Chapter 111: Red Dog: The Ancestor Man Kills Luffy Like a Dog [Three More Kneels and Asks for Subscription].

The New World, the Navy G-2 Headquarters, yes, after the Navy G-1 Headquarters was destroyed by the combined forces of Karp, Sengoku, Blackbeard, and Red-haired Shanks, Marshal Sakarsky chose the Navy G-2 Branch as the new Naval Headquarters.

Perhaps it was too late for the Navy G-2 to be much simpler and worse than the destroyed Navy G-1. At this time, in a conference room on the top floor of the fortress; Five Five-Elder Stars, the Commander of the Whole Army, Marshal Sakarsky of the Navy, Green Bull, Yellow Ape, Vine Tiger, Dark Horse of the Criminal Investigation Bureau, Staff Officer of Crane, and the six commanders of the CPO all gathered together.

Perhaps no one spoke, making the atmosphere in the conference room extremely depressing.

In particular, the faces of the top naval leaders led by Sakarsky were almost all gloomy, and it was obvious that after the destruction of the G-1 headquarters of the Navy, their hearts were extremely unhappy and uncomfortable, and they had not calmed down until now.

“This time the Navy’s G-1 headquarters was destroyed, I don’t blame you, I can only blame the sea ancestor Luo Lei for not playing cards according to common sense.”

As if sensing that something was wrong with the Navy’s top brass, the bald five old stars said with a serious look: “Your choice to abandon the Navy’s G-1 headquarters is the right choice.” ”

“Even if it’s the right choice, I can’t stand it.”


Before the words could be heard, Sakarsky, who had been looking gloomy, slammed the table and said angrily, “Luo Lei, the ancestor of the sea, is really deceiving people too much, and our navy and he will not die.” ”

At this point, there seemed to be some gaffe, and a huge heat wave poured out of Sakarsky’s body, but the people present were some high-end combat forces, so they didn’t feel anything, only the steel bone air showed a smile of empathy.

He knew very well what the Red Dog was angry about, and after sitting in the position of marshal, there were no other merits, the naval headquarters was replaced by two, and three high-end combat forces were killed.

It can be described as nothing, which is the most appropriate…

“Sakarsky, we understand your feelings, first calm down.”

Sensing this heat wave, the five old stars of the Eight Character Hu frowned, “This time we came to the Navy Headquarters to make final preparations.” ”


The blonde five-old star stretched his loins before he slowly and leisurely sighed: “We have not done anything for almost a hundred years, endured for so long, and finally waited for someone worthy of our shot, it is really not easy.” ”

“Haven’t touched a hand in a hundred years?”

Upon hearing these words, everyone at the meeting couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow, and there were some doubts in their hearts, and it was not easy to say clearly.

After all, if you haven’t done anything for hundreds of years, doesn’t that mean that the age of the five five-old stars is at least a hundred years old, and the strength can still maintain the peak period?

“You don’t have to doubt that we have indeed lived for hundreds of years.”

The blonde five-old star looked straight and said in a tone full of adoration: “This… Everything was given by Lord Baiim. ”

“Sure enough…”

“Something to do with Lord Im, the hidden boss of the World Government.”


Listening to these words, everyone in the conference room showed a suddenly enlightened expression, and the doubts in their hearts disappeared, after all, the mysterious Lord Im destroyed a country in one move with one move, and her ability and strength were beyond doubt.

“Well, with that the destruction of the Navy Headquarters first, let’s talk about the Straw Hat League!”

At this time, the highest-ranking five-old star who had never spoken picked up a piece of information in his hand and threw it on the table, saying: “The Straw Hat Grand Alliance has absorbed the Cross Guild, the Green Pheasant Pirate Regiment, the Kidd Pirate Regiment, and the Heart Pirate Regiment….. After that, Sanjing became a super-large organization. ”

“Now the Straw Hat Grand Alliance is in the limelight on the sea…”

After saying this, the highest-ranking Five Old Stars paused, “It shouldn’t be long before the Straw Hat Grand Alliance will launch an attack on the Land of Peace.” ”

“It’s terrible…”

Hearing this, the Yellow Ape tilted his mouth and said, “The Straw Hat Grand Alliance is going to launch a battle that will affect the entire sea!” ”

“The paper strength of the Straw Hat Grand Alliance is very strong, but I don’t know if it can cause a little trouble to the country of peace.”

After taking a sip of tea from the black horse, he said in a deep voice, “Once we can lose both, it will be very beneficial to us.” ”

“I think it is very difficult, the true strength of the ancestors of the sea, no one knows.”

Fuji Hu hesitated for a moment before adding, “What if the Sea Ancestor Luo Lei not only resurrected Blackbeard, Red-haired Shanks, Sengoku, Kapu, Hundred Beasts Kaido, Charlotte Lingling?” ”


A CPO chief wearing a cat-faced mask said in a cold tone, “This kind of ninjutsu that resurrects the dead should have some kind of limitation, if it can be resurrected indefinitely, then isn’t the sea chaotic?” ”

“Oh, now the sea is messed up..”

The Green Bull revealed a disdainful smile and said pointedly, “Other people may not be possible, but….. I think it is really possible that the Sea Ancestor Luo Lei can perform the ninjutsu of resurrecting the dead infinitely. ”

“Green Bull, what do you mean?”

The CPO chief wearing a cat-face mask was suddenly upset.

“What can I mean?”

Green Bull shrugged his shoulders indifferently and said, “Just tell the truth to yourself, if you are not convinced, you can go to the Kingdom of Peace and ask the Sea Ancestors face to face?” ”


“Well, give me a little less talk!!”

Just when the CPO chief wearing a cat-faced mask wanted to say something, he was interrupted by the snap of the bald five old stars.


The chief CPO wearing the cat-face mask gritted his teeth and snorted coldly, and together with the remaining five CPOs, they did not speak, and they felt very angry when they spoke on the naval turf.

At this moment, Marshal Sakarsky looked at the six commanders of the CPO indifferently and said, “Straw Hat Luffy grows very fast, but… I always had the feeling that the sea ancestor Luo Lei’s killing him would be like killing a dog, and even if he could enter the Nika form, he might be killed cleanly. ”

“1.0 No… Sakarsky, it can’t be said that other people may not have a chance of winning, but Straw Hat Luffy may really make the Sea Ancestors eat a defeat. ”

After drinking a cup of tea, the five old stars of the Bazihu said pointedly: “The sun god Nika is not as simple as imagined, even Lord Im is very jealous, and there is that Joey Poy may have awakened, but it has not yet been revealed.” ”

“All this has to do with the history of a hundred years of blank space, and in a nutshell of all, Munch… D. Luffy is a guy who can do miracles. ”


After this sentence, the conference room fell into a period of silence, related to the blank history of a hundred years, which means that things may be really troublesome.

[PS: kneeling for tips, collections, flowers and evaluations, cuteness, tears kneeling for tips… Kneel and beg you to read the boss, kneel and beg you to read the boss. 】。

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