Chapter 106: The Horror of the Green Pheasant, the Resurrection of the Dead? The Great Riot of the Sea, [One More Kneeling Asking for a Subscription].

New World, BIGMOM Seas, after the BIGMOM Pirates left without hesitation,

The Pheasant Pirates took over most of the BIGMOM Pirates, and a small part was occupied by Vinsmog Reijiu, Izhi, Caesar Courant and others of Germa 66.

However, even if it is occupied, in fact, the Green Pheasant Pirate Regiment and the heart of Derma 66 have no bottom, and they are on guard at any time.

After all, the BIGMOM Pirate Regiment went to the country of peace for help, and if it really hugged the thigh of the sea ancestor Luo Lei, there would be some trouble; To put it mildly, in the face of Luo Lei, the ancestor of the sea who is now in the sky, it is false to say that he is not afraid, even if it is the Four Emperors Green Pheasant Pirate Regiment, he does not have the courage to confront the sea ancestor Luo Lei for the time being.

Click·· Click…

With the sound of being frozen one after another, the cake island in the BIGMOM sea area and the surrounding sea area were frozen by a cold air, which invisibly reduced the temperature of this sea area by several degrees.

“Boss Kuzan, it seems that the BIGMOM Pirates are not going to take their own territory.”

Looking at the frozen cake island, Gizas Badgers, standing on the deck, shook his fist and said happily: “Now our Green Pheasant Pirate Regiment has perfectly received most of the territory of the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment and the BIGMOM Pirate Regiment, and has become the middle power of the Four Emperors.” ”

“The force range is the biggest.”


Van Oka, who was holding a spear, stretched out his loins and smiled and complimented: “Under the leadership of Boss Kuzan, our pheasant pirate ship will definitely become more and more powerful!” ”

“The only thing to pay attention to now is the ancestors of the sea.”

Hiryu took a cigar, spat out a few mouthfuls of white smoke, and said with a heavy face: “Once the ancestors of the sea decide to help the BIGMOM pirate group, we must withdraw from the BIGMOM sea immediately.” ”


Listening to this sentence, Gizas Badgers, Van Oka, Abaro Pizarro, Lafayette and others, who were still a little excited, looked stiff, and their mood was suddenly not good, although they did not want to admit it, but… This is the case, today’s Green Pheasant Pirate Regiment is definitely not the opponent of the Sea Ancestors, after all, it is a fierce person who kills the four emperors like a dog.

“Did you actually run?”

As for Kuzan, with his hands on the side of the ship, he looked at the frozen cake island in the distance, and a glint of loss flashed in his eyes. He led the main force of the Green Pheasant Pirate Regiment to come over just to destroy the BIGMOM Pirate Regiment, so as not to have to go to the sea ancestor Luo Lei, but he did not expect that the BIGMOM Pirate Regiment ran faster than expected, which was a little uncomfortable.

“Well, let’s get ready to evacuate!”

Kuzan seemed to think of something, revealing a tired look.

Three years and three years, he has become the fourth emperor, but… The Sengoku who was connected with him had already been killed, and it was really too difficult for him, yes, after the failure of the battle for the marshal, the Green Pheasant chose to secretly join the secret special forces of the Navy Headquarters



After all, there are some things he can do without staying in the navy, and there are some things that can only be seen clearly if they are no longer in the navy; Moreover, with the identity of a pirate, it would be more convenient to act, whether it was a pirate or a navy, and the justice he insisted on did not affect the original plan to proceed very well, but Luo Lei, the ancestor of the sea who had been dead for more than forty years, was resurrected, disrupting everything.


However, just as the cadres of the Green Pheasant Pirate Regiment were about to leave, Kuzan and Xiliu stared at each other, as if they had sensed something, and they all showed an unbelievable expression, because two extremely powerful and undisguised breaths were flying from a long distance towards the sea where Cake Island was located.

What made the Green Pheasant and Hiryu even more puzzled was that this breath was the breath of the dead Hundred Beasts Kaido and Charlotte Lingling.

“What’s wrong?”

Sensing the anomaly of Boss Kuzan and Hiryu, Gizas Bajas, Van Oka, Abaro Pizarro, Raphaite and the others showed puzzled expressions, and looked in the direction of Kuzan and Hiryu’s eyes in no particular order.

Only to see that in the distance where the sea and sky meet, countless dark clouds are gathering, and faintly you can see a wisp of thunder light intertwining continuously, as the distance between the dark clouds is getting closer and closer, a blue dragon with a whole body wrapped in thunder and lightning appears in the dark clouds, and on the back stands an old woman wearing a wide pink dress.

There is no doubt that this is the Hundred Beasts Kaido, who has been defeated by Wang Luffy, who is known as the “strongest creature”, and the BIGMOM-Charlotte Lingling, who is known as the “Born Destroyer”!!!


After seeing all this, whether it was Kuzan, Hiryu, or Gizas Bajas, Van Oka, Abaro Pizarro, Lapit and others all showed a frightened expression, only to feel the buzzing in their heads, and several of them rubbed their eyes, but realized that they were not mistaken.

