Chapter 107 Im can’t help it, the five old stars start to act, and Bergapunk finds the wronged boss [two more kneeling to subscribe].

Holy Land Mary Joyce; Inside the mighty and domineering castle of the world government, in a conference room on the top floor, five old stars were sitting there with their faces blue, and no one spoke, which invisibly made the atmosphere extremely heavy. Originally, after learning from the CPO’s Luke that the Straw Hat Pirates had entered a state of rage,

In addition to being happy, the five old stars are looking forward to it, anyway, their world government and navy have entered a state of battle, ready to go; I wish the Straw Hat Pirates had to go to the sea ancestor Luo Lei, and there would definitely be no chance of losing both, but… As long as Luffy is killed, the world government will never lose.

The expectation is very good, the development of things is also as imagined, the Straw Hat Pirates are menacing towards the country of peace, however, at such a critical moment of watching the play, there is a terrible bad news, the naval headquarters of the new world has been destroyed, and it is not someone else who has started, it is the red-haired Shanks, Blackbeard, Kapu, and Sengoku who have died.

Just after receiving Sakarsky’s report, the five five old stars still thought that Admiral Sakarsky was playing a prank, how could the dead people be resurrected and join hands to overthrow the Navy Headquarters? Isn’t that kidding?

But… When it was confirmed repeatedly, it was learned that everything had really happened, and the newspaper of the World News Agency had also been published, not only the red-haired Shanks, Blackbeard, Kapu, and Sengoku were resurrected, but also Kaido and Charlotte Lingling were resurrected.


Suddenly, the five old stars who knew the truth showed extremely unbelievable expressions, and in addition to being shocked, they felt that their souls were trembling slightly.

The dead can not only be resurrected, but their strength can be maintained at the peak and have their own consciousness, but their bodies are controlled by the sea ancestor Luo Lei. How is this special 11 possible?

Yes… The truth happened, and the sea ancestor Luo Lei did it.

This makes the five five old stars really don’t want to accept it? Originally, the strength of the sea ancestor Luo Lei was already perverted enough, and now it is good, and it can continue to resurrect the dead strong, how can this be played? Can’t play?

What made the five five old stars want to vomit blood even more was that after the resurrection of the sea ancestor Luo Lei, no matter what he did, the world government endured and endured, did not do anything to him, and retained his affection.

As a result, after the ancestors of the sea came to a good place, resurrected the red-haired Shanks, Blackbeard, Kapu, and the Warring States, the first thing was to let this combat power comparable to the four emperors destroy the naval headquarters of the New World, is this not a proper punch in the face of the navy and the world government?

Now, the pressure has come to the world government again, which invisibly makes the five old stars want to cry.

“Now the whole sea has gone violent…”

“After exposing the people who can resurrect the dead, the whole sea is already in disarray.”

“Now that the forces of all parties have acquiesced, the sea has made a perfect transition from the era of the sea thief to the era of the ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei!”

“Damn it, what the hell are we going to do with the world government?”

………….. I don’t know how long later, the five old stars in silence have only one sentence after another, and I have issued a voice that suppresses the resignation and anger, for them, the current situation is not only aggravating out of control, but even the era has entered an era of great violence dominated by the ancestors of the sea, which invisibly reduces the influence of the world government on the sea by a large margin.

“We’ve got to do it!!”


Accompanied by a knock on the table, I saw the bald head of the five old stars with a gloomy face and said, “I can’t bear it anymore, this sea ancestor Luo Lei deceived people too much, and concentrated on killing it.” ”

“That’s right….”

Another five-old star with a beard shook his fist and gritted his teeth and said, “Lord Im has let us enter a state of combat readiness, we should be able to do it!” ”


The blonde Fifth Elder Star snorted coldly and said, “If you endure any longer, you will really become a shrunken-headed turtle…”

“Alas! You better calm down for a moment…”

At this time, the fifth-aged star with the highest status who had not spoken sighed and said, “Things have happened, even if we are extremely angry, we must bear with it for the time being, and we can’t make a claim.” ”

“Still patient?”

“We really don’t want to put up with it…”

“Let’s do it! The sea ancestor Luo Lei could not be allowed to act recklessly any longer. ”


Laugh at!! Suddenly, just as the other four Five Elders were still complaining, a spatial wave appeared, and Im, with red pupils, wearing a crown with four towering spikes, and wearing a black cloak, appeared in the conference room with a shocked face.

There is no doubt that after learning that the Sea Ancestor had resurrected the Hundred Beasts Kaido and others, Im was also frightened, the sea at this stage is really getting more and more outrageous, even if the Sea Ancestor people resurrect themselves, now even the people who have died can be resurrected, Rao is always in the chest of Im, there is an unprecedented sense of crisis and fear, can no longer remain calm.

Especially for the ninjutsu of resurrecting the dead, Im’s heart also has a strong desire and greed, once she can get this ninjutsu, does it not mean that she can resurrect many of the strong people of the world government who have already died? Including some of the super-powerful people who formed the world government more than eight hundred years ago?

The more she thought about it, the more excited she became, and the more excited she became, which invisibly made Im’s heart, which had not fluctuated for more than eight hundred years, begin to fluctuate violently, and she didn’t want to put up with it anymore.

