Chapter 118: Your time has passed, and now is the era of the ancestors of the sea [two more kneels and begs for subscription].

The sea is turbulent, and the country of Wano at the center of the vortex is a light cloud, although at this moment, the eyes of the whole world are focused on the country of Wanokoku, but… The civilians, ninjas, samurai, etc. of Wano Country are not panicked at all, and even some want to laugh.

Because, in their hearts, Lord Luo Lei, the ancestor of the sea, is an invincible existence, even if Luffy, the straw hat who once miraculously defeated the hundred beasts Kaido, it is impossible to defeat Lord Luo Lei; So, they are all waiting to see the play, to see how the Straw Hat Grand League is defeated, to see how Straw Hat Luffy will die!!

Now how high the Straw Hat Grand League jumps, how miserable the fall is, the atmosphere of Wano Country is extremely relaxed, and there is still some vague expectation that the Straw Hat Grand League will come to Wano Country soon!! the capital of flowers, within the palace in the central area;

“What are these newspapers reporting?”

“In order to gain attention, I really don’t even want a little face.”

“Give Straw Hat Luffy ten guts, and I dare not say that I am very confident in defeating Lord Luo Lei, the ancestor of the sea.”

“These newspapers have no useful information at all, and compared to the newspapers of the News of the World, they are garbage in the garbage.”


Looking at the newspapers in his hand, Ember, Quinn, Jack, Katakuri, Perospero and others all showed extremely angry expressions, and the grumpy Jack tore the newspaper in his hand to shreds.

I originally wanted to read some newspapers, but it was some messy news, and there was no useful news except after knowing that the Straw Hat Grand Alliance had already marched towards Wano Country.

“Hahaha, these news newspapers have also learned to exaggerate and distort the facts.”

Hearing these words, Morgans couldn’t help but laugh out loud and said disdainfully: “It seems that it has been suppressed by my World News Agency for too long, and now a straw hat big league has finally appeared, and they can’t help but shake their flags and shout.” ”

After saying this, a hint of pride appeared in Morgans’ bird’s eyes, and he added: “Let these news newspapers be proud for a few more days, and when the Straw Hat League is defeated, it will be time for our World News to take command.” ”

All right!!

Since hugging Lord Lore’s lap, the World News Agency has become the veritable first newspaper of the sea by reporting one news after another that shocked the sea, and it has used the second place for almost a dozen streets.

More importantly, due to the divine power of Lord Luo Lei, the ancestor of the sea, neither the world government, the navy, nor some other major forces dared to easily take action against the world news agency, so that the expansion of the world news office in the sea was unhindered.

“Don’t pay attention to these newspapers, it’s all some wall grass…”

Hundred Beast Kaido picked up the wine glass and took a long sip of wine with some depression, and said in a deep voice: “As long as we win this time, these news newspapers will defect one by one, and they will praise Lord Luo Lei again.” ”


Next to him, Charlotte Lingling also looked at the dessert in her hand with some helplessness, and added meaningfully: “Everything depends on strength to speak, and only with strength can we dominate everything, and you can do whatever you want.” ”



The next moment, I don’t know if I have a little understanding, Charlotte Lingling and Hundred Beast Kaido sighed as if they were sick together.

After the resurrection, this immortal body is good for everything, but there is no sense of taste and smell, and there is no need to eat and sleep, which makes the hundred beasts Kaido and Charlotte Lingling feel a little bored after the initial excitement.

Drinking has no taste, drinking it is decomposed, eating dessert has no taste, and many things can’t be done, this… Let both of them feel that life has lost some meaning.

Therefore, the two now put their hopes on Lord Luo Lei, to see if one day in the future, when Lord Luo Lei becomes more powerful, can they be truly resurrected, instead of being like now, the soul is normal, but the body is composed of countless dust.

“Lord Luo Lei, don’t we prepare now.?”

A few seconds later, looking at Luo Lei, who was sitting on the main seat and slowly drinking tea, Han Cook’s eyebrows frowned slightly, and he said without emotion: “The current Straw Hat League is menacing, we still pay a little attention, after all, Straw Hat Luffy is not a fuel-saving lamp.” ”

“Don’t pay attention, a bunch of rabble.”

