Chapter 108 Luffy: I’m going to form the Straw Hat Alliance [Three More Kneeling Subscriptions].

New World, a sea of calm and calm waves; The Sonny of the Straw Hat Pirates is confronting the Redhead Pirates’ Red Pirates.

On the deck of the Sonny, Straw Hat Luffy looked expressionlessly at Uta on the deck of the Red Foss, did not speak, but his eyes were filled with undisguised anger and coldness!!

He wants revenge!!

He wants to go to the Kingdom of Peace to avenge the evil Sea Ancestor Luo Lei…

Since the East Sea, Straw Hat Luffy has never been so angry and violent as today, and the actions of the sea ancestor Luo Lei have successfully touched his bottom limits and reverse scales, angering him.

Especially when I think of the female emperor who has a good relationship with him on the pirate ship of the ancestors of the sea, his grandfather is killed, the red-haired Shanks is killed, the Ryugu Kingdom changes lords, the white star is also abducted, plus Peach is also tortured and killed, Yamato does not seem to answer his phone worm…

A series of things that make Straw Hat Luffy, in addition to heartache, is anger, irrepressible anger.

Therefore, even if he knew that the Sea Ancestor Luo Lei was very strong, very perverted and terrible, he did not have any fear or hesitation, and when he left Eggtip Island, he flew towards the country of peace at a very fast speed, however… Halfway through, the pirate ship of the Straw Hat Pirates was intercepted by the Red Haired Pirates.

“Luffy, you really can’t go to the Land of Peace…”

Uta glanced at Luffy, who no longer had any smile, and said in a heavy tone, “The ancestors of the sea are like the sun in the sky, and you can only send them to death.” ”

“I’m not afraid!!”

Hearing these words, Luffy’s fist clenched and said coldly, “Sister Uta, there are some things that must be done, but I am a man who wants to be One Piece, how can I shrink back and be afraid, even if it is death, I will make the Sea Ancestors pay the price.” ”

“Don’t you want to avenge Shanks?”


After saying this, it seems that the emotions are out of control, and Luffy’s body erupts with an undisguised momentum and pressure.

“Of course I want to?”

A wisp of pain flashed through Uta’s beautiful eyes, allowing the sea breeze to brush his cheeks, and he said bitterly, “But… I don’t want to watch you go to death, listen to my sister’s advice, now you really can’t beat the sea ancestor Luo Lei, let’s find a place first, from the long term. ”

“Rest assured, I’ll win.”

Luffy took a deep breath and said with some trepidation, “I will win, I will, I will.” ”


In the face of Luffy who was like two people compared to before, Uta was a little dazed, for the first time he felt that there was something strange, that positive and optimistic, attached great importance to his friends and friends, would not kill for the sake of pursuing wealth, but enjoyed the adventure of being a pirate and the freedom of laughter BOY – where did Luffy go?

Can hatred really make people lose their minds and go completely crazy? Out of desperation, Uta can only look at Nami, Robin, Sauron, Sanji and others for help, wanting these Luffy’s partners and friends to persuade Luffy, not to be so impulsive, and to be blinded by hatred.

It’s a pity… Nami, Robin, Sauron, Sanji and the others all showed expressions of helplessness, even Joba lowered his head!

In fact, after leaving Eggtip Island in anger, Nami, Robin, Sauron, Yamaji and others also realized that they could not go to the country of peace so hastily, otherwise the revenge had not yet been repaid, and the Straw Hat Pirate Regiment might also be destroyed by the Sea Ancestor Luo Leituan.

He tried to dissuade Luffy, let him calm down a little, plan well, and then take action. But Luffy rejected without emotion, anyway, no matter who discouraged him, Luffy did not show a little smile, very violent and ruthless; Invisibly, Nami, Robin, Sauron, Sanji and others all felt as if Luffy had changed people.

Since they could not be persuaded, the Straw Hat Pirate Regiment could only go to the Land of Peace with a hard scalp, and could only hope for a miracle to happen, just like defeating the invincible Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment in the first place, defeating the Sea Ancestor Luo Lei.

“Let’s go!!”