What appeared in front of his eyes was one of the four emperors, Kaido and Charlotte Lingling… How can it be?

Haven’t they been knocked into the underground magma by Straw Hat Luffy?

Incredible, really incredible!!

“Kaido and Charlotte Lingling’s breath is very strange, it should have been resurrected.”

Kuzan suppressed his inner throbbing and said in a tone of disbelief, “If I’m not mistaken, it should be the sea ancestor Luo Lei who resurrected them.” ”


“Actually resurrected Kaido and Charlotte Lingling?”

“No… Impossible, right? ”

“When people die, can they be resurrected?”

Before the words could be heard, there was an uproar on the deck, and many pirates of the Green Pheasant Pirate Regiment constantly overflowed with cold sweat on their foreheads, showing expressions of awe and fear.

No way, everyone did not expect that the sea ancestor Luo Lei himself could be resurrected, even the Hundred Beasts Kaido and Charlotte Lingling could be resurrected, thinking about it very terrifyingly, this is a little creepy.

Thundered!! About three minutes later, the dark clouds in the sky enveloped Cake Island, and the dragon-like hundred beasts Kaido constantly twisted his body between thunder and lightning, looking at the Green Pheasant Pirate Regiment below, and opened his mouth like a thunderbolt: “Green Pheasant, I didn’t expect you, as a naval general, to become the fourth emperor.” ”


The green pheasant looked at the hundred beasts Kaido and Charlotte Lingling in the sky, suppressed the vibration in his heart, and said solemnly, “I didn’t expect you to be resurrected…”


Kaido let out a thunderous laugh, “Isn’t it normal for us to be resurrected?” ”

“Ma··· ma·· ma…”

Charlotte Lingling grinned and said violently, “Lord Luo Lei is very powerful, after the resurrection of the old lady this time, even the food sickness is gone, it is really refreshing.” ”

“So, please get the old lady out of the BIGMOM sea immediately.”


When she said the last sentence, Charlotte Lingling’s eyes revealed a surging sense of war, and a monstrous momentum erupted from her body and swept through the sea.

“Good mighty overlord color domineering….”

With the outbreak of Charlotte Lingling, the pirates of the red-haired pirate group showed a look of fear in their eyes, and some of the slightly weaker pirates on the deck were even more shocked and their eyes turned white, as if they were about to fall into a coma at any moment.

“Since I met it, I’ll give you a meet and greet first!”

Seeing that Charlotte Lingling was all threatened, the Hundred Beast Kaido slowly raised his head, accompanied by a terrifying energy fluctuation, and a furious fire light condensed madly in the dragon’s mouth.

“Oops… Worst!! ”

“Quick, you get out of the pirate ship and go to Cake Island.”

In the face of the attack of the Hundred Beasts Kaido, Kuzan and Hiryu quickly entered a state of battle, staring solemnly at Kaido and Charlotte Lingling in mid-air.

Yes, at their level, with a little perception, they can roughly know what state the opponent’s strength is in, and now Charlotte Lingling and Hundred Beasts Kaido, judging from the breath that erupted, are undoubtedly at their peak, in other words, in the face of the two four emperors at the peak, even the Green Pheasant and Hiryu have felt great pressure.


“Retreat to Cake Island.”

Hearing these words, the pirates of the Green Pheasant Pirate Regiment almost did not hesitate at all, and quickly left the pirate ship and fled madly towards Cake Island.

“Hot Breath!!!”

In mid-air, the Hundred Beasts Kaido didn’t care that much, and after brewing almost completely, he directly attacked Kuzan and Hiryu below.


The monstrous dragon’s breath poured towards Kuzan and Hiryu, erupting into an extremely terrifying blast of energy and a roar of burning air, and the huge sound seemed to destroy the heavens and the earth.

“Captain Kuzan, what now?”

In the face of the overwhelming heat, Hiryu had already thrown away the cigar in his mouth, holding the famous knife and thunderstorm, and asked in an urgent tone.

“You guard Charlotte Lingling, Kaido is up to me.”

After Kuzan gritted his teeth slightly, his hands pressed slightly into the sky, and the terrifying power of freezing swept out,

“Ice Age… Ice shield click! Click!!! ”

This piece of air, along with the pirate ship, was covered with ice and snow, and then a layer of ice tens of meters thick appeared over the pheasant and Hiryu, and it was hard to catch the heat of the explosion.


The thunderous roar of the explosion resounded, and the heat bombarded the ice shield, making a nourishing sound, and countless white water vapors came out, and an extremely terrifying heat shock wave erupted, causing the air to explode, and even this piece of the sea that was originally frozen collapsed in an instant.

From a distance, the heavens and the earth seemed to be divided in half, with the heat wave above and the ice and snow below, just up and down. One second….

