Chapter 103: Shocked Red Dog and Steel Bone Void [Ergen Kneels and Asks for Subscription].

After the Warring States, Kapu, Red-haired Shanks, and Blackbeard left, Luo Lei’s eyes turned, looked at the Hundred Beasts Kaido and Charlotte Lingling, and said softly: “If you have nothing to do, go to the BIGMOM sea for a walk.” ”

“Got it…..”

“Hahaha, just because of this, how can I move my muscles and bones just after resurrection?”

Listening to this sentence, I have roughly understood what happened in the sea during this time, the hundred beasts Kaido and Charlotte Lingling are both laughing violently, the world thinks they are dead, then this time, the sea is ready to shake violently

“Okay, for the time being, everyone can disperse.”


A cracking sound sounded, and Lore’s body disappeared into the square, and next, he was going to control Kapu, Sengoku, Red-haired Shanks, Blackbeard, and go to the sea to do things.


“Let’s go for a walk…”


With a wave of terror, the Hundred Beasts Kaido transformed into a giant green dragon carrying Charlotte Lingling, came with a very flowing dragon swinging its tail, and simply and neatly disappeared in the Flower City.

“After such a long silence, it is time for our Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment to enter a state of battle.”

Ember took a deep breath, suppressed the throbbing in his heart, and left the scene with an excited Quinn, Jack and the others.

“Let’s go too!!”

Charlotte Perot, Charlotte Katakuri, and others of the BIGMOM Pirates looked at each other, and they could see the joy in their eyes.

With the resurrection of her mother Charlotte Lingling, don’t even think about it, the BIGMOM Pirates will come to the new world again!

“It’s time for me to get ready.”

Morgons’s eyes were filled with excitement, and this time, without thinking, he knew that the newspapers of the News of the World would cause a mad rush across the sea, and even if he thought about it, he had some expectations.

“I have to behave a little bit better and try to bring my mother back to life as soon as possible.”

A red glow flashed on Hikari Nichiwa’s pretty face, and it was time to use the gestures she had seen in the book on Lord Lore.

The first flower of the country of Wano is about to be unlocked to the full body…….

“The concubine is a concubine.”

Han Cook’s watery eyes blinked a few times, and then he thoughtfully left the square. Soon, the people in the square were almost gone, leaving only the godless Yamato standing there in a lost spirit, and after Kaido’s father was resurrected, he did not look at her squarely, which made Yamato, who was still hopeful, unable to accept it.

“Daddy Kaido, I already know I’m wrong?”

Yamato seemed to be wearing a mask of pain, revealing an expression of helplessness to the extreme.

She would rather Father Kaido beat her and scold her, so that her heart would feel a little better, and she would not want Father Kaido to ignore her like this, as if there were no daughter like her.

“I will not give up…”

Yamato shook his fist and muttered, “Father Kaido, I will never let you down this time.” ”


Meanwhile, Sengoku, Karp, Blackbeard, and Red-haired Shanks, upon arrival at a dock in the Sea of Wano Wai, boarded a pirate ship and headed for the naval headquarters of the New World.

Yes, the order given to them by the ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei, was to destroy the naval headquarters and plunder the military supplies of the naval headquarters.

“What the hell is going on, we’ve been resurrected?”

Kapu sensed the state of his body, and with an ugly face, he said, “I have used all kinds of methods, but I can’t get rid of the control of the Sea Ancestor Luo Lei.” ”

“Karp, you’re just an idiot and an idiot.”

Hearing this, the Warring States couldn’t help but get annoyed: “When I die, I will die, so why do you have to send me to death?” It’s really more and more confused the more you live. ”


Karp grinned, snorted coldly, and said, “You’re all dead, what does it mean that I live with an old bone?” It is better to challenge the ancestors of the sea, who have died a hundred. ”

“Then you can’t go to death?”

Sengoku obviously knew Kapu’s personality, turned his head to look at the sea ahead, and his eyes showed concern, “Next, I am afraid that we will bring great trouble to the naval headquarters, and after the resurrection, our strength seems to be at its peak.” ”

“It’s a lot of trouble….”

Kapu’s face became solemn, and he said incredulously, “How could this sea ancestor Luo Lei master such a perverted ninjutsu, the sea is about to start messing around.” ”


The red-haired Shanks showed a bitter smile and said, “With my left arm restored, my strength will be even more terrifying, and I don’t know if the Navy Headquarters can resist it.” ”

“It should be hard to resist!!”

Sengoku sensed his body for a moment and said heavily, “The armed color domineering spirit is almost endless, and the body seems to be an immortal body, and the naval headquarters is doomed.” ”


The red-haired Shanks sighed and said, “I can only take one step and count one step…”

“Shanks, when did you get killed?”

