Chapter 110: The Straw Hat Grand League [Two More Kneels for Subscription].

New World, the Cross Guild, one of the Four Kings; In the conference room, Hawkeye Mihawk, Clokdal, Bucky, Mr.1 Daz Bonis, Mr.3 Galdino and others gathered solemnly,

Now there are no false Four Emperors, the real Four Emperors, because, in the era of Luo Lei, the ancestor of the sea, especially after the resurrection of the Warring States, Kapu, Red-haired Shanks, and Blackbeard, the Four Emperors have long since lost their original sense of oppression.

What the four emperors come to the sea, the heavens and the earth surrender, not to mention, in front of the sea ancestors is a big joke

“I really didn’t expect that the resurrected Sea Ancestors would be so perverted that they actually resurrected Blackbeard, Red-haired Shanks, Sengoku, Kapu and others.”

Klockdahl took a puff of his cigarette and said in a deep voice, “With the strength of the current country of peace, in the absence of a world government, the ancestor of the sea, Ichirore, has become the true uncrowned king of the sea.” ”


Hawkeye Mihawk’s sharp eyes flashed a bitter color, and sighed: “I really don’t know how the redhead who was resurrected is feeling, the good villain was also the emperor of the King’s Landing Sea, but after being resurrected, he became a puppet with an uncontrolled body, this huge gap, maybe every moment is suffering!” ”

“Redheads must be uncomfortable, but.”

“Our cross trade unions are also in a difficult position.”

Hearing these words, Bucky said with great depression: “As the navy becomes more and more depressed and obscene, and the ancestors of the sea become more and more powerful and domineering, the business of our union bounty to the navy can no longer be carried out.” ”

All right!

In fact, even Bucky did not think that the hidden boss of the world government – Im and the sea ancestor Luo Lei fought in the air, but their cross union was damaged, the business has been completely unable to continue, those pirates are now frightened by the power of the sea ancestors, and they are also afraid of doing something to the navy, and they are settled by the world government after the autumn, resulting in the fate of taking money and not having a life to spend.

This… A series of chain reactions, invisibly making the newly established cross union on the verge of closure….. Wait, if I go out of business, then won’t I be free?

Suddenly… Bucky’s hindsight reacted to it, and on the surface he did not move, but inside he figured it out at once, and the joy blossomed; He’s had long had enough of Hawkeye Mihawk and Klockdahl, and it wouldn’t be a bad thing if the Cross went out of business.

As for Mr.1 Daz Bonis, Mr.3 Galdino and others, listening to these words, and then thinking about what happened in the sea in recent times, under the shocked face, they all carefully lowered their heads, and even the atmosphere did not dare to breathe.

They did not dare to participate in the discussion, lest the fire at the city gate affect the pond fish and suffer a senseless disaster.

“Or… Let’s answer the call of Straw Hat Luffy! ”

At this time, Hawkeye Mihawk took a deep breath, as if he had made up his mind, and said in a firm tone: “The sea ancestor Luo Lei is too unscrupulous to take anyone in his eyes, rather than sit and wait, it is better to take the initiative to attack.” ”


Klockdale let out a puff of white smoke, his eyes fluctuated in the smoke, and finally after a moment of deep groaning, he still nodded his head and said coldly: “Whether it is the world government or the ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei, we cross the union can not afford it, then join the Straw Hat Grand Alliance, at least have the ability to resist!” ”

“That’s it.”


Neither Hawkeye nor Klockdahl asked Bucky and the others for their opinions, and simply and neatly set the plan to join the Straw Hat Grand League.


And the dialogue between the two, originally Bucky who was still dreaming of the dissolution of the Cross Guild in his heart was confused, there was no expression on the surface, but the heart was sad to the extreme, was there any mistake?

He really didn’t want to join the bullshit Straw Hat Grand Alliance, and he didn’t want to face the sea ancestor Luo Lei!

Yes… Hindered by Hawkeye Mihawk and Klockdal, Bucky did not show it, but instead took the initiative to speak: “Then I will announce to the public that the Cross Guild will join the Straw Hat Grand Alliance in response to the call of the Straw Hat Pirates.” ”


Hawkeye Mihawk and Klockdale both nodded in agreement, and there was no fear on their cheeks, but some excitement.

They all understood very well that once this statement was made, the Cross Union had blatantly chosen to take sides with the Straw Hat Pirates and stand against the ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei.

But… So what? The Tao is different from each other, and as a famous sea thief, will they be afraid? I won’t be afraid, even if the strength of the Sea Ancestors is very strong, it will be over…

… New World, a sea of calm waves, the Polar Diver is sailing at a uniform speed on the sea;

“Boss, what now?”