Seeing that Uta was no longer speaking, Luffy put his hands on his chest and said in a deep voice, “Let’s continue to set out for the country of peace…”


Uta’s face flashed with determination, and he angrily rebuked, “If you want to go, then I will go with you, and it is a big deal to die together.” ”

Purr, Purr: As soon as the voice dropped, the telephone worm around Uta’s waist suddenly sounded,


Uta frowned, and answered the phone worm,

“Uta, did you intercept the Straw Hat Pirates?”

At the end of the telephone bug, Beckman’s terrified voice came out,


Uta said in a somewhat frustrated tone, “But… Luffy couldn’t listen to the persuasion at all, and he was still very ironclad. ”

“To go to the land of peace.”

“You stand next to Luffy at speed, I have a big thing to tell you.”

Beckman said in an unbelievable tone: “Because of the ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei, now the sea has completely gone away.” ”



With a cracking sound, Utha’s body, knowing the urgency of the matter, flashed to the deck of the Sonny and stood next to Luffy. In this regard, Luffy’s expression still did not change, quite a sense that no matter what, I want to take revenge.

“Uta, Luffy, you’ve all listened to me…”

At the end of the telephone worm, Beckman took a deep breath of air and said, “I just received a shocking news, the sea ancestor Luo Lei will be red-haired captain, Blackbeard, Kapu, Warring States, Hundred Beasts Kaido, Charlotte Lingling have all been resurrected.” ”

“The naval headquarters of the New World has been destroyed by the combined forces of the red-haired captain, Blackbeard, Kapu, and Sengoku; The Hundred Beasts Kaido also fought with Kuzan! ”

“It is said that after the resurrection, Kapu, Sengoku and other people, their bodies are controlled by Luo Lei, their strength is at a peak, and they also have the same immortal body that can be restored even if their bodies are severely damaged.”

“Now the whole sea has exploded, and the major powers have tacitly accepted that the sea has entered the era of the ancestors of the sea…”

After saying this, Beckman’s tone was clearly tinged with a vibrato. There was no way, he did not expect that he stayed in the base camp of the Red Haired Pirate Regiment, and would actually receive such a shocking news, so almost without any hesitation, he called Uta’s telephone worm and informed her at the first time, if he intercepted the Straw Hat Pirate Regiment, he also informed Luffy by the way.

It’s not too late to see it now…..

On the other side,!!

Listening to Beckman’s voice, the deck fell into a moment of silence, even Luffy, who was in a state of hatred, showed a look of uncertainty and uncertainty, not to mention the others, whose cheeks were already filled with expressions of disbelief and extreme shock, and their hearts were as if they had turned over the river and the sea, and they could not calm down at all.

What’s the situation?

The red-haired Shanks, Blackbeard, Kapu, and Sengoku who were killed by the Sea Ancestors were actually resurrected, and they still had the strength of the peak period?

Such an unexpected thing, so that everyone does not dare to believe it at all, but… Listening to Beckman’s tone, it doesn’t look like he’s joking, which means that everything is true.

The sea ancestor Luo Lei really has the ability to resurrect the dead…….

“I know you don’t believe it, but… As it is, if you pass by the business island, you can read the newspaper. ”

On the other end of the phone bug, Beckman seemed to know that Luffy and the others were in shock, and added meaningfully: “Luffy, if you really want revenge, you must be fully prepared, rather than taking the risk of going to the country of peace to die.” ”

“If the resurrected Cap and Red-haired Shanks see that you are carried away by anger and take the initiative to die, I am afraid that it will not be more disappointed and painful…..”

“So, you have to prove yourself…”


After these words, Luffy roared in his head, his body trembled a few times, the sea ancestor actually resurrected Grandpa Cap and the red-haired Shanks, and the thought of the sea ancestor Luo Lei controlling his grandfather and the red-haired Shanks, Luffy’s anger rose to full value.

No, they must not be disappointed, they may also be expecting me to defeat the Sea Ancestors. Wait, the strength of the Straw Hat Pirates is too thin, but… Can you form a super straw hat alliance, concentrate the forces you can unite, and then take revenge?

[PS: kneeling for tips, collections, flowers and evaluations, cuteness, tears kneeling for help… Kneel and beg you to read the boss, kneel and beg you to read the boss. number].

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