Chapter 104: The Four Emperors Siege the Naval Headquarters? [Three more kneeling begging] Reading.

At this time, on the surface of the rolling sea.

A pirate ship was speeding towards the naval headquarters of the New World, and on the deck, Sengoku, Kapu, Red-haired Shanks, Blackbeard were standing on the bow of the ship, looking at the approaching naval headquarters, the looks were different: the faces of the Warring States and Kapu were extremely bitter and helpless, they had returned to the naval headquarters before, but now they were going back to destroy the naval headquarters, and the feeling of powerlessness made the two very miserable and painful.

The red-haired Shanks’s face was also extremely complicated, the Navy Headquarters of the New World, he had hardly been there, and now it was good, the first time he went he would destroy the Navy Headquarters.

As for Blackbeard’s nervousness, his fist shook slightly, and there was still a faint wisp of excitement on his cheek.

As the fourth emperor of the predecessor, he did not dare to have the heart to destroy the naval headquarters when he was alive, but after he died, he could destroy the naval headquarters, and that feeling made Blackbeard’s heart very comfortable.

Of course… If it were him alone, the chances would be slim, but… With the addition of red-haired Shanks, Sengoku, Karp, the chances are great.

It is equivalent to the four emperors joining forces to attack the naval headquarters, and the opportunity is great….

At the same moment, when this pirate ship was heading towards the Navy Headquarters, the three top warships of the Navy Headquarters also seemed to have noticed the abnormality, and when they were trying to approach the interception, they found the Warring States standing on the deck, Kapu, Red-haired Shanks, and Blackbeard.

Suddenly, the navies on the deck were all confused, as if they had seen a ghost, what was the situation?

How could the already dead Sengoku Daimefu, Lieutenant General Cap, one of the Four Emperors, Red-haired Shanks and Blackbeard, stand on deck? Am I mistaken? A very small number of timid naval soldiers were weak and almost paralyzed on the deck.

Of course, it’s not just the navy on the warship, 287.

Even on the naval headquarters fortress, many navies with telescopes were stupid, and after making sure of it, a rear admiral of the naval headquarters flew towards the marshal’s office with a look of disbelief.

“Finally discovered?”

Seeing the three top warships of the Navy Headquarters nearby, Sengoku looked stunned, took a deep breath, and roared loudly: “I am the former marshal of the Navy Headquarters, Sengoku, you should all know me… Now I can’t control my body, so you must evacuate the naval headquarters. ”


When the sound mixed with the domineering color of the overlord came out, it spread throughout this sea in an instant, and in an instant, not only the navies on the top warships of the Navy Headquarters, but even the navies in the fortress of the Navy Headquarters were stunned, even the steel bone air and Sakarsky that had just flown out were frightened.


Are the dead Warring States really resurrected?

Even with Karp, Redhead Shanks, Blackbeard resurrected? How can it be?

Who raised them?

Why did the Warring States withdraw their navies from their naval headquarters? Countless questions, just like a hundred thousand whys, kept flashing in the minds of the Steelbone Void, Sakarsky and other navies, of course, with this earth-shattering sentence, one of the three major admirals of the navy, the yellow ape, the green bull, the vine tiger, as well as the crane staff officer, the black horse, the peach rabbit, and other high-end combat strength of the navy, all flew from all directions to the top of the naval headquarters fortress with shocked faces.

Immediately afterward, countless navies saw a scene that will never be forgotten, only to see the black beard on the pirate ship, suddenly involuntarily taking a step forward, while his hands clenched his fists violently, like a white halo of concussive force gathered on the fist, and then violently bombarded the air.

Click… Click…..

The sound of air bursting resounded,

“Is this the power of the Shock Fruit?”

“Not good….”

Sengoku and Kapu looked at each other and hurriedly shouted at the three top naval warships not far away: “You speed back…”


“Quick… Retreat…..”

In fact, without Sengoku and Kapu reminding them, looking at the shock force of the cracks in the air, the navies on the top warships of the three naval headquarters suddenly returned to their senses and wanted to evacuate urgently.


And yet… At this moment, the red-haired Shanks, who had not made any movements, violently erupted into a powerful shock wave that shot straight into the sky, heading towards the three top warships of the Navy Headquarters.

King’s landing on the sea, heaven and earth surrender!!

Almost without any resistance, the naval soldiers on the three top warships of the naval headquarters had not yet reacted, and they felt a buzzing sound in their minds, a blank space.

Thundered!! A few seconds later, the shock force slammed into the three top warships of the naval headquarters with the momentum of destruction and decay, and the seemingly incomparably strong top warships, in the face of the violent and extremely violent shock force, only lasted for less than five seconds, and they were shattered by the earthquake, and the powerful force also caused the sea level to set off terrifying waves, and hundreds of naval soldiers were swept into one huge wave after another without the ability to fight back.


Looking at the three top naval ships that were destroyed, the naval headquarters fell into a silent silence, and it seemed that Blackbeard and Red-haired Shanks would do it without any warning.

“Blackbeard, red-haired Shanks!!”

