Chapter 115: Dragon: Fight the Tiger Brother, Fight the Father and Son Soldier [Three More Kneeling Asking for Subscription].

The Ancestor of the Sea is a brazen super bastard. In fact, even Peach Rabbit himself thought he was dead,

But he did not expect that the sea ancestor Luo Lei, a guy who did not play cards according to common sense, actually took a fancy to her body, and now it is good, this time the task of monitoring and the country, she can be said to have lost the lady and folded the soldiers, and even put herself into it; If he had known that this was the case, even if the final boss of the world government, Im, had given the order, Peach Rabbit would not have accepted the task. As soon as she thought of this, Peach Rabbit’s silver teeth clenched and picked up the Jin Kunluo placed next to her, and she wanted to cut herself off, Shi Ke could not be disgraced, the insult she had received today, only death could prove her innocence. However, after picking up Jin Kunluo, a hesitant expression appeared on the pretty face of the peach rabbit, and in the end, the peach rabbit still left Jin Kunluo aside, and the two lines of clear tears flowed silently, she could not commit suicide, she wanted revenge, she wanted to avenge the demonic man.

On the other side,

“Ding!! Congratulations to the host, congratulations to the host, unfettered completion of a single do what you want, the system deliberately rewards two percent of the experience. ”

“Ding!! I hope that the host will continue to work hard, follow the heart, be unfettered, and do whatever you want. ”


When Luo Lei, who had already walked to the deck, was about to leave, a series of system prompts suddenly sounded in his mind, and then a huge energy poured into his body and began to transform his body.

“Come out and get stronger again…”

Half an hour later, Luo Lei sensed that his body had become stronger again, and involuntarily revealed a cold smile. He is getting stronger almost every moment, what does Wang Lufei and Im fight with him?

This time, if Wang Lufei and Im were not at once, he would not be the ancestor of the sea. Swish!

A cracking sound sounded, and Lore’s body left the deck and disappeared.


At the same time, what happened in the waters around the country of Wano could not be concealed at all, and when the various forces found that their men in the waters around the country of peace were all missing, the first reaction was that it was bad, and the country of peace began to move, and the second reaction was to send people again to see what the situation was.

However, when the news of the sea ancestor Luo Lei’s own hands came out, whether it was the world government, the navy, the CPO, or the Straw Hat Grand Alliance, the revolutionary army, and other forces, they were instantly dumbfounded, and they did not dare to send people to the sea near the country of peace.

They all knew very well that this was the sea ancestor Luo Lei in the bright sword, who dared to head the iron again, the consequences could be very serious. Suddenly, even the Straw Hat Grand Alliance that was still consolidating its forces did not dare to send people to the sea around the country of Hezhi, the world government, the navy, and the CPO, not to mention, they were thinking of the mantis catching cicadas and yellow finches, so it was the first time to withdraw a large number of spies, and even the Straw Hat Grand Alliance did not monitor.

For a moment, the invisible power of the sea ancestor Luo Lei made the whole sea have some chills and shiver. New World, within the G-2 headquarters of the Navy, the topmost general staff office;

Staff Sergeant Tsuru looked at a vacation note in his hand and fell into thought, after the sea ancestor Luo Lei’s sword, the Navy did not send anyone to spy on the country of peace, but… At this moment, the vice admiral and substitute general of the Navy headquarters actually wanted to apply for leave.

This made Staff Officer Crane puzzled…….

For Peach Rabbit, she knows very well, there is no special situation, it is absolutely impossible to drop the chain at a critical moment, unless something happened in this mission, which was deliberately concealed by Peach Rabbit.

“Wait a minute…”

The next moment, as if thinking of something, Staff Officer Tsuru took out a document that impressively recorded the destruction of the navy’s top warship on which Peach Rabbit was riding.

At first, she thought that Peach Rabbit was lucky and escaped a disaster; Now it seems that something must have happened….

“Could it be?”


With the sound of slapping the table, Staff Officer Crane’s cheeks revealed a wisp of anger and resignation, she realized, and immediately figured out that this unscrupulous sea ancestor Luo Lei must have taken the peach rabbit… Damn it otherwise!!

The navy again ate a dumb loss in the hands of the ancestors of the sea, and a good cabbage was arched by the pig; It wasn’t long before the sound of smashing things came from the office of Staff Officer Crane, on the other side; In the kingdom of Kamabaka, inside a conference room of the Revolutionary Army, Munch D. Long, Ambrio Ivankov, Lightning, Bello Betty and other cadres of the revolutionary army gathered together,

“Well, now that we’ve all arrived, let’s announce something!”

Munch S. D. Long seemed in a good mood and gestured at Kirra.

“Yandi Saab is not dead yet!”

Kirla looked at the latest piece of information in his hand and said excitedly, “In the face of Im’s air attack, he was seriously injured, and now that the injury is healed, he is secretly rushing back to the Kamabaca Kingdom.” ”


“Great, really great.”

“Hahaha, God bless our revolutionary army.”


Hearing these words, many cadres of the revolutionary army in the conference room were first stunned, and then they involuntarily issued one shocked sound after another.

You know, after learning that Im had destroyed a country in the air for Liwei, they had made a cold sweat for Saab, and now that Saab is not dead, it is really the luck of the revolutionary army.

“That’s right.”

After everyone calmed down a bit, Munch D. Dragon narrowed his eyes and said in a dignified tone: “Now the telephone worm call is not safe, everyone is on the phone, it is best to use a secret code.” ”

“Got it…..”

Upon hearing these words, many cadres of the revolutionary army nodded their heads with serious faces.

This time Saab was accurately positioned by the world government, it should be that the telephone worm exposed the specific location, and only then did Im destroy a country in the air.

“Dragon Chief, the Straw Hat Grand Alliance has been formed, do we revolutionary army have to respond?”

Kirla seemed to think of something, and asked with some curiosity.

Swish! Swish! Swish!! Before the words could be heard, many cadres of the revolutionary army looked at the dragon with curious eyes, and these days, for the Straw Hat League, their revolutionary army was very concerned, and the main leader of the Straw Hat League sang the grass. Luffy’s attention is even more important.

“Hahaha, we in the revolutionary army do not have to respond, but….. will participate. ”

In the face of everyone’s eyes, Munch D. Long laughed loudly and said without hesitation: “Fight the tiger brothers, fight the father and son soldiers, even Luffy is not afraid, what am I afraid of?” ”

[PS: kneeling for tips, collections, flowers and evaluations, cuteness, tears kneeling for tips… Kneel and beg you to read the boss, kneel and beg you to read the boss. Chuan].

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