Chapter 105: Bombing the Naval Headquarters, the Suppressed Navy [Four More Kneeling Asking for Subscription].



Along with the earth-shattering roar, countless energy waves erupted wildly, setting off a series of terrifying waves in the sea near the New World Navy Headquarters, sweeping out in all directions, making this sea area tremble violently.

In the center of the battlefield, a great war that can be called the top of the sea is breaking out, Red Dog VS Sengoku; Steel Bone Hollow VS Kapu; Green Bull and Dark Horse vs Blackbeard, one of the three admirals of the Navy; Fuji Tiger, Peach Rabbit vs Shanks; As for the yellow ape, he used his speed to move between the battlefields.

Looking around, the battles in various battle circles are very fierce, and all kinds of energy waves are constantly raging, and the violent impact can be described as dark in the sky and the sun and moon without light!


With a roaring sound, the golden Buddha of the Warring States incarnation exploded countless magma fists one by one, and the armed color domineering spirit was like not wanting money, and the huge golden Buddha body was tightly wound.

“Red Dog, after the resurrection, my strength is almost at its peak, with unlimited armed color domineering, and an immortal body.”

Seeing that the red dog could not be attacked for a long time, Sengoku couldn’t help but remind him.

“I see….”

Red Inuyasha’s face darkened, his arms turned into magma arms, and he constantly confronted the golden giant Buddha of the Warring States incarnation, “Can’t you control your body a little?” ”


The Warring States did not have the slightest weakness, and said very helplessly: “The Sea Ancestor Luo Lei is too strong, we can’t break free of his control at all, we can only control his body.” ”

“Really damn it…”

The red dog scolded angrily, and his heart was as much as he wanted to hold back.

Now he’s at his peak, but… The resurrected Warring States were also at their peak, causing him and the Warring States to only explode each other, and neither of them could help the other.

What was even more humiliating was that he had easily exploded the arm of the Warring States Avatar Golden Giant Buddha, and in the blink of an eye, countless dust gathered and recovered.

As for the other battle circles, the peak Kapu will be the old steel bone air pressure to death, one punch after another constantly hit the steel bone air retreat, seeing that the steel bone air commander is at a disadvantage, the yellow ape did not hesitate, and launched an attack on Kapu,

“You’ve been kicked by the light, haven’t you?”


A cracking sound sounded, and Kapu’s right arm was kicked alive by the yellow ape, but alas… In the blink of an eye, the condensation of countless dust is restored,

“Have you ever been beaten by my iron fist?”

The next moment, Kapu learned the tone of the yellow ape’s speech and violently swung his left fist, which was entangled in the armed color domineering.

“Not good…”

Although it had been elementalized in advance, the Yellow Ape was still hit by the armed color domineering, and with one punch, it flew out and smashed the naval headquarters fortress,!!!

A huge mushroom cloud rises.

“Yellow Ape, it wasn’t me who said it just now, but what the ancestors of the sea said.”

Kapu said with some embarrassment: “I just deliberately exposed the flaws and exchanged injuries for injuries, but I didn’t expect you to be deceived.” ”

Saying that, Karp began to attack the steel bone air again….


Hearing these words, the yellow ape flew out of the ruins, almost wanting to vomit blood, fighting his immortal body, every attack had to be exchanged for injury, he was really too difficult.

How could this resurrection ninjutsu of this sea ancestor Luo Lei be so perverted?

“Yellow ape, come and help me.”


The old steel bone air faced Kapu’s injury-for-injury attack, even more unbearable, and was blasted out by Kapu’s iron fist, smashing into the fortress of the naval headquarters, making a roaring sound.

“Got it…”

“Eight feet of Qiong Gou Yu!!”

Brush! Swish!!

With the sound of breaking the air one after another, countless dazzling light bullets were like a fierce wind and rain towards Kapu’s attack, however, in the face of such an attack, Kapu did not dodge, just stood motionless in place, allowing countless dazzling light bullets to smash on his body entangled in armed color domineering.

“Can’t fight…..”

Seeing this scene, the yellow ape couldn’t help but complain, having seen the shameless and not having seen such a shameless person as Kapu, with the advantage of his body after his resurrection, he did not pay attention to his attack at all.

“Sakarsky, let’s withdraw!!”

Seeing that the yellow ape had restrained Kapu, the steel bone air crawled out of the ruins, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said, “Fight again.” ”

“Go, even if you can win, it’s a miserable victory, there is really no need.”

When he said this, the steel bone air also added with a solemn face: “The naval headquarters is destroyed, we can still rebuild, there is no man, and it may be resurrected by Luo Lei as a tool man.” ”

Of course, there was still a word that Steel Bone Air did not say, that is, he was already a little scared, and he was already old, he just went to the Navy Headquarters to convey the instructions of the Five Old Stars, but he did not expect to encounter this file.

He still has great political ambitions that have not been realized,

··· Ask for flowers…

I haven’t sat in the position of the five old stars yet, but… Don’t want to die at the Navy Headquarters.

As long as he sat in the position of the Five Old Stars and was appreciated by Lord Im, he should be able to restore his peak strength like the current Five Old Stars.


Hearing these words, the red dog, who was originally at war with the Warring States, suddenly became gloomy. Remove?

If this is passed out, will the Navy still have face? Does he, the admiral, still have face? I’m afraid I won’t be laughed at by the whole sea, right?

If it is not withdrawn, the stalemate will not continue, and there will be no benefit to the Navy.

“Red dog, withdraw!!”

The giant Buddha in the incarnation of the Warring States sighed and said, “Fighting any more will not do any good to the Navy, or let the world government have a headache, let Im find a way!” ”



Sakarsky looked uncertain, gritted his teeth, and roared loudly. Swish! Swish!!

Before the words could be heard, a series of cracking sounds sounded, and the yellow ape, the steel bone air, the vine tiger, the green cow, the peach rabbit, the black horse, and Sakarsky all left the battlefield at a very fast speed. Seeing this scene, Blackbeard, Redhead Shanks, Sengoku, and Kapu’s body flashed, and they all landed on the Navy Headquarters that had already ravaged the ravine, Oh!

Sengoku took the lead in going to the place where the Navy Headquarters stored supplies, because the evacuation was fast, the time was tight, plus the place where the Navy stored the materials was very hidden, the Navy did not remove the materials, which cheapened the Sengoku, after holding three boxes in a row, Blackbeard, Redhead Shanks, Kapu began to launch a final attack on the Navy Headquarters, rumble!

A few minutes later, a series of roars continued to sound, and the naval headquarters of the new world of the Navy disappeared alive on the surface of the sea, leaving only a rough sea in place. Looking at this scene from a distance, the looks of the red dog, the yellow ape, the wild pasture, the black horse and other people who were retreating were extremely cold and cold, and today, they were fiercely taught a lesson by the sea ancestor Luo Lei, their faces were swollen, and some valuable materials of the naval headquarters must have also been robbed; And with the resurrection of Kapu, Sengoku, Red-haired Shanks, and Sengoku, it can be foreseen that the sea that was originally shaking one after another will be directly chaotic.

The sea will go into a state of rage…

[PS: kneeling for tips, collections, flowers and evaluations, cuteness, tears kneeling for advice……. Kneel and beg you to read the boss, kneel and beg you to read the boss. Five].

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