Chapter 117: The Straw Hat Grand Alliance Attack, Im’s Order, Naval Action [One More Kneel for Subscription].

This sea, since the resurrection of the ancestor of the sea more than forty years ago, Luo Lei, has been in a state of constant vibration, so that the navy and pirates who have always stood on the opposite side, hindered by the power of the ancestors of the sea have temporarily reduced conflicts and contradictions, and countless people have listened to the various deeds of the ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei, their hearts have long been shocked and insensitive, and they dare not say anything more about the threat theory of the ancestors of the sea, for fear of igniting a fire.

However, at such a tense moment, one news office after another, except for the World News Agency, was like a chicken blood, regardless of three, seven and twenty-one, and sent out newspapers one after another to the whole sea.

[Straw Hat Luffy, the leader of the Straw Hat Grand Alliance, directly announced that after the integration of the Straw Hat Grand Alliance, the whole army will attack, and it is bound to defeat the Sea Ancestors. ] 】

[It is unbearable, in the face of the increasingly unscrupulous ancestors of the sea, the Straw Hat Grand Alliance will no longer be patient and directly show the sword. ] 】

[Straw Hat Luffy, the leader of the Straw Hat Grand Alliance, expressed great confidence in defeating the Sea Ancestors. ] 】

[The actions of the ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei, caused public anger, and the Straw Hat Grand Alliance wanted to walk the way for the major forces and sweep the country of peace… 】

………….】Boom!! As soon as the news came out, the sea, which was still in a state of silence, suddenly set off a monstrous wave again.

Even those people on the sea who were already insensitive in their hearts, after seeing such a news, they all gasped in shock, and their scalps were numb for a while…

Here it comes! Here it comes!

17A shocking war is finally coming!!!

In fact, when Straw Hat Luffy shook his arms to form the Straw Hat Grand Alliance, everyone knew that the Straw Hat Grand Alliance and the sea ancestor Luo Lei would have a battle, it was only a matter of time ·

Now the Straw Hat League is finally ready, about to… Start a war with the ancestors of the sea! It goes without saying that we all know that a shocking battle that will determine the direction of history is about to break out, and no matter who loses or wins, it will change the pattern of the entire sea.

Of course, there are some people who look a little farther, but their hearts are tight, thinking of the navy that has been low-key like a salted fish since the resurrection of the ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei, and the world government that has not had any sound after the exposure of the final boss of the world government, Im.

Especially Im, after destroying a country with one move in the air, he was dumbfounded, and there was no action all the time.

Now that the Straw Hat Grand Alliance is going to finally fight the Sea Ancestors, what will the world government, which has always been low-key, do? Once the world government, which has ruled the sea for more than 800 years, also intends to do it, the form will definitely become more and more complicated; After all, whether it is the era of the ancestors of the sea, or the era of Rocks, and the era of Roger, compared with the history of the world government for more than eight hundred years, it is a big joke.

If the behemoth of the world government is also ready to start, it may be an unprecedented three-way melee. Unfortunately, under such a situation, the world government still has no movement, so many people and forces are not sure whether the world government will take action, and can only focus their attention on the country of Wano, whether the world government moves or not, a battle more terrible than the war on the top will break out there.

And for countless civilians, the sea is going to be turbulent, and after being frightened, they choose to lie flat, for them…


Whether it is the ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei, or the Straw Hat Grand Alliance, and the world government are not good things, and they are willing to lose three times to the new world, and the G-2 headquarters of the navy is in a conference room on the top floor of the fortress; Five old stars, the commander of the whole army, Marshal Sakasky of the Navy and others gathered together again, compared with previous meetings, the atmosphere of this meeting is undoubtedly more solemn and depressing, because, just now, Im, who has not moved, suddenly issued the latest instructions to the five old stars, the Straw Hat Grand Alliance can start, the world government can also do it, and if necessary, you can cooperate with the Straw Hat Grand Alliance.

Airplanes!! As soon as this order came out, not only the five five old stars were stunned, but even Steel Bone Kong, Sakaski, the chief of the CPO and others were stunned.

Didn’t it say that the praying mantis catches the yellow sparrow behind? Why do you want to cooperate with the Straw Hat Major League? Is this a joke? Could it be that Lord Im thinks that the Straw Hat Grand Alliance is not a threat to the sea ancestor Luo Lei at all?

I don’t know, I don’t understand, I don’t understand, I can’t figure it out, this is the collective reaction of everyone in the conference room! What was even more aggrieved was that even the five old stars did not dare to ask Lord Im why he issued such an order, so he could only stare dryly in the conference room, wanted to say something, opened his mouth, and couldn’t speak.

“How scary!!”

The yellow ape tugged his head and said incredulously: “What should I do now?” Do you really want to work with the Straw Hat Major League? ”

“What exactly does Lord Im think?”

Sakaski’s eyes seemed to have a flame burning, and he said coldly: “Isn’t it nonsense for the navy to cooperate with pirates?” If this is reported, the face of our navy will be lost. ”

“What’s going on?”

