Chapter 119: Lao Tzu’s Rules Are the Rules [Three More Kneeling for Subscription]].

That’s right, it’s an ominous premonition, at the beginning, the Roger Pirates led by him completed the voyage of the Great Voyage and conquered the Great Voyage, and at that time it coincided with the death of the ancestors of the sea, Lorrey and Locks, so he was called “One Piece” by the world.

Finally, because of his health, he wanted to open an unprecedented new era “Age of Sea Pirates” through his death. The result?

Now someone told him that the ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei, was resurrected, and the sea was already the era of the ancestors of the sea, so what about my era of sea thieves?

Incredible, right? But….. Looking at his resurrected body, and then at Luo Lei, the ancestor of the sea who resurrected himself, unconsciously, Roger’s heart was a little desperate.

He is not a fool and a fool, the ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei, resurrected them to surely want to humiliate and despise them! It’s just that how could the ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei, have a way to bring the dead back to life? It’s incredible!

No, it’s not right, the ancestors of the sea seem to be truly resurrected, we are just souls resurrected, and we are invisibly controlled by the ancestors of the sea, Luo Lei, and we can’t get rid of it at all. At the same time, after the initial shock and disbelief, in addition to Roger, Locks, Whitebeard, Golden Lion Shiki, and Zefa all reacted, and at their level, a little thought almost understood something.

The only thing that makes their hearts itch is what is the situation in the sea now, what is the situation? What did the sea ancestor Luo Lei want to do when he resurrected them? Definitely not just to humiliate them….. Quiet!!

The square suddenly fell silent!!!

People such as Ember, Quinn, Jack, Katakuuri, Perospero, Hancock and others also widened their eyes, looking at the five people in the field, of course, if you look carefully at the 480 words, most of the eyes fall on One Piece Roger and Locks, obviously for the legendary One Piece, they are also very interested.

“Hahaha, aren’t you happy that you are resurrected?”

Seeing that no one spoke, Hundred Beast Kaido grinned and said sarcastically: “Didn’t you besiege Lord Luo Lei in the first place?” Now that he is personally resurrected by Lord Luo Lei, his heart should be very complicated, right? ”

“Now the sea has entered the era of the ancestors of the sea.”

Charlotte Lingling said with a sneer on her face: “Lord Luo Lei resurrected you because he wanted you to witness a battle that affected the entire sea that determined the direction of world history. ”


Hearing these words, Locks snorted coldly with a gloomy face, glanced at the hundred beasts Kaido, and swept his gaze towards Luo Lei, “The winner is the king and the loser is Cole, more than forty years ago, I was convinced of losing, but I didn’t expect that, Luo Lei, you can actually be resurrected, and you can resurrect us.” ”

“Very good, really good.”

When he said this, Locks’ tone was obviously a little embarrassing, at the beginning, after the death of the ancestor of the sea, he was backstabbed by his own men, and he could only watch Roger and Karp join forces.

At that time, his heart was already dead, but he was resurrected by Luo Lei, so that as a generation of overlords, he still had some uneasy feelings.

“I don’t care…”

Zefa didn’t look at Sengoku and Karp, and said disapprovingly: “I wanted to destroy the whole world with explosive rock before I died, but I failed, and now I wish that the ancestors of the sea could unify the entire sea and make the navy and the world government disappear from the sea.” ”

“Zefa, you…”

As soon as they heard these words, Karp and Sengoku’s expressions changed suddenly, and they almost couldn’t help but shout angrily.

“Aren’t you all the same resurrected? What is the spirit? Or do you think you are still a marshal of the Navy and a hero of the Navy? ”

Zefa hugged his hands to his chest, a trace of sarcasm flashed in his eyes, and said, “Since he was resurrected by the ancestors of the sea, he must have the appearance of a tool man, do you still want to teach me now?” Is it matched? ”


“Whatever you think…”

Sengoku’s body trembled, gritted his teeth, and directly wouldn’t speak, Karp sighed and didn’t speak, he couldn’t get used to many decisions of the world government, but he held back, but Zefa didn’t hold back, and finally went astray.

Now that he has been resurrected by the ancestors of the sea, Zefa is afraid that he would not like to let the ancestors of the sea Luo Lei burst everything!