“The Straw Hat Pirates and the Red Haired Pirates are going to form a Straw Hat Grand Alliance against the Sea Ancestor Luo Lei.”

“I really didn’t expect that the sea ancestor Luo Lei could actually resurrect the dead people, and also ordered Blackbeard, Redhead, Kapu, and the Warring States to destroy the Navy Headquarters, a series of operations, which simply made people’s scalps tingle.”


On the deck, the pirates of the Heart Pirate Regiment looked at the newspapers in their hands, their cheeks were filled with shock and disbelief, and some of the weaker people had a wisp of cold sweat on their foreheads.


Listening to these words, Trafalgar Ro, who was leaning on the side of the ship, showed a confused expression, only one last step away from the Great Secret Treasure, but so many big things had happened, and that the sea ancestor Luo Lei was really very hateful.

Thinking that the sea ancestor Luo Lei has the ninjutsu of resurrecting the dead, and the style of doing whatever he wants; Trafalgar Luo’s heart was trembling, how could there be such a super pervert in the sea?

“Luffy, you owe me a favor again.”

Before long, Trafalgar Rowe’s eyes flashed a wisp of determination, and he simply and neatly ordered: “Return at full speed, we respond to the call of Straw Hat Luffy to join the Straw Hat Grand League.” ”



The pirates of the Heart Pirate Regiment were stunned for a moment and nodded their heads in no particular order.


There is nothing to be surprised by, with the steely relationship between the boss and Luffy, it is normal to respond to the call of the Straw Hat Pirates, the only pity is that the time to find the Great Secret Treasure will be postponed again.

And in another sea, the Victoria punk is parked on the surface of the sea,


“Red-haired Shanks, do you have today?”

“Killed by the sea ancestor Luo Lei, and resurrected as a tool man puppet, think about it is a little funny?”


Accompanied by a series of loud laughter sounds, Kidd’s cheeks unabashedly showed a sarcastic expression, but as the smile gradually disappeared, Kidd clenched his fists, and the expression on his cheeks became hesitant.

“There is a debt and a master, the ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei, you killed the red-haired Shanks, and then resurrected him to play with him, I am really happy.”

A cold glint flashed in Kidd’s eyes, and he muttered to himself, “But… You shouldn’t have messed with the Straw Hat Pirates, I’m sorry, now Straw Hat Luffy screamed, I have to respond. ”

….. As soon as he thought of this, Kidd held out his right hand and signaled, “Let’s go back and find the Straw Hat Pirates and join the Straw Hat Grand Alliance.” ”

“Yes, Captain Kidd!!”

A pirate from the Kidd Pirate Regiment answered loudly.


The next day, under the eyes of everyone, Bucky, one of the current Four Emperors, directly announced that the Cross Union would respond to the call of the Straw Hat Pirates and the Red Haired Pirates to join the Straw Hat Grand Alliance: As soon as the news came out, the sea shook violently again, and no one thought that the first response was actually the Four Emperors Power Cross Union; The second person to issue a statement, the Green Pheasant Pirate Regiment, one of the Four Emperors Pirates, also announced that they would join the Straw Hat Grand Alliance, followed by the Heart Pirate Group and the Kidd Pirate Group not to be left behind, saying that they would join the Straw Hat League and the Straw Hat Pirate Regiment; These three statements came out,

Like a fuse, it caused a series of chain reactions, causing the sea to constantly announce its participation in the Straw Hat Grand Alliance, such as: the former deputy captain of Roger’s Pirates, known as the “Right Wrist of One Piece”, Pluto Reilly; Feld, king of usury; King of Shipping Ummit; Pieclos, the big hand mortician, and so on, seem to have reached some kind of tacit understanding, announcing their participation in the Straw Hat League!!

In addition, there are some countries that prevent the world government from issuing a statement, but secretly provide a large amount of supplies to the Straw Hat Grand Alliance.

In addition, the Barto Club of the Straw Hat Ship Regiment, the Handsome Pirate Regiment, the Eight Treasure Water Army, the Edio Pirate Regiment, the Tontata Pirate Regiment, the New Giant Pirate Regiment, and the Jotamaria Grand Ship Regiment also responded.

For a time, the Straw Hat Grand Alliance was in the limelight of the sea and became the focus of attention of the entire sea.

[PS: kneeling for tips, collections, flowers and evaluations, cuteness, tears kneeling for tips… Kneel and beg you to read the boss, kneel and beg you to read the boss. Spoon].

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