“What do you want to do?”

Seeing this scene, Kapu and Sengoku were blindfolded and roared loudly,


Blackbeard shrugged his shoulders indifferently and said helplessly, “The body is out of control, and I can’t help it..”

Of course, having said that, Blackbeard’s heart still felt quite refreshing, the domineering spirit of the red hair, the power of his shock fruit, was simply matched with a face, and it was effortless to overthrow the three top warships of the Navy Headquarters.

“Alas! Me too…”

The red-haired Shanks sighed helplessly and said, “If the naval soldiers of the Navy Headquarters do not retreat again, the next outbreak of overlord color domineering may not be as simple as it was just now.” ”

“I’m still wondering what to do.”

Sengoku Yangtian roared angrily, “The naval soldiers of the Navy Headquarters have given me a quick evacuation…..”

“What’s going on?”

“Sengoku, Karp, what the hell is going on with you?”

“Damn it, are you trying to launch an attack on our naval headquarters?”


Hearing the voice of the Warring States, Sakarsky, Steel Bone Hollow, Yellow Ape, Green Bull and other talents in the naval headquarters fortress turned back and showed their expressions of extreme horror, especially when they saw that the three top naval ships were destroyed, they immediately realized the seriousness of the matter.

“We were resurrected by the sea ancestor Luo Lei with arcane magic, and now we can’t control our own bodies, so let the navy all withdraw from the naval headquarters.”

Kapu took a deep breath and shouted, “Next, we may attack the naval headquarters together.” ”


After these words, the entire naval headquarters was shaken, and countless naval soldiers showed a stunned expression, and their hearts were set off by terrifying waves, which could not be calmed down at all. The ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei, actually resurrected the Warring States Daime, Lieutenant General Kapu, Red-haired Shanks, and Blackbeard to attack the naval headquarters.

“Zhen Te is an incomprehensible lunatic.”

The steel bone empty fist clenched, and said with a solemn face: “Luo Lei, the ancestor of the sea, looks like he is finally going to take action against the world government.” ”

“No, it’s a bit serious.”

Red Dog’s fist clenched, and his face said solemnly, “Blackbeard, red-haired Shanks, plus Kapu and Sengoku, this is equivalent to the Four Emperors besieging the naval headquarters?” ”

“Really… How scary? ”

The yellow ape rubbed his eyes and said with a slight shock, “Resurrect the dead, as a tool man, this sea ancestor Luo Lei really made a good calculation.” ”

“Is this going to be the rhythm of our navy not dying?”

Araki rubbed his somewhat stiff cheeks and said in a serious tone, “Judging from the breath just now, whether it is Blackbeard or Red-haired Shanks, after the resurrection, it seems that the strength has not weakened much, especially Shanks, whose arms are still intact, may be more terrifying.” ”

“Warring States, Kapu, you are actually controlled by the Sea Ancestors…”

Staff Sergeant Crane suppressed the urge to cry in his heart and muttered to himself, “What is this sea ancestor Luo Lei, really trying to do?” ”

In fact, at the beginning of seeing the resurrected Sengoku and Kapu, Staff Officer Crane was still very excited, but….. After hearing that it was controlled by the Sea Ancestors, the excitement turned to fright.

As soon as she thought of the Warring States and Kapu who had served the Navy for most of their lives to do something to the Navy Headquarters, she felt uncomfortable, the ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei, purely wanted to punch the Navy in the face?

As for the black horse, the vine tiger, the peach rabbit and other people, although they did not speak, they… The solemn expression on his cheek already showed everything.

“The whole navy obeyed the order and quickly withdrew from the naval headquarters…..”

The red dog gritted his teeth and quickly issued an order: “The three major generals of the navy, Aramaki, Fuji Tiger, Yellow Ape, and Peach Rabbit, Black Horse meet me against the enemy; Staff Officer Crane you are responsible for organizing the evacuation. ”

“Big Spitfire! After saying that. ”

The red dog took the lead in attacking in anger, since the sea ancestor Luo Lei was resurrected, he endured and endured, and now it is good, they are all bullied to the head to?

It is intolerable, you want to fight, then fight!!

In the next instant, a huge magma fist erupted from mid-air like a meteorite and smashed into the pirate ship on which Sengoku and the others were riding.

“Not good…..”

In the face of the Red Dog’s attack, the Warring States who did not want to fight back changed its look, and its body automatically turned into a golden Buddha statue, and as soon as its fist was clenched, it slammed into the magma fist that fell from the sky.


A deafening roar rang out, and the magma fist exploded in response, turning into countless magma scattered on the sea.


And this is like a fuse, steel bone empty, Aragami, vine tiger, yellow ape, and peach rabbit, the black horse’s body flew out, and on the other side, Kapu, red-haired Shanks, and Blackbeard began to move uncontrollably.

The big war is about to break out [PS: kneeling for tips, collecting, flowers and evaluations, cute, tearful kneeling and begging… Kneel and beg you to read the boss, kneel and beg you to read the boss. 】。

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