Chapter 114: Peach Rabbit: You don’t want to… [Second more kneeling for subscription].

“Sure enough… The more you unlock the fusion, the more powerful the attribute is doubled, and it is completely unreasonable. ”

Probably scanning his attribute panel, Luo Lei’s eyes flashed a flash of surprise, and he involuntarily sighed: “The motherland is so perverted, I don’t know how strong the real superman really is.” ”

In fact, he himself did not know how strong the ability and strength of the peak motherland were, but… From the perspective of what is now unlocked, there are still some perverts, physique, spirit, strength, speed, and hot sight have been greatly improved, invisibly making various abilities have metamorphosed, for example, the Navy Six and the armed color domineering have reached the top levelMore importantly, with the transformation of the body, the already majestic Immortal Body Cha Ton La, it seems to have grown a lot, I am afraid that it is not already comparable to the Chakra of the Ten Tails.

“It feels like it’s still a little bit closer to breaking through to the six-way level.”

After roughly perceiving his physical state, Luo Lei’s cheeks showed a thoughtful expression.

In fact, after fusing the templates between the peak primordial Naruto Senju pillars, he had been trying to break through to the level of the six paths, after all, the six realms below and the six realms above were completely two concepts; At the peak of the first generation of Naruto Senju Pillar, it was very strong, and it could be called the first person under the Six Paths, but… Less than six Dao, in the world of Naruto, after all, is a second-class existence.

“It should be fast, I feel that the cha tonra in the body is about to reach an extreme.”

It wasn’t long before Lori shook his head, too lazy to think about it that much. To break through to the level of the Six Paths, the most obvious sign is to master the Seeking Path Jade.

In the original work, the way to master the path of jade can probably be divided into three types, the first is to use its own seven attributes of chakra manufacturing, the second is to use the rebirth eye, reincarnation eye to make, the third is to obtain through the complete acquisition of the six immortals; In fact, there is another kind of chakra that has a huge and almost endless chakra like the ten tails, which will cause qualitative changes due to quantitative changes, directly in one step, master the power of the six paths, condense the path jade, and reach the level of the six paths.

The ten-tailed human pillar force is the most direct example….

The first method, Lore, had tried many times more than forty years ago, and it seemed that the pirate world was missing something and failed; He didn’t have the reincarnation eye and the reincarnation eye, nor did the second method 953, and as for the third method to learn the six immortals, it was almost impossible, unless he could draw the template of the six immortals.

Therefore, after drawing the ancestral template, Luo Lei planned to take the path of ten tails, and now it seems that the effect is very good.

“Let’s do this for the time being.”

A few minutes later, Luo Lei took a sip of hot tea from his teacup and subconsciously used his super perception to perceive the sea where Wano Kingdom was located.

Nowadays, seeing and hearing is combined with super perception, and Luo Lei himself does not know how far he can perceive, so every time he perceives, he will take the country of peace as the center and continue to spread in all directions.


Suddenly, just as Luo Lei put down his teacup, as if sensing something, a hint of cruelty appeared on his cheeks.

If there is no mistake in perception, there seems to be some uninvited guests in the sea near Wano Country watching Wano Country?

“Just get stronger, let’s play…”


With a cracking sound, Lore’s body disappeared into the room.


At the same time, in the waters near Wanokuni, some merchant ships were slowly moving on the sea, and if anyone had the eye of God and looked closely from top to bottom, they would find that these merchant ships seemed to be circling around some commercial islands near Wanokuni.

Yes, these pirate ships, disguised as merchant ships, have come to spy on the country of peace, including the navy, the CPO, the Straw Hat Grand Alliance, the revolutionary army, and so on.

Sometimes when encountered, everyone is tacitly aware of it, and dare not make a big move, lest it attract the Hundred Beasts Pirate Group and the BIGMOM Pirate Group, then it will be finished!

At this time, on a sea west of the Wano Kingdom, a merchant ship was sailing slowly and leisurely, and several revolutionary soldiers dressed as merchants on the deck were holding binoculars and looking solemnly at the Wano Country.

“There is still no movement in the country of Wanoku!”

A merchant dressed as a revolutionary soldier shook his head and commanded in a deep voice, “Let’s go!” It’s time for us to leave…”



An explosion sounded, and before the other revolutionary soldier could finish speaking, his body was violently exploded by something, turning into a cloud of blood mist, and the deck was splashed everywhere.


The revolutionary soldier with the telescope was confused, wiped the blood on his cheek, and was about to say something, but found that the revolutionary army on the deck had not yet reacted, and his body had turned into a blood mist, and finally… A figure hovered in mid-air like a ghost.

“Ancestors of the Sea…..”

Seeing this figure, the revolutionary soldier holding the telescope widened his eyes and flashed a look of disbelief on his cheeks, as if he did not expect that he was just ordered to monitor the country of peace and would actually attract the ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei.

Laugh at!! In the next instant, the revolutionary soldier with the telescope wanted to say something, a hot line of sight crossed his body, along with the pirate ship under his feet, which was cut in half from the middle, perhaps the temperature was too high, and the body of the revolutionary soldier holding the telescope was directly reduced to ashes, and the pirate ship under his feet was cut in half at the same time, and a raging fire was also lit.

In the end, the disguised merchant ship disappeared into the endless sea in less than a minute.

“The first one!”

Laugh at!!

After effortlessly fixing a pirate ship, Luo Lei didn’t pay attention to which force it was, and his body disappeared in mid-air as soon as his mind moved. Therefore, in the next half hour, the ships disguised as merchant ships in the waters near the country of Wano were damaged, and many of the people on the ships had not yet reacted, either being cut alive by a red hot sight, or being photographed alive by a wooden man to the bottom of the sea, or being hit alive by Luo Lei’s body, almost all of them were destroyed.

