Chapter 124: The Real Armageddon is about to begin.

The wooden arena that covers Wano Country is large, and because of its high height, there are a large number of ladders left around the ring to make it easier for others to climb it.

Therefore, in the live broadcast screen, I saw a picture of some members of the Straw Hat League scrambling to climb the cloud ladder, of course, some of the stronger ones, that is, the eight immortals crossed the sea to show their magic, and used their own means to fly towards the ring, such as: Luffy’s arm extended, grabbed the ring, and then used the reaction force when the rubber was stretched to jump in a straight line, and stood directly on the ring; Marco flew up as an undead bird; Couzin is leisurely stepping on the moon step and so on…….

“Do you want to keep fighting?”

“The Straw Hat League actually has to bite the bullet.”

“The sea ancestor Luo Lei has resurrected so many legendary-level powerhouses, isn’t Luffy afraid?”

“Sleeping… It seems that a big war seems to be unavoidable. ”

“Look, most of the Straw Hat League members seem to have begun to retreat, this… Is this an internal disagreement? ”


Seeing this live broadcast screen, the people who were still immersed in the shock of the resurrection of Roger, Locks and others suddenly became agitated and showed an incredulous expression in no particular order.

What’s the situation?

The ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei, has already shown his sword, and the Straw Hat Grand Alliance is still on it? Even if there are internal differences, this is the rhythm of whether it succeeds or not, and it is necessary to fight hard with the ancestors of the sea to the end?

At the same moment, in the corner of the huge ring, most of the Straw Hat Grand Alliance had gathered together, but compared with the more than 10,000 people when they came, there were now less than 257 thousand people, and at the last minute, more than 9,000 people chose to withdraw, obviously let the Straw Hat Luffy’s touching and profound true feelings and steely will, can not change the fear and timidity in many people’s hearts, after all, this time the enemy faced is not only the sea ancestor Roley, but also Locks, Roger, Whitebeard and other famous legendary sea thieves.

The only good news may be that the withdrawal is some middle and low-level combat power, they are not in the realm enough, they can’t feel Luffy’s unique personality charm, and the high-end combat power has almost not withdrawn, and it can be regarded as not hurting the bones.

“Luo Lei bright sword, on the contrary, helped our straw hat major league to further screen.”

Renly glanced at some of the people who followed, and said meaningfully: “Take its essence, remove its dross, now we are the real straw hat big league.” ”

“That’s right, the current Straw Hat League has really entered the full body.”

Hearing these words, Wuta clenched his silver teeth and said in a firm tone: “As long as we are united, we will definitely succeed, even if we die, we will drag the ancestors of the sea down the altar.” ”


Kidd showed an extremely violent look and laughed loudly: “Since you have stepped into this ring, then get ready to fight on your back!” ”

“Luffy, let’s go!”

Sauron’s cheeks flashed with incomparable battle intent, and he said, “Whether you lose or win, you have to let the ancestors of the sea see the true strength of our Straw Hat Grand Alliance.” ”


“All obey the order and head straight ahead!!”

Seeing that the people who withdrew were some low-end combat power, Luffy nodded expressionlessly, looked at the center area of the ring, and under the perception of seeing and hearing domineering, he could clearly know that the ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei, Hundred Beast Kaido, Charlotte Lingling, Grandpa Karp and others were standing there, waiting for them.



“It’s done.”

Swish! Swish! Swish! In the next moment, with the sound of breaking the air, the coalition of less than a thousand people of the Straw Hat Grand Alliance flew towards the center area of the ring. On the other side, in the center area of the ring, Luo Lei was standing in the front with an indifferent face, and behind him stood Kaido, Charlotte Lingling, red-haired Shanks, Sengoku, Roger, Locks, Whitebeard and others, as for Hancook, Mitsuki Riwa, White Star, Neptune, Ember, Quinn, Jack, Perospero, Katakuri and others who came from Fishman Island, they stood at the back.

Not far away, Morgans is holding a phone bug in his hand, constantly giving orders, and his hand movements are not idle, switching the live broadcast screen from various shooting angles.


Suddenly, Morgans raised his head and said, “Lord Lorey, Straw Hat Luffy and others are coming at us. ”

“Got it!”