“Hahahaha, I don’t care anymore…”

Sensing his intact body, the golden lion Shiji jumped happily on the ground a few times, and said quite freely: “Sea ancestor, thank you for resurrecting me, it just so happens that I also want to see what the sea is like when entering the era of the sea ancestor, open my eyes.” ”


Whitebeard made a bold voice and said, “Luo Lei, I am very happy that you resurrected me, but… I only have my sons in my heart, and I may disappoint you. ”

“Whitebeard, you’ve died once, are you still pretending? I have killed a lot of your son. ”

A trace of coldness appeared at the corner of Blackbeard’s mouth, and he chuckled: “Now the rest have joined the Straw Hat Grand Alliance, and may also be killed.” ”


Whitebeard roared in anger again, and as soon as he clenched his fist, he wanted to attack, but unfortunately… No matter how he controlled, the body did not react at all, and it was not controlled by him at all.

“Whitebeard father, do you really think that you are still the strongest man in the sea? Your time has passed, accept your fate. ”

Blackbeard shrugged his shoulders disapprovingly, and said indifferently: “I have already died once, and now I am also resurrected by Lord Luo Lei, so you can’t kill me at all, and I can’t kill you.” ”

“Reverse Son!!”

Whitebeard scolded sharply, and could only clench his fists ineptly and furiously. Angry!!

In the face of Blackbeard, the unfilial son, he was really angry, but… The body is out of control, and this feeling is as uncomfortable as eating.

However, as soon as he heard that Blackbeard was dead, Whitebeard eased up from his anger, and he couldn’t help but feel some relief in his heart, just die, this obstacle deserves to die.

“What’s going on with the Straw Hat League?”

At this time, Roger frowned, glanced at Blackbeard, and still asked.


Blackbeard glanced at Lore cautiously,


Luo Lei nodded expressionlessly,

“Then I’ll tell you about it!”

With Lord Luo Lei’s consent, Blackbeard suddenly had confidence, took a deep breath, and said, “This time we have to start with the Flame Celebration in Wano Country…”

……. Five minutes later, Blackbeard gave an overview of the situation at this stage of the sea.

“How so?”

Hearing these words, Rocks, Roger, the golden lion Shiji, Zefa, and the whitebeard’s cheeks were filled with extremely incredulous looks, and the stormy waves in their hearts could not be calmed down at all.

It’s really what happened to the sea at this stage, which really makes them can’t believe it…

Needless to say, the strength of the sea ancestor Luo Lei is perverted, the world government has also produced a hidden boim, and the straw hat Luffy has also formed a straw hat grand alliance, which is rushing towards the country of Wano.

Is this the rhythm of the sea about to explode? At the same time, they also know why the sea ancestor Luo Lei resurrected them, among which the golden lion Shiji and Zefa are indifferent, resurrected to become puppet tool people, just in time to witness a top war; Can…. The expressions of Locks, Roger and Whitebeard have changed and changed, this sea ancestor is disgusting them, is it really too special and has no bottom, right?

“Luo Lei, do you want me to kill my own son with my own hands?”

Whitebeard suppressed the anger in his heart and said, “What do you want to do, do you have the strength to do whatever you want?” ”

“Luo Lei, the world government is everyone’s common enemy, you can’t do anything to the Straw Hat Grand League, these are the hopes of the sea. 】。 ”

Roger gritted his teeth and said with a serious expression: “Especially Straw Hat Luffy, the future of the sea depends on him, my big secret treasure has been waiting for a destined person, I have a hunch that this Straw Hat Luffy is a destined person, can you turn Gange into a jade drape, my One Piece can be the middleman.” ”

“Luo Lei, I am convinced, can’t you give me a face?”

Locks was much more simple and direct, and said in a deep voice: “When the battle starts, can you not control me, after all, in front of so many people, control me and turn me, the former overlord, into a marionette, which is very humiliating?” ”

“Really give you face? What are you, are you worthy of negotiating conditions with me? ”

Listening to these words, a violent look flashed in the eyes of Luo Lei, who had never spoken, and said domineeringly: “I was able to suppress you more than forty years ago, and now that I have resurrected you, I want you to know what the real ancestors are.” ”

“Unhappy, unconvinced, uncomfortable, all hold me in my heart, Lao Tzu’s rules are the rules, you have no choice but to obey.”

After saying this, Luo Lei didn’t look at Roger squarely, Whitebeard, Locks, and now, he still can’t recognize reality, and he really thinks that he is still a character? Barge, talk about conditions? I’m sorry, but neither of you deserve it.


Locks, Roger, and Whitebeard are all angry and vomit blood [the body of the reincarnation of the filthy soil has no blood], open your mouth, and want to say something, but you can’t say anything when you are angry.

Wrath! Hold on! Anger…..

How did they not expect that after the resurrection, Luo Lei would become like this, compared with more than forty years ago, it is too late?

They were not taken seriously at all, unscrupulous to the extreme.

[PS: Kneeling for tips, collections, flowers and reviews, cute new, tears kneeling and begging… Kneel down and beg you to read the boss, kneel and beg you to read the boss. 】。

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