Chapter 125: Want to Teach Me to Do Things Again? A slap to death [three more kneeling for subscription].

Because, everyone knows, the real Armageddon is about to begin.

On one side is the menacing straw hat big alliance, and on the other side is the sea ancestor Luo Lei, who has long been ready to standby, neither side is a fuel-saving lamp!


Both sides looked at each other, causing the scene to inadvertently fall into a wordless confrontation.

“Whitebeard Daddy….. I missed you. ”

After a few minutes, Marco suppressed the tears in his eyes, and finally couldn’t help but shout with excitement: “Don’t worry, no matter what, I won’t let you down, even without Daddy’s protection, we can thrive on the sea.” ”


The whitebeard, who had long been unable to hold back, couldn’t help but show a doting expression, and laughed with great satisfaction: “Marko, your choice is correct, daddy is proud of you.” ”





The voice did not fall, not only Marko, but also the captains of the white regiment such as Bista, Joz, Bramank and so on clenched their fists, lowered their heads and made a slightly crying sound, after the death of Whitebeard’s father, the white-bearded pirate group trees fell and scattered, and they lived very miserably, not only the territory was gone, but even the members of each team suffered heavy losses, but… They all survived the most difficult time, and now, the Whitebeard Pirates will no longer be low-key.

In the final battle, they must fight the style that belongs to the white-bearded pirates.

“Shanks Daddy…”

Uta looked at the red-haired Shanks, waved his fist, and said with tears in his eyes: “I will not disappoint you either, don’t worry, I will work hard to defeat the ancestors of the sea and liberate your soul.” ”

“Stupid boss, we’re here too.”

“I didn’t expect that we would actually stand against the red-haired boss.”

“Stupid boss, we won’t be merciful!!”


As Uta spoke, Jesus Bu, Laki Lu, Dego, Bendick Snake and others could not suppress the emotional fluctuations in their hearts, and they all made sounds that seemed very free.

For them, even if the red-haired Shanks is resurrected to stand on the opposite side, he is still their undoubted boss.


Hearing these words, the red-haired Shanks shook his red hair, nodded with satisfaction, and didn’t say anything more.

He was afraid that as soon as he opened his mouth, he would expose his fragile and incompetent side, before, he always asked others to give him a face, but now, there is no face, he is really uncomfortable.

“Grandpa Karp…”

Luffy glanced at Luo Lei with a solemn face, his eyes flashed and looked at Karp, and said in a deep voice: “I have grown up, this time, I will prove myself, avenge you, avenge some good friends, and fight for my faith and ambitions.” ”

After saying this, Luffy turned his eyes and looked at Han Cook at the back, Guangyue Riwa, White Star, Yamato, and very coincidentally, Han Cook and the others also looked at Luffy, their eyes were opposite, Luffy, who was still hopeful, sank in his heart, and his heart was suddenly not good, because, he found that Han Cook, Guangyue Riwa, White Star, Yamato’s eyes did not have any emotional fluctuations, just like looking at a stranger, among which Bai Xing’s eyes also showed a trace of sarcasm, Where is the silly white sweet look when you were on Mermaid Island? Why?

Why is that?

How can people be so fickle? Wasn’t that what it was like back then? Why did everything change after the appearance of the ancestors of the sea?

Luffy felt that his heart was a little broken, originally, he thought that Han Cook, Mitsuki Hiwa, White Star, and Yamato had to give in because of the might of the ancestors of the sea; Now that I see his good friend and savior, I should be excited and happy.

The result is good, how much hope there is, how much disappointment there is, Hancook, Mitsuki Hiwa, White Star, Yamato did not have any reaction, it was he who made himself amorous!!

“Luffy, you’ve grown up.”

Karp stretched out his fist and said, “No matter what decision you make, grandpa will support you.” ”

Sengoku hesitated for a moment and quickly added: “Luffy boy, come on!” ”


Luffy endured the pain of heartbreak, looked at Shanks again, took the straw hat off his head, and said solemnly: “Shanks, I will definitely not let you down.” ”


Shanks nodded with a smile, he knew very well that the victory or defeat was already tied to Luffy alone, if he could explode like crazy, then everything was easy to say; If you can’t, then you can only accept your fate.

“Badjes, Hilyu, Van Oka, don’t you have anything to say to me?”

Seeing that others were there to complain to each other, Blackbeard, who had been waiting for a long time, was a little unhappy, had those cadres of Blackbeard’s Pirates on Dog Day forgotten him as the captain?

Do you know that Badges’s Force Fruit, Hilyu’s Transparent Fruit, Van Oka’s Superhuman Teleportation Fruit, Poison Q’s Superhuman Disease Fruit, and Strong Animal Line, Mama Fruit, Phantom Beast Species, Pegasus Form Devil Fruit, all of which he helped hunt?

