Chapter 109: Standing on the Commanding Heights of Justice [One More Kneeling Request].

Wait, the power of the Straw Hat Pirates is too thin, but… Can you form a super Straw Hat Grand Alliance, concentrate the forces you can unite, and then take revenge?

As soon as he thought of this, Lu Fei’s eyes, which were still in anger, lit up, and suddenly there was a bottom in his heart, starting from the East China Sea, his friends were many, and now the ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei, was so unscrupulous and arrogant that the invisible Three Classics became the target of everyone.

Unity is strength, as long as you can stand up and raise your arms, stand on the commanding heights of justice, and absolutely respond to all parties in response to the time and then go to the country of peace and the great battle of the ancestors of the sea, Luo Lei, the victory rate will definitely increase greatly. meanwhile

“This… That’s scary, isn’t it? ”

“What kind of monster is the ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei, who can resurrect the dead.”

“It’s unbelievable!”

“No, you absolutely can’t go to the country of peace, the strength of the sea ancestor Luo Lei was originally very perverted, and now he can resurrect so many strong people, this…

“I can’t fight at all.”


When Straw Hat Luffy fell into contemplation, Nami, Robin, Sauron, Yamaji, and Shyōhei all made a series of terrifying voices after the shock and disbelief of the first 190.

Obviously, how could they not have imagined that the ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei, actually had the secret art of resurrecting the dead, and if they did not know about this matter, they still had hope in their hearts that there would be a miracle, and now, there was a miracle of a hammer? With the resurrected red-haired Shanks, Blackbeard, Cap, Sengoku, Hundred Beasts Kaido, and Charlotte Lingling, they can all kill the Straw Hat Pirates alive.

Can’t go to the country of peace, absolutely can’t go to the country of peace egg touch the stone, for a time, Nami, Robin, Sauron, Yamaji, and even the equality people all looked at each other, and they all reached a tacit understanding with each other, extraordinary periods, extraordinary means, absolutely can not let Luffy be carried away by anger, in vain to take everyone to death.

Among them, Robin’s heart is actually the most complicated and broken, and she never imagined that the man who caused a blank year of history would be so unscrupulous after resurrection; Knowing that she should have focused on studying the blank year of history, she might be able to know a little bit about the weakness of the sea ancestor Luo Lei.

Now, in the face of real strength, what is the use of studying more historical texts?

“Daddy Shanks has been resurrected?”

Uta also gradually came back to his senses, angry and clenched his fists, a ray of tears overflowed from his eyes, no matter what, she would not let her father down, Luffy, she intercepted it, no one can come.

“Well, since that’s the case, we’re not going to the Land of Peace for the time being.”

However, at this moment, Luffy, who was still almost crazy, took a deep breath of the air, and said very unexpectedly: “It is certainly difficult for us to fight against the current Sea Ancestor Luo Lei, so I decided to form a Straw Hat Grand Alliance to unite all parties to deal with the Sea Ancestor people.” ”


“Luffy, you mean to form a big alliance?”

“If our Straw Hat Pirates take the initiative to stand up, maybe we can really unite some forces to jointly deal with Luo Lei, the ancestor of the sea.”


Before the words could be heard, Nami, Robin, Sauron, Yamaji, and even the same people couldn’t help but be stunned, as if they thought of something, and they all showed a thoughtful expression.

They knew very well the potential meaning of Luffy, that is, they wanted to use the influence of the Straw Hat Pirates in the sea and some connections to form a big alliance against the Sea Ancestors, which was undoubtedly much higher than the Straw Hat Pirates Regiment going alone to the country of peace to face the Sea Ancestors, and among them, Uta had a glimpse of essence in his eyes, and forming a Straw Hat Grand Alliance might really have a great chance of winning.

“Alas! In the face of the sea ancestor Luo Lei, this may be the best choice…”

On the other end of the telephone worm, Beckman sighed for a moment before he sighed: “You are back quickly, next, it is time for us to shine the sword.” ”



Luffy and Uta nodded in no particular order, their faces flashing with resolute expressions. This time, they will also let the sea shake and set off a super war that is larger than the war on top.

The next day, when the sea was still in the shock of the resurrection of the red-haired Shanks, Blackbeard and others, the four-emperor-level Straw Hat Pirate Regiment and the Red-haired Pirate Regiment jointly issued a statement that broke the sky and made the whole sea boil, which probably read: “The ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei, was unscrupulous after the resurrection, and he did whatever he wanted with his strong strength, unscrupulously, and had no bottom line; It also resurrected some of the dead strong, wantonly trampling on their dignity… All kinds of extremely bad acts, the sea is turbulent, the countless civilians who are frightened are terrified, the whole sea can be described as a bitter ancestor for a long time, based on this, the Straw Hat Pirate Regiment and the Red Haired Pirate Regiment will form a Straw Hat Grand Alliance, and sincerely invite all forces to join in the fight against the Sea Ancestor Luo Lei. ”

Rumble!! As soon as the statement came out, the sea, which was still in a state of vibration, exploded in an instant! Because, no one thought that after the sea had entered the era of the sea ancestor Luo Lei, the Straw Hat Pirate Group did not go to the country of peace with the iron, but took the initiative to speak out and form a big alliance of straw hats to jointly fight against the sea ancestor Luo Lei.

Is this the rhythm of going hard with the sea ancestor Luo Lei?

What makes people think more carefully is that this statement has indeed touched the pain points of many underground dark forces and major pirate groups, and everyone has been facing the unscrupulous Luo Lei, everyone dares to be angry and dare not speak, and can only endure silently.

Now led by the Straw Hat Pirates and the Red-haired Pirates Regiment, some forces that were afraid of the powerful strength of the Sea Ancestor Luo Lei began to come alive in their hearts.

After all, the sea ancestor Luo Lei can do whatever he wants, and he will not care about and care about anyone, especially after entering the era of the sea ancestor, Luo Lei has vaguely become the “ancestor” standing on the head of the major forces, not only does not dare to provoke, but also has to be careful, fearing that the sea ancestor will kill the four sides unhappily and unreasonably.

Therefore, under such circumstances, countless underground dark forces on the sea, major pirate groups, various countries, etc., have begun to pay attention to the Straw Hat Grand Alliance, wanting to see which forces will be the first to join.

For a time, the Straw Hat Pirates and the Red-haired Pirates became the focus of attention of the entire sea.

[PS: kneeling for tips, collections, flowers and evaluations, cuteness, tears kneeling for tips… Kneel and beg you to read the boss, kneel and beg you to read the boss. 】。

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