Suddenly, as if thinking of something, Karp said curiously, “Could it be that the Red-haired Pirates have been wiped out?” ”

“I was killed in the Land of Wano.”

The red-haired Shanks shook his head and sighed, “It’s not because your precious grandson didn’t react after he went to the Future Kingdom, so I know that there are tigers in the mountains and are biased towards the tiger mountains.” ”


Karp couldn’t help but laugh and said, “You’re also because of Luffy?” My grandson Luffy really has a personality. ”

“I don’t know if Luffy has come out of the future country, but he must not be impulsive?”

Ignoring the inattentive Cap, the red-haired Shanks thought for a moment before he said with some concern: “The sea ancestor Luo Lei is already very strong, plus he can constantly resurrect those who have died, if Luffy were to go it alone, I am afraid that he would not be annihilated.” ”

“Probably not?”

Karp hesitated for a moment, and his mood was suddenly not good.


And the black beard, who had never spoken, did not bother to say anything after a sneer flashed on his cheek. It is better to die than to live, and now that he is resurrected, even if he is a puppet, he is happy, moreover, as long as he behaves well, he can also restore the control of his body, he has a black beard, an invincible three-fruit ability, how can he perform well.

The layout of the New World, the G-1 headquarters of the Navy, was similar to that of Marin Fando, and after becoming the naval headquarters, the entire fortress was greatly strengthened and doubled, and it had already become a fortress beyond Marin Fando.

In the distance, the huge fortress stands there, and on the front of the fortress, there are two words “Navy” inscribed on it, one left and one right, and in the center is the symbol of the Navy, which is a seagull motif.

At this time, inside the marshal’s office on the very top floor of the fortress; Marshal Sakarsky and the commander-in-chief of the whole army, Steel Bone Kong, were sitting there,

“This time, when I went to the Navy Headquarters, I wanted to clearly tell you that when the time is ripe, the world government will be in full swing, and even the five old stars will make unprecedented shots.”

The steel bone empty arms were folded in front of him, and he said with a solemn look: “Strive to kill the ancestors of the sea at one time, so that they can never be overborn.” ”


Sakarsky clenched his fists and said coldly, “The Navy has already prepared for the order, just waiting for the order of the world government.” ”

“Okay, then I’ll go back to Mary Joya first.”

Steel Bone Kong nodded, hesitated for a moment, and then said in a deep voice, “If you can, destroy the Straw Hat Pirate Regiment together.” ”


Sakarsky frowned, still nodding firmly.

There is nothing to say, when Cap was alive, the Navy should give all the face, and now that he is dead, he will only act on the Straw Hat Pirate Regiment, which can also be regarded as the end of benevolence and righteousness, and the Straw Hat Luffy, a four-emperor level pirate, really damned.

“Then I’ll go first….”

However, just when Steelbone Kong wanted to stand up and leave the office, a rear admiral of the Navy was like a ghost, and without even knocking on the door, he hurriedly pushed the door in a hurry and said in a hurried tone: “Air Commander, Marshal Sakaskie, things are not good.” ”


Watching the sudden intrusion into the rear admiral, Sakarsky and Steel Bone Empty were both stunned, and then they were furious, and they held a meeting with a small rear admiral who came in without even knocking on the door, which was simply unruly. However, just when he wanted to get angry, the trembling rear admiral said in a tone of disbelief: “There is a large pirate ship approaching the naval headquarters, and on the deck there seems to be the dead Sengoku Daimefu and the naval hero Kapu, as well as Blackbeard and Red-haired Shanks.” ”

Bang!! After saying this, the rear admiral was too timid, and his legs were paralyzed on the ground, revealing a ghostly look.


“What do you say?”

The anger on Sakarski’s and Steelbone’s empty cheeks froze, and he couldn’t help but let out an exclamation, what joke?

Didn’t Sengoku, Karp, Blackbeard, and Red-haired Shanks all die? How is it possible to stand on deck?


The rear admiral was about to cry, trembling and saying, “I… I made sure a few times that it was really Lieutenant General Cap and Sengoku Daimefu, and Blackbeard and Red-haired Shanks were also there. ”

At first, the rear admiral also thought he was wrong, but… After making sure of repeatedly, he couldn’t help but shudder and go to the Yuanshi’s office to report. After all, the four people who had already been confirmed to be dead were standing alive in front of their eyes, and no matter how they thought about it, there was something that made people’s scalps tingle.


“Let’s take a look….”

Sakarsky and Steelbone had a look of uncertainty in their empty eyes, and without hesitation, they rushed out of the office in no particular order.

[PS: kneeling for tips, collections, flowers and evaluations, cuteness, tears kneeling to beg… Kneel and beg you to read the boss, kneel and beg you to read the boss. Father].

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