At this moment, in a sea farther away from Wano Kuni, a top warship of the navy was floating motionless on the surface of the sea.

“Lieutenant General Gion, things are not good.”

An urgent voice sounded, only to see a naval captain hurriedly run out of the cabin and say in an incredulous tone: “Some of the navies disguised as merchants in the waters near Wanokuni have all lost contact.” ”


Peach Rabbit, who was sitting on the deck sunbathing, opened his eyes and said in astonishment, “You mean all of them are lost.” ”


The admiral nodded and said, “It didn’t take more than half an hour, and all of them were lost.” ”

“We will retreat for the time being, and the country of peace will definitely take action.”

Tao Rabbit hesitated for a moment before ordering, “Send some more people to investigate what is going on, whether the Hundred Beasts Pirate Group and the BIGMOM Pirate Group have attacked.” ”

Nowadays, the Great Alliance of Wano and the Straw Hat is the focus of the Navy and the world government, and this time Momoto has been tasked with paying attention to the movements of the Wano Kingdom.

“No more….”

Before the words could be heard, a cruel voice sounded, and Luo Lei’s body appeared over the top warship of the Navy, listening to this sentence……….

The peach rabbit subconsciously looked at the sky, and when he saw the person coming, his look suddenly froze, and his face turned pale with fright, and the whole person seemed to be petrified, standing there like a wooden chicken.

As for the naval soldiers on the deck, the reaction was actually similar, almost breaking their eyes, and even more they were already paralyzed on the deck, how could it be? The sea ancestor Luo Lei!

He… Did he actually show up here? For a moment, the deck was plunged into an atmosphere of dullness and solemnity.


In mid-air, the corners of Luo Lei’s mouth cocked slightly, and he said slowly, “I just wanted to warm up a little, but I didn’t expect to touch a big fish in the Navy.” ”

Originally, after dealing with the uninvited guests in the waters near the country of peace, Luo Lei was planning to go back, but he happened to sense the breath of these navies and came along the way.

It just happened to find the vice admiral and substitute general of the Navy Headquarters, Peach Rabbit.


After these words, the naval soldiers on the deck suddenly returned to their senses, their foreheads were cold sweating, and their eyes were all showing a look of extreme horror.

“Ancestor of the Sea Luo Lei!!”

“He… How did he get here? What to do, what now? ”

“It’s over, we’re totally finished.”

With a series of frightened voices, the naval soldiers on the deck did not even have the heart to resist, and there was only one thought in their minds, that is, death.

“It turned out to be his moving hand….”

Peach Rabbit barely suppressed the fear in her heart, revealing a bitter smile of sudden enlightenment, she had already hidden far away, even the sea near the country of peace did not dare to approach, but she did not think of it, so that it could be perceived by the ancestors of the sea, this… Is it that even the sky is going to kill her?

“You go, I’ll hold him back…..”

However, Peach Rabbit was also a substitute general of the Navy, and after the initial trepidation, he quickly returned to his senses and gave a loud command.

Laugh at!

This was the sound of Jin Kunluo being pulled out by the peach rabbit, perhaps knowing that the strength gap was very large, the peach rabbit planned to preemptively attack, and his body flashed towards Luo Lei’s violent attack. Clang!!

This was the sound of the entangled armed color domineering Jin Kunluo slashing at Luo Lei’s body, in addition to the explosion of a majestic energy fluctuation, there was not even a little substantial effect, there was no defense against breaking Luo Lei.


Peach Rabbit Silver Teeth clenched, just want to wave the golden biro in his hand again, snap!!

A crisp sound sounded, and a slap mark appeared on the face of the peach rabbit who was ready to move again, perhaps the force was too great, and the peach rabbit’s body smashed the deck, making a crisp impact sound.

“It’s so fast, I can’t react at all…”

The peach rabbit that smashed on the deck covered his already red and swollen cheeks, and his heart was desperate except despair, too strong, the Sea Ancestor was really too strong, even if it was as strong as her, it seemed that there was no power to fight back.

“No, you can’t give up.”

Unfortunately, when the peach rabbit wanted to stand up, Luo Lei’s eyes in mid-air began to flash a crimson light. Laugh at!!

The next second, a fleeing naval soldier was blown alive by the crimson hot sight, of course, Luo Lei controlled the temperature, and did not fire at full force, otherwise the temperature of more than three million degrees Celsius would erupt, and this sea area would not be able to withstand it.

And… This is just the beginning.




A series of desperate screams rang out, and the remaining naval soldiers who wanted to flee were almost powerless to fight back, and they were bombarded one after another by the hot sight. Suddenly, blood was rushing and the air was filled with a pungent smell of blood.

About ten seconds later, the navy on the scene was completely annihilated except for the peach rabbit.

“All dead?”

“Demon, this is a demon….”

“Why… Why is that? ”


Peach Rabbit sat paralyzed on the deck in despair, smelling the blood in the air, and his mind sank into a blank slate. What Peach Rabbit doesn’t know, however, is that this is just the beginning. Swish!

A few seconds later, before the peach rabbit could react, he was carried into the cabin by Luo Lei…. Three hours later,

“Peach Rabbit, you don’t want today’s events to go out, do you?”

After saying this, Luo Lei walked out of the peach rabbit’s room beautifully,


The body of the peach rabbit in the room trembled a few times, and his mind couldn’t help but think of some of the pictures just now, and he became tearful again.

The Ancestor of the Sea is a brazen super bastard.

[PS: kneeling for tips, collections, flowers and evaluations, cuteness, tears kneeling for tips… Kneel and beg you to read the boss, kneel and beg you to read the boss. 】。

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