Chapter 112: Kaido: You call me Dad, I call you Adult.

However, if the Straw Hat Grand Alliance can really cause trouble to the ancestors of the sea, it will be beneficial to their world government, the sandpiper and the clams will fight each other, the fishermen will win, and they may be the fishermen hiding behind, and they will come with a three-arrow arrow and a winner.

Therefore, under the circumstance that the eight characters Hu Wulaoxing said his words so clearly, the people present were not fools and fools, of course, they knew what the five old stars wanted to do, and they all showed thoughtful expressions, and without saying more, they silently nodded.

“By the way, there are some countries that secretly support the Straw Hat League, do we want to warn you?”

Suddenly, the dark horse seemed to think of something, and said pointedly: “These countries have ostensibly joined the world government, secretly communicated with the Straw Hat Grand Alliance, and really played a hand of wishful thinking.” ”

“Do you think these countries are only in secret communication with the Straw Hat?”

Listening to this sentence, a CPO chief who was not going to speak could not help but retort: “There are some countries that are very shrewd, betting on the three sides?” Not only did he support the Straw Hat Grand Alliance, but he also secretly sent a lot of supplies to the Harmony Kingdom. ”


The look of the black horse froze at once, after the destruction of the naval headquarters, he was too late to deal with some news and intelligence, and now he was punched in the face in public.


The next moment, the black horse smiled and said softly, “It doesn’t matter, anyway, it’s all some wall grass, whoever laughs to the end will follow whom, it doesn’t matter.” ”


At this time, the five-old star with the best status took a deep breath and said, “The situation in the sea is complex and changeable, and the major forces you sing and I appear, but… Our world government has ruled the sea for more than eight hundred years. ”

“So, no matter what, our world government will have the last laugh.”


After saying this, the five five old stars got up and left the conference room in no particular order.


The six CPOs snorted coldly, did not look at the top of the Navy, and could not wait to leave the conference room.

“Let’s do this for the time being!”

Sakarsky looked disdainfully at the chief of the six CPOs who walked out, took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice: “There are five old stars to take the lead, we don’t have to worry, just obey the order.” ”

“Got it….”

The green cow, the vine tiger, the yellow ape, and the black horse all nodded.


Only Staff Sergeant Tsuru let out a faint sigh, a hint of disappointment in his eyes, and then he got up and left the office. Karp?

After all, your grandson will still be killed!!

Even if you are not killed by the ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei, you will be killed by the five old stars of the world government, and I really can’t do anything about it, maybe you, the grandfather, will witness the scene of your grandson being killed.

And Sakarsky looked at the departing crane staff officer, did not say anything, a lot of things, must be done, this straw hat Luffy should have killed a long time ago, now grown to the fourth emperor, but also raised his arms, formed the straw hat big alliance, it will be even more dead, even if Kapu is still alive can not be saved.

The storm caused by the Straw Hat Grand Alliance continues, almost every day, you can hear some forces joining it, at first there may be some elites, and then some chaotic cow ghosts and snake gods have joined, and the number has swelled to almost 300,000.

And when the miscellaneous and messy, three religions and nine streams of people gathered together, all kinds of problems appeared, for this reason, it almost caused infighting in the Straw Hat Grand Alliance, fortunately, at the critical moment, the deputy captain of the Red Haired Pirate Regiment, Beckman, Hawkeye Mihawk, Klockdal, Pluto Reilly and others stood out, mercilessly killed thousands of people who mixed into the Straw Hat Major League to do things, only to stabilize the situation.

Then, Straw Hat Luffy became the leader of the Straw Hat Grand Alliance under the recommendation of everyone, and the first order issued was to streamline the number of Straw Hat Leagues, and finally reduced the number of people of about 300,000 to 10,000, at this point, the Straw Hat Grand Alliance officially took shape and began to show its sharp fangs to the whole sea. The country of peace, in the face of the Straw Hat Grand Alliance that caused turmoil in the sea, was not affected in the slightest, and in addition to the fact that many countries secretly sent countless materials, the development of the country of peace reached a small peak.

the capital of flowers, within the central area of the palace; Luo Lei was counting the booty that the red-haired Shanks and others had collected from the naval headquarters, and he did not even look at the gold and silver treasures, leaving only eight demon fruits.

As for the attributes, Luo Lei was too lazy to look, anyway, he did not eat, it was for the system to absorb.

“Straw Hat League, is that what you mean by trying to get me to catch you all?”

Soon, after the inventory was completed, Luo Lei picked up a intelligence document in his hand, quickly glanced at it, and threw it on the table, muttering: “Straw hat Luffy, I did not come to you, but you took the initiative to do things, then I am sorry.” ”

“This time, I’ll let you know what really does what you want….”


However, at this moment, a knock on the door sounded,

“Come in…..”

877 Luo Lei sensed it for a moment and said a bland sentence.

“Lord Lore!”

Kaido pushed open the door, walked in with a big grin, and asked, “The Straw Hat Grand Alliance has been formed, when will we assemble?” ”

“No need to assemble….”

The corners of Luo’s mouth cocked slightly, and Yun said lightly, “Let the bullets fly for a while, this time I want to let the whole sea know what is the true ancestor of the sea.” ”

“Got it…..”

The Hundred Beasts Kaido’s eyes lit up, and he immediately understood,

“That’s right, Lord Lore!”

The next moment, the Hundred Beasts Kaido showed a rare twisted and pinched expression, opened his mouth, wanted to say something, but couldn’t say it.

“If you have something to say, if you have a fart, let it go….”

Luo Lei shook his head helplessly and reprimanded.

“Lord Luo Lei, from now on, can I talk to you and you, I call you an adult, and you call me Dad.”


Before he could finish speaking, a cracking sound rang out, and the body of the Hundred Beasts Kaido landed outside the Flower Capital in a parabola, emitting a deafening roar.

[PS: kneeling for tips, collections, flowers and evaluations, cuteness, tears kneeling for tips… Kneel and beg you to read the boss, kneel and beg you to read the boss. 】。

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