After Luo Lei took a sip of hot tea, he said in an indifferent tone: “This time, since they dare to come, then I will open up my firepower and play with them well, so that they know what the real ancestors are.” ”

Just kidding, the two-time enhanced Rorey, from beginning to end, he did not pay attention to the Straw Hat Major League, the only thing that made him a little interested was whether the Straw Hat Luffy would explode again, and when the World Government would start, and when Im would appear.


Han Cook’s beautiful eyes flashed a look of adoration, now she, for the straw hat Luffy, no longer have the slightest feeling at all, she has changed into Lord Luo Lei, and she is more and more adored and liked by Lord Luo Lei.

Damn it!

The charm of the ancestors is really unstoppable….

So much so that Hancock thought about it and a blush appeared on his cheeks, and some images flashed through his mind.

“Lord Lore, Karp haven’t they come back yet?”

Suddenly, Kaido’s eyes moved, as if he had thought of something, and asked with some curiosity.

Charlotte Lingling heard this, and added with some doubts: “Karp, Warring States, redhead, Blackbeard after destroying the naval headquarters, what did they do?” ”

“It’s almost time to the City of Flowers.”

Luo Lei chuckled, revealed a wisp of Azu’s characteristic smile, and said in a cold tone: “This time, I will resurrect those guys who besieged me at the beginning, let them take a good look, the times have changed, from now on, it will be the era of my ancestors.” ”


“Lord Luo Lei, could it be that…?”


Almost without any warning, Kaido and Charlotte Lingling stood up from the ground abruptly, their cheeks filled with doubt.

In fact, Karp, Sengoku, redhead, and Blackbeard did not return to the country of peace, and they vaguely had some conjectures in their hearts, but they did not expect that Lord Lorrey actually wanted to resurrect Locks, Roger and others who besieged him in the first place.

Come to think of it, Kaido the Beast and Charlotte Lingling are a little excited.

Rocks, Roger, Whitebeard, and Golden Lion Shiji are all very powerful, and can be called legends of the sea.

But… In front of Lord Luo Lei, the ancestor of the sea, there are really some that are not enough to see; Now they can all imagine how ugly their faces were when they saw Lord Lorley resurrected after Locks, Roger, Whitebeard and others were resurrected.


“Could it be that Rocks, Roger, Whitebeard and others will be resurrected?”

“Once these people are resurrected, the Straw Hat Grand League will still be a fart? Without Lord Lorey’s shot, you may be able to beat the straw hat big league to. ”


Soon, accompanied by exclamations, Ember, Quinn, Jack, Katakuri, Perospero and others also reacted with hindsight, in addition to being happy, they were excited, and the excitement in their hearts could not be suppressed at all.

Thinking that the legendary pirates have all been resurrected into Lord Luo Lei’s tool people, they can’t help but want to laugh out loud and scream!!

It’s so cool!!!

If you dare to be an enemy with Lord Luo Lei, you must be sanctioned and “favored” by the ancestors of the sea, even if you die, you can’t escape the bang!!

Suddenly, at this moment, a knock sounded,

“It’s back…”

Hundred Beast Kaido, Charlotte Lingling, Ember, Quinn, Jack and others quickly looked at the gate, only to see Sengoku, Karp, red-haired Shanks, and Blackbeard walking in in no particular order.

In addition to Blackbeard, the expressions of Sengoku, Karp, and red-haired Shanks are very ugly, and the look in their eyes is as if they are about to eat people. Wrath!

They never thought that after destroying the headquarters of the Navy, Rore actually ordered them to dig graves, which was simply an insult to them; And yet… The heart is very resistant and resigned, but there is no use for eggs, their bodies are not controlled at all, and they are under the control of Luo Lei to carry out those tasks.

“Lord Luo Lei, Whitebeard’s grave has been dug up by me.”

After Blackbeard came in, he said without hesitation: “Marco joined the Straw Hat Grand Alliance with some remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates. ”


Luo Lei nodded with great satisfaction, glanced at Sengoku, Karp, Shanks, and said violently: “I know that you are very unhappy in your hearts, and in the future, there will be more unpleasant things happening, I hope you will look good with your eyes wide open.” ”

“Rorey, you…”

Hearing these words, Sengoku, Karp, and Shanks showed an angry and depraved expression, opened their mouths, wanted to say something, but couldn’t say anything.