“Why did Lord Im suddenly convey such an order.”

“We’re ready to take advantage of it, but tell us to work with the Straw Hat League when necessary? Look down on us too much, right? ”


With one incredible voice after another, Green Bull, Fuji Tiger, Steel Bone Kong, Black Horse, and the six chief chiefs of CPOs all showed incredulous expressions, and they all looked at the five five old stars with doubts.

“We don’t know why?”

Facing everyone’s gaze, the bald five old stars showed a helpless smile and said in a deep voice: “Maybe Lord Im has a new plan!” ”

“We can’t guess Lord Im’s mind.”

Bazi Hu Wu Lao Xing thought for a moment before he said slowly: “No matter what, let’s follow Lord Im’s order first.” ”

“That’s all it takes.”

Steel Bone Sora nodded and agreed,

“Lord Im, as a god-like existence, must have his own arrangements and plans.”

“Well, this is Lord Im’s order, and everyone cannot question it.”

At this time, the five-old star with the highest status who had never spoken much took a deep breath, a trace of firmness flashed in his eyes, and ordered: “Let’s get ready to go too!” In any case, if it really comes to the necessary moment, cooperation is not impossible. ”


Hearing the words of the five old stars, everyone in the conference room hesitated, and then nodded in no particular order.

As subordinates, their first priority is to obey orders, so… Since Lord Im has given the order, no matter how uncomfortable and unhappy he is in his heart, he must carry it out.

“If I’m not mistaken, it should be related to the fact that the ancestor of the sea, Lorrey, wants to resurrect Locks, Roger, Golden Lion Schi, Zefa and others.”

Suddenly, at this moment, Staff Officer He, who was sitting in the corner, clenched his fist and said with an expressionless face: “I just received a piece of latest information, Zefa, the graves of the golden lion have been dug up, and it is the resurrected Karp who is doing it.” ”

After saying these words, Staff Officer Crane was extremely bitter in his heart, this sea ancestor Luo Lei really played a wishful calculation, if it was someone else, it would be impossible to know where Zefa and the golden lion were buried, but… Sengoku and Karp happen to know that especially the Golden Lion, who died shortly after being captured by the naval fleet led by the ghost spider, was buried by Karp himself, and now he has gouged it out with his own hands, and it is a little uncomfortable to think about it.


“Zefa and the Golden Lion’s grave was dug?”

“Damn, what exactly is the ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei, trying to do, is it just trying to resurrect those who besieged him forty years ago?”

“This… This is also too cruel, flaws must be repaid!! ”

Staff Officer Crane’s words were like a thunderclap on the ground, so that everyone in the meeting could not remain calm, even the five five old stars showed something extremely shocked, it was at this time that they knew why Lord Im would give such a strange order because, if the ancestors of the sea really resurrected Rocks, Roger, Whitebeard, Zefa and others, then the comprehensive strength would be greatly enhanced, unless Straw Hat Luffy’s crazy explosion exploded again, otherwise, the winning face of Straw Hat Grand League 310 was really low.

Just why dig a grave? Could it be that something is needed to resurrect people? There’s something confusing about that!

But… No matter what, when I think of the sea ancestor Lore to resurrect Locks, Roger, Whitebeard and others, plus the red-haired Shanks, Karp, Blackbeard and others who have been resurrected, the people in the conference room all feel a burst of scalp numbness, Alexander sea ancestor Lore is really too special to face, constantly resurrecting the dead, what is it?

“Lord Im is wise?”

After a moment, Steel Bone Kong said with a look of adoration.

“Ready to go!”

At this time, the five old stars with the highest status slowly got up and said, “No matter what, let’s take a look at the specific situation first.” ”

After saying these words, the five old stars with the highest status strode out of the conference room, and the remaining four five old stars followed, clenched their fists in the air, and hurriedly followed, and the six CPO chiefs looked at each other and followed;

“Let’s go!!”

In any case, the goal of our navy is to eliminate evil, uphold justice, and never allow a trace of “evil” to exist. ”

Sakaski slowly got up and walked out of the conference room with an indifferent expression.

Hearing these words, the eyes of the three major generals Vine Tiger, Green Bull, Yellow Ape, and Black Horse lit up, nodded thoughtfully, and also followed, and in the end, only a crane staff officer who remained at the headquarters of the Navy was left in the conference room…


After everyone left, Staff Officer Crane sighed faintly, I don’t know how, especially after the Peach Rabbit incident, she always had an ominous premonition in her heart, but when she thought that the world government still had hole cards that had not been used, and Lord Im had not yet started, Staff Officer Crane still couldn’t help but relax and would definitely win, the world government has ruled the sea for more than eight hundred years, and will definitely laugh to the end, the only pity is Luffy, who put himself in it.

[PS: Kneeling for tips, collections, flowers and reviews, cute new, tears kneeling to beg… Kneel down and beg you to read the boss, kneel and beg you to read the boss. 】。

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