Three seconds… Eight seconds….. With the passage of time, the heat breath and the ice shield continued to engage in the most direct confrontation and explosion, and finally, after a minute, the Hundred Beasts Kaido stopped his hot breath attack and looked at Kuzan with excitement, one of the three former admirals of the navy, Kuzan’s strength improved quite quickly, especially for the development of frozen fruit seems to have reached an extreme..


Seeing that the Hundred Beasts Kaido had stopped attacking, Kuzan was relieved, the horror in his heart was not much greater than that of the Hundred Beasts Kai, and he could be completely sure that Kaido’s strength after his resurrection was at its peak.


The next moment, the Hundred Beasts Kaido shouted violently, “Kuzan, your strength is still there.” ”

“Yes, I’ll come to you to play when I have time, after all, I’m a real immortal now?”

“Ma··· ma··· ma…….”

Charlotte Lingling grinned and said excitedly, “Hearing is believing, now we are going to hang out in the new world, so that everyone knows that the emperor of the sea is back.” ”

“So, if you don’t get out of the BIGMOM Sea, be prepared to meet the anger from the former Four Emperors!!”


The words did not fall, the Green Dragon incarnated by the Hundred Beasts Kaido flew towards the distance with a flick of its tail, for the newly resurrected Hundred Beasts Kaido and Charlotte Lingling, the most wanted thing to do was to seize the time to show that they had been resurrected, Kaido and the Green Pheasant moved, but also to tell the Green Pheasant that even if we died once resurrected, the strength was still at its peak.

At the very least, they want to shake the new world….



“Gone, Kaido and Charlotte Lingling are gone.”


Seeing this scene, on the cake island, which was already in a mess, the pirates of the Green Pheasant Pirate Regiment had already been frightened and had some weak legs, and involuntarily made a sound for the rest of their lives.

“The sea is going to shake…”

Kuzan had an unbelievable look in his eyes, and muttered solemnly, “It’s messed up, everything is messed up.” ”

“What exactly does this sea ancestor Luo Lei want to do?”

Hiryu wiped the cold sweat from the palm of his hand and said, “It’s terrible that you can maintain your peak strength after resurrection?” ”

“By the way, one more piece of good news, Blackbeard, Karp, Sengoku, and Red-haired Shanks are all resurrected, and the Navy Headquarters should have been destroyed by now!!”

Suddenly, the Hundred Beasts Kaido, who had already left far away, made another sound, Hum!!

After these words, Kuzan, Hiryu, Gizas Bajas, Van Oka, Abaro Pizarro, Lafett and other pirates of the Pheasant Pirate Regiment all felt their souls froze, and a thought flashed through everyone’s mind.

This sea… It’s going to be turned upside down!…

At the same moment, as the Hundred Beasts Kaido and Charlotte Lingling wandered around the New World, the whole New World began to riot, and no one expected that the dead Hundred Beasts Kaido and Charlotte Lingling were actually resurrected, among which Vince Mark Leijiu, Izhi, Caesar Curran and others who were on the chocolate island, after witnessing Kaido and Charlotte Lingling flying from the sky not far away, even withdrew from the BIGM3.10M sea area overnight.

However, before everyone could calm down, the News of the World newspaper threw newspapers into the whole sea, making not only the new world, but even the whole sea completely crazy and explosive.

【Shock! Luo Lei, the ancestor of the sea, uses god-like ninjutsu to resurrect the Hundred Beasts Kaido, Charlotte Lingling, Blackbeard, Cap, Sengoku, and Red-haired Shanks! 】

【Terrible! After the resurrection of Blackbeard, Cap, Sengoku, and Red-haired Shanks join forces to destroy the Navy Headquarters of the New World]

【Hold back! After the destruction of the former headquarters of the Navy, Marin Fando, the headquarters of the New World was also destroyed. 】

【Turmoil! After a brief confrontation between Kaido and Kuzan, the Green Pheasant Pirates withdrew from the BIGMOM Seas, and Kuzan, one of the Four Emperors, claimed that Kaido and Charlotte Lingling’s strength was at its peak. 】

【Invincible! The sea ancestor Luo Lei was not afraid of the Straw Hat Pirate Regiment, and took the initiative to say that he wanted to Monchi at one time. D. Luffy. 】

When a newspaper spreads in all directions, many people see the newspaper, the first reaction is that the ancestors of the sea have begun to do things again, and the second reaction is to widen their eyes and make a sound of lying in the grooves, which can resurrect the dead, and the strength can still be maintained at the peak, destroying the naval headquarters, which is simply a special miracle.

Suddenly, even those who were already numb by the constant shock of the Sea Ancestors were once again shocked, and their hearts could not calm down at all.

The common people are still like this, let alone the world government, the major countries, the straw hat pirate group, the cross trade union, the red-haired pirate group, the revolutionary army and other forces, the invisible sea is completely chaotic, entering an unprecedented era of great violence dominated by the ancestors of the sea…..

[PS: kneeling for tips, collections, flowers and evaluations, cuteness, tears kneeling for tips… Kneel and beg you to read the boss, kneel and beg you to read the boss. 】。

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