The corners of Luo Lei’s mouth were slightly upturned, and he said, “I wasn’t scared, it’s worthy of being Luffy, the straw hat.” ”


“After all, it still came…”

“The next thing is to see Luffy himself.”

Hearing these words, Karp, Sengoku, and red-haired Shanks, who were standing behind Rolei, glanced at each other, and they could see the helplessness in their eyes, and the development of things was the scene they least wanted to see.

“This time the humiliation is a big loss.”

Locks smiled bitterly and shook his head helplessly, as a super sea thief more than forty years ago, he didn’t expect to be resurrected and whipped by Luo Lei more than forty years later, this feeling is really too uncomfortable.

However, when he thought that he was dead, Locks was also a little relieved, and planned to take a good look at Luffy, the straw hat Luffy who developed the rubber fruit into the form of the human fruit, phantom beast species, and nika.

This time the big war, the legendary Joey Boi may also appear, think about it still has some expectations

“My son is dead? Or was it openly executed by the Navy? ”

Next to it, Roger the One Piece stood there with a lost soul, just now, in the small talk with Karp, he knew what happened to the sea over the years, and also knew that his son Ace had long died, and like him, he was publicly executed by the navy and died.

This news made Roger like a lightning strike, the whole person became muddled, as a famous One Piece, he is worthy of anyone in his life, that is, sorry Portcas. D. Lujiu and the Portcass who died before they met D. Ace.

Well, now that he has been resurrected, Lujiu and Ace are dead?

This… So that Roger can’t accept it at all, and he doesn’t even care about the humiliation and unhappiness brought by the live broadcast.


Whitebeard shook his fist a little helplessly and said apologetically: “Roger, I’m sorry.” ”

“No… Don’t blame you. ”

Roger endured the pain in his heart and said with a bitter smile: “This… Maybe it’s Ace’s life! It’s me, the real father who is one piece, who is sorry for him! ”

“Ace deserves to be killed.”

Blackbeard shrugged his shoulders disdainfully and said, “Arrogant, self-righteous, thinking that everyone is going to revolve around him, who will die if he doesn’t die?” White-bearded father, you have such a son on the stall, it is really bad luck for eight lifetimes. ”

“Reverse Son!!”

“Shut up…”

Whitebeard and Roger’s faces changed, and they drank angrily.


Blackbeard was also not afraid, and said slowly and sarcastically: “Ace’s kind of brain damage, is more than dead, of course, I also have to thank him, otherwise, how can I become the first person in history with double fruit ability, replacing Whitebeard’s father and becoming the new Four Emperors?” ”


Hearing Blackbeard belittle his son so much, Whitebeard and Roger were furious, if it weren’t for the fact that their bodies were not under their control, they all wanted to kill Blackbeard humanitarianly, especially Whitebeard, listening to Blackbeard’s cool words, even their souls were trembling with anger.

I have never seen unfilial sons like Blackbeard who died once without any remorse, but there are some unfilial sons who have intensified.

“Can you be quiet?”

Zefa clasped his hands to his chest and said speechlessly: “We are now in the same camp, and it is useless to quarrel. ”

“I really don’t know the noise every day, aren’t you tired?”

The golden lion Shiji grinned and responded, “Is it live now?” You are so noisy, you are humiliated and thrown into the whole sea. ”



After this sentence, accompanied by two cold snorts, Whitebeard and Roger glared at Blackbeard and didn’t say anything more.


Suddenly, at this moment, Kaido, the hundred beast who had not spoken all this time, his eyes lit up and he laughed loudly: “The people of the Straw Hat Grand Alliance are here.” ”


Whitebeard, Roger, red-haired Shanks, Karp, Sengoku, Zefa, Locks and others all looked straight ahead, only to see black shadows appear where the ground of the ring and the sky meet.

As the distance gets closer, it is a big league of straw hats led by Straw Hat Luffy, Sauron, Couzin, Hawkeye Mihawk and others. In the end, after five points, the people of the Straw Hat Grand League stopped five hundred meters away from Luo Lei and the others. Quiet!!

No one spoke, making the scene silent and depressed, no, more precisely, seeing this live broadcast of confrontation, the entire sea was quiet at this moment. Because, everyone knows, the real Armageddon is about to begin.

[PS: Kneel for tips, collections, flowers and reviews, cute new, tears kneeling and begging… Kneel down and beg you to read the boss, kneel and beg you to read the boss. 】。

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