Now that they have become the tool people of the resurrection of the ancestors of the sea, what qualifications do they have to speak?

Regret it!

Whether it is Karp or Warring States, Shanks has some regrets, he has long known that this Lore will act so recklessly, without scruples, they really shouldn’t mess with this madman and pervert, now it’s okay, it’s really too difficult to be resurrected after death.

“Quinn, are you ready?”

As soon as Luo Lei turned his eyes, he looked at Quinn, who was still in shock.


Quinn nodded hurriedly.

“Okay, it’s time for the final step.”

Luo Lei stood up, took a deep breath, and said: “Since the Straw Hat Grand Alliance dares to come, it will pay a price, whoever comes to Laozi will do whoever comes, this time, I want the entire sea to completely enter the era of the ancestors of the sea.” ”

“Got it!!”

Before the words fell, Kaido the Beast, Charlotte Lingling, Ember, Quinn, Jack and others all showed extremely crazy and violent looks that things have developed to the present, and they may create an era that belongs to the ancestors of the sea with Lord Lolei… Half an hour later, on the square in the palace, Kaido the Beast, Charlotte Lingling, Ember, Quinn, Jack, Hancock, Katakuri and others were standing there, and the resurrected Karp, Sengoku, Red-haired Shanks, and Blackbeard stood behind Rolei.

At this time, almost everyone’s eyes were focused on Luo Lei’s body.


Accompanied by a majestic immortal chakra fluctuation, Luo Lei’s hands gently knotted a few seals. Laugh at! Laugh at!!

A slight spatial fluctuation occurred, and I saw that five consecutive coffins were summoned from a black hole, and placed upright in the square in turn, from right to left, the coffins were Luo, Luo, Bai, Jin, Ze!


Clang! Clang! Clang!!

A series of coffin lids were opened, and five coffins were opened in no particular order. D. Gibbeck, “One Piece” Gore D. Roger, Edward Newgate, one of the former Four Emperors, Shiki the Golden Lion, and Zefa!!

As for Wang Zhi, John, Jaba, and Silver Axe, they were either transformed into zombie generals, or they were not dead yet, and they don’t know where they were hiding; Either you die and don’t know where to bury it.

So, there is no way to revive!!


Locks S. D. Gibbeck opened his eyes with some doubts, his expression was extremely dazed, after killing the ancestors of the sea, he rebelled and was killed by Karp and Roger, how is he still alive?

“I… I lived? ”

Gore S. D. Roger twisted his head, and there were some fools, he clearly remembered that he was publicly executed by the navy? Now alive again? It’s incredible!

“Am I not dead?”

The golden lion Shiji was also extremely confused, looking at his intact body, as if he was dreaming.

“Diqi, I feel your breath, you unfilial son…”

Accompanied by an angry voice, I saw the whitebeard at his peak walking out of the coffin, angrily looking at the blackbeard standing behind Luo Lei, however, just when the whitebeard still wanted to say something, he was stunned all of a sudden, as if he suspected that he was wrong, and couldn’t help rubbing his eyes, the ancestor of the sea, how is the ancestor of the sea still alive? Something is wrong?

“Whitebeard, times have changed.”

Seeing this scene, Blackbeard was not afraid at all, and said in an astonishing voice: “Your time has passed, and now it belongs to the era of the ancestors of the sea. ”

“What’s the situation?”

“Impossible? Why is this so….”

“Can anyone tell me what happened?”

“The ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei, is not dead yet, why are we not dead?”

“What’s the joke, entering the era of the ancestors of the sea?”

“In the next moment, Whitebeard, Golden Lion, and Zefa all made incredible sounds, showing a rare ghost-like look, and there was a shock in their minds.”

“Something seems wrong?”

Locks ignored Karp and Roger, and looked at the ancestor of the sea, Lorrey, with a solemn expression.

“Now is the time of the ancestors of the sea? Then is there no one to look for my great secret treasure? ”

Roger felt that his head was a little insufficient, scanned the circle, and his expression became more and more ugly, especially after seeing the red-haired Shanks, Karp, Sengoku and his state was similar, his heart sank even more, and he had an ominous premonition.


[PS: Kneeling for tips, collections, flowers and reviews, cute new, tears kneeling to beg… Kneel down and beg you to read the boss, kneel and beg you to read the boss. 】。

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