies were no longer flesh and blood, as if they were composed of countless dust, not to mention tears, even blood, urine, bones, etc. were gone.

“Don’t kneel down.”

At this time, Luo Lei looked at Kaido and Charlotte Lingling, smiled and said, “In a sense, you have an immortal body, and you should be able to exert the power of the peak period.” ”

All right!

The advantages and disadvantages of the system-optimized dirt rebirth and the Naruto version of the dirt rebirth are similar, plus he used the Immortal Wooden Man as the main composition of the artificial man as a spellcaster, making the Hundred Beasts Kaido and Charlotte Lingling almost full of strength resurrection, and more importantly, the ability of the Demon Fruit is still there!


Charlotte Lingling, who was originally in a state of uncertainty, made a surprising voice again,

“Lord Lore, you have been so good to us.”

“Lord Lore, after you die, you don’t know how I’ve been living for more than forty years.”

Kaido’s tone was a little sad, and he said somewhat helplessly: “I originally wanted to build an anarchic pirate empire on the eve of your resurrection, but there was an accident, and I was defeated by the straw hat Luffy of the Straw Hat Pirate Regiment.” ”

Speaking of this, Kaido also showed a look of chagrin, knowing that the straw hat Luffy would frantically explode into the Nika form, he should first resurrect Lord Lore, and then hold a flame celebration. Fortunately, Lord Lorelei resurrected him and Charlotte Lingling, which is also a blessing in misfortune.

“Well, I see.”

Luo Lei smiled lightly and waved his hand, and said pointedly, “First of all, you should go and find out what happened in the sea recently, and I will resurrect four more people.” ”


“Got it…”

Kaido and Charlotte Lingling did not hesitate, and hurriedly got up and walked towards the cadres of their own pirate regiment.

The two also wanted to know what the situation in the sea was like after Lord Lore’s resurrection, and what had changed, and they also wanted to know where the Straw Hat Road of the Straw Hat Pirates had flew? Killed by Lord Loree no Buzz!!

After Kaido and Charlotte Lingling left, Luo Lei’s heart moved, and his whole body of immortal chakra surged and made several seals, snort! Laugh at!!

A slight spatial fluctuation was generated, though, this time four coffins in a row were summoned from a black hole, placed upright on the square, from left to right, and the coffins were separately marked with battles, cards, blacks, and reds!


Clang! Clang!!

Accompanied by the sound of coffin plates falling to the ground, the four coffins were opened in no particular order, and inside were the naval hero Karp, the former marshal of the navy, Sengoku, and one of the former four emperors. D. Titch and Red-haired Shanks.


Marshall S. D. Tichy opened his eyes first, and a puzzled expression flashed in his eyes, wasn’t he already dead? Even if he became an unprecedented three-fruit ability, he was still killed by the sea ancestor Luo Lei, drinking and hating in the Nine Snakes Sea, how could he live again now?

“How can that be?”

Karp walked out of the coffin and let out an exclamation: “Didn’t the old man already die at the hands of the Sea Ancestor?” ”


Listening to these words, a look of disbelief came from another coffin,

“Karp, are you even dead?”


Karp heard this, and after a moment’s hesitation, he said with great surprise: “I finally see you, this… Could this be Yellow Spring? ”

“This is not a yellow spring, we should be resurrected by the ancestors of the sea.”

The red-haired Shanks came out of the coffin, looked bitterly at Lore, who was standing not far away, and sighed, “Even if he died, he didn’t let us go. ”


“This… This is really the breath of the ancestors of the sea. ”

“He…. What did he want to do when he raised us, not to use us? ”


With the voice of the red-haired Shanks, Blackbeard, Kapu, and Sengoku began to observe the surrounding environment with hindsight, and at first glance saw the indifferent face of the sea ancestor Luo Lei, followed by the cadres of the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment, the cadres of the BIGMOM Pirate Regiment, and the Hundred Beasts Kaido and Charlotte Lingling who were in the same state as them.

Suddenly, Blackbeard, Kapu, and Sengoku’s faces froze, and the joy of resurrection was gone, some of them only made them creepy with fear and fear, on the other hand, Kaido and Charlotte Lingling, who had just been reborn and resurrected, also knew something about what happened in the sea after their deaths, except for the stunned, it was a shock to their hearts.

Especially seeing the resurrected Sengoku, Kapu, Blackbeard, Red-haired Shanks, it was even more shocking.

Lord Luo Lei is worthy of being the ancestor of the sea, and after being resurrected, he actually engaged in so many earth-shattering things, and now he does not even let go of the last bit of value of the dead man.

“Lore, what do you really want to do?”

After a few seconds, Sengoku took a deep breath and roared with an ugly face, “We are dead, but you have resurrected us against common sense, you are completely blaspheming our souls.” ”

Airplanes!! It seemed that he was extremely angry, and Sengoku wanted to move his mind and wanted to move, but he found that he could not control his body at all.

“Our bodies don’t listen to the call at all…”

Nearby, Karp shook his fist wrapped in armed domineering colors, and said with a gloomy face, “If I am not mistaken, even if we are resurrected, our bodies will be controlled by Luo Lei.” ”


Sengoku let out a voice of incompetence and rage, as for the red-haired Shanks and Blackbeard, although they did not speak, their faces were just as ugly and depressed, as strong people, 003 They also had their own pride and dignity, and now they were resurrected by the ancestors of the sea like marionettes, which… What’s the point?


Luo Lei showed a disdainful expression and said in an indifferent tone: “If you die in my hands, you must be prepared to resurrect as a tool man, and Lao Tzu will do whatever he tells you to do.” ”

In fact, from the beginning of killing the Warring States, Luo Lei had deliberately let Mu Fen collect some of the flesh and blood of the strong people he had been killed, sealed in the scroll, and now it could be regarded as useful.


Kapu, Sengoku, Red-haired Shanks, Blackbeard is angry and unable to speak, listen, is this still what people say?

The ancestors of the sea are really too lawless.


The corners of Luo Lei’s mouth cocked slightly, and he snorted coldly, “If you behave well, I can let you control your own body.” ”


Before the words fell, Blackbeard, who was still standing in the united front with Kapu and the others, flashed a ray of essence in his eyes, and he could see the resurrected Hundred Beasts Kaido and Charlotte Lingling, and his body was completely uncontrolled.

“Definitely true!!”

Luo Leiyun shrugged his shoulders lightly and said slowly, “Since you have been resurrected, let’s do something that will make the whole sea go wild!” ”

Airplanes!! In the next instant, it seemed to have received instructions from Luo Lei, Sengoku, Kapu, Red-haired Shanks, and Blackbeard’s look suddenly changed, and he wanted to say something, but he found that his body was out of control, and his body flew out towards the docks of the Wano Kingdom in a flash.

“It’s time to start the last step…..”

Luo Lei looked at the back of the Warring States and the others leaving, a wisp of coldness flashed on his cheeks, and murmured, “Im, if you have the ability, you can continue to endure, and you will be finished when you see that my moon is not crescent.” ”

[PS: kneeling for tips, collections, flowers and evaluations, cuteness, tears kneeling for tips… Kneel and beg you to read the boss, kneel and beg you to read the boss. 】。

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