There is nothing to say, the ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei, she is determined, no one can come, this time, she wants to dig out all the secrets of Luo Lei, even if it is to expose the bottom card of the world government ruling the sea.

“Lord Im?”

In the face of the mysterious Lord Im, the five old stars who were still arguing did not dare to hesitate and hesitate, so they knelt on the ground in no particular order, among them, the five old stars who had just spoken more excitedly, there was also a wisp of cold sweat on their foreheads, and it was obvious that there were some fears of Lord Im’s scolding.

“Well, you don’t have to be angry and complain, take the CPO’s high-end combat power and the blazing angel, go to the navy, and then wait for my orders.”

Im suppressed the impulse in his heart and said indifferently, “This time, let the whole sea see how terrible the world government that has ruled the sea for more than eight hundred years is after the full firepower.” ”

“Got it!!”

“Yes, Lord Im…..”

“Well, we’ll go secretly with the Navy right away.”

“Lord Im, we…

“We won’t let you down.”


Listening to these words, the five old stars, who were still afraid of punishment, were relaxed in their hearts, and their cheeks showed a color of surprise, and they made a sound of excitement.

After many years, they finally had a chance to shoot.

“Bergapunk doesn’t have to worry about it for the time being.”

The next moment, Im thought for a moment before he said slowly, “Let the CPO put his mind on the Straw Hat Pirates, I feel that Straw Hat Luffy should not be so easy to die, after all, Joey Poy is not a fuel-saving lamp.”

“Got it…..”

Hearing about Joey Poe, the five old stars wisely didn’t ask anything more and nodded hurriedly.

“Hmm! You can act first…..”

Laugh at!!

After saying this, Im disappeared into the conference room with a spatial fluctuation.

“Get ready…”

“We can finally leave Mary Joy.”

After Lord Im left, the five five old stars all stood up, and there was an undisguised war intention and a cold color in their eyes. The world government’s forbearance time is over, it’s time to be true….


At the same time, the future kingdom of Eggtip Island; The central area, inside a lab full of sci-fi futuristic styles; The six doppelgangers of Begapunk, Desire [Koku], Violent [Atlas], Knowing [Pythagoras], Thinking [Edison], Evil [Lilith], and [Shaka] are gathered together for the first time in history.

“The world government has set its sights on our being!”

A cold feeling appeared in Koku’s eyes, and he said in a deep voice, “CPO’s Luke, Stucy, and Kaku chose to leave after the Straw Hat Pirates left, and they didn’t know why.” ”

“Otherwise, we will inevitably have a vicious battle…”

Speaking of which, Koku is clearly a little upset and angry!

They and the world government are only employment relations, and now that the blazing angels have studied it, the world government wants to come to a grinding and killing donkey, eating really disgusting

“Not only is it a vicious battle, we may die…”

Atlas thought for a moment before he said with a serious face: “After one of the four emperors, Straw Hat Luffy entered the fifth gear state, it is really too terrifying, relying on domineering power alone has damaged many high-tech machines on Egg Point Island, once the CPO chooses to do it at that time, the consequences are unimaginable.” ”

“Oh, no matter how powerful the straw hat Luffy is, there is certainly no sea ancestor Luo Lei’s perversion.”

Edison showed a disdainful expression and said in a tone that was incomparably pushing 313 Chong: “The use of ninjutsu to resurrect the dead is really unheard of and unseen, it is simply terrible, if the ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei, becomes a scientist, he will definitely become a very good scientist.” ”

“There is something scary.”

Shaka nodded, her eyes flickering with adoration, and said, “Although our body has seen the “Life Design Diagram”… Compared with the ninjutsu of the Sea Ancestors, which all touched the mysteries of the soul, it may be slightly inferior. ”

“It’s true.”

Lilith clasped her hands to her chest and sighed, “With the resurrection of the red-haired Shanks and others by the Sea Ancestor Luo Lei, the Sea has entered the Age of the Ancestors.” ”

“Don’t talk about that, what do we do now?”

Hearing these words, Pythagoras rubbed his head and said helplessly: “After the Eggtip Island was destroyed by the straw hat Luffy, our research funds were insufficient again.” ”

Quiet!! When it comes to insufficient funds, Cocou, Atlas, Edison, Lilith, and Shaka all look distressed, their research, but very expensive, before the world government looked at the study of the blazing angel, but also willing to be the head of the wrong, and now the relationship with the world government is obviously wrong.

Once again, their research funding is stretched thin….. It’s uncomfortable!!

“Or are we looking for a wronged boss?”

After a few seconds, Lilith’s eyes lit up, “The sea is about to fall into turmoil, there will be a war between the ancestors of the sea, the world government, and the Straw Hat Pirates, and whoever wins we will go to whomever we can go to and use some of our latest research results in exchange for cooperation.” ”

“Even if the world government wins, will it go?”

Eddie Business said something pointedly.


Lilith shrugged helplessly and said bitterly: “If the world government wins, then it proves that the strength of the world government is not as simple as imagined, and we have room for bargaining in addition to choosing cooperation again?” ”

“Then let’s see who can laugh the last time in this great turmoil!”


[PS: kneeling for tips, collections, flowers and evaluations, cuteness, tears kneeling for tips… Kneel and beg you to read the boss, kneel and beg you to read the boss. 】。

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