Turn your face and don’t recognize people now? Forget that he, the captain, was kind to them…


Badjes, Shiliu, Van Oka and others showed extremely embarrassed expressions, opened their mouths, wanted to say something, but hindered by Kuzan’s might, and finally showed a very apologetic expression towards Blackbeard.

The meaning of the expression is very simple, once a son of heaven and a courtier, we are now the crew of the Green Pheasant Pirates, there is already a new boss, it is really not suitable for contact.

What’s more, everyone is a vicious pirate, do you still want them to be sincere? Just kidding, boss!!

“Damn it!!”

Blackbeard cursed with a gloomy expression. In addition, there are some pirates of the Straw Hat Grand Alliance who have their eyes on Roger, Locks, Golden Lion Shiji, Zefa, of course, most of their eyes are focused on the sea ancestor Luo Lei who seems to be harmless to people and animals standing in the front and shows a “Azu” smile, if you look closely, you will find that these eyes are full of jealousy, fear, trembling and other complicated looks.

No way, that is, the man in front of him, who suppressed an era more than forty years ago, is now resurrected, without the slightest convergence, but more and more unscrupulous, do whatever he wants, so that the current sea is miserable, after all, no one wants to have one more ancestor on their head, unless this ancestor is themselves, so everyone is afraid of the ancestor of the sea, but everyone wants to be the ancestor of the sea, this… It is the truest portrayal of many people’s hearts.

“Luo Lei, don’t you have a little respect for the dead in your heart?”

However, at this time, Hades Renly took a deep breath, glanced at the resurrected Captain Roger, and said resolutely: “You resurrect the dead and become your puppet tool man, you are really too bottomless, really……..” ”

Syllable!! Before the words were finished, a crisp voice sounded, and before Hades Renly could resent it, his body flew out upside down and smashed on the ground hundreds of meters away,

“Good… So fast? ”

“How is that possible?”

“Seeing and hearing domineering is not perceived at all?”


As soon as the strong man moved, he knew whether there was or not, the sudden move of the ancestors of the sea, many people have not yet reacted, more precisely, Luo Lei’s speed of moving his hand is too fast, it seems to stand in place and does not move, in fact, he has thrown off Hades Renly and returned to the same place.

··· Ask for flowers…

Including the people who were watching the live broadcast in various parts of the sea, they rubbed their eyes, what’s going on, they didn’t blink their eyes, and Renly was already shot out?

“How can the physical body alone have such a terrifying speed?”

At this time, the most shocked and incredulous were Locks, Roger, Whitebeard, Golden Lion Shiji and others standing behind Rolei, all of whom widened their eyes and showed expressions of disbelief.

In the moment just now, they didn’t find out how Luo Lei did it, and there was no energy fluctuation, and Hades Renly had been slapped out of the face.

Thinking about it, doesn’t that mean that Luo Lei’s speed of physical movement alone has reached a point where a strong person of their level can’t react, how fast should it be?

It didn’t seem so terrifying more than forty years ago, even if it is resurrected after more than forty years, there must be a limit to becoming stronger, right?

“He’s going faster again.”

Next to him, the red-haired Shanks paused for a moment before he realized it and said: “When I fought him, I could still perceive the domineering color of my sight, and now I can’t perceive it at all.” ”


Blackbeard grinned and said, “If I guessed correctly, isn’t it normal for Lord Luo Lei to become stronger all the time, and his speed is getting faster?” ”

“That’s right.”

Hundred Beast Kaido smiled violently and said furiously: “Lord Luo Lei is very strong, and the Straw Hat Grand Alliance is here to deliver food.” ”

“The fate of the Straw Hat Grand League is sealed.”

Charlotte Lingling added with a cold face: “This live broadcast in front of the entire sea is to tell the entire sea that all those who are enemies of Lord Luo Lei have to pay the price.” ”

“Lord Lorrey is too powerful.”

Ember, Quinn, Jack, Perospero, Katakuri and others standing at the back also showed happy expressions. That’s right, they were arranged to stand here because their strength was too weak, and they only needed to watch the battle and shout six or six six.

Compared to the happiness of Ember and others, the pirates of the Straw Hat Grand Alliance were a little confused, even Kuzan, Kidd, Hawkeye Mihawk, Klokdal, Uta, Solon and others were all shocked, they knew that the ancestors of the sea were very strong, but they didn’t expect that they would be so outrageous, and they slapped Renly out without noticing.

This… What a frightening speed? It seems to be much faster than one of the three yellow apes………

“Renly, are you all right?”

A moment later, it seemed to react, Beckman reacted, his body flashed and wanted to help Renly up, but found that Renly’s head was full of blood, his eyes had exploded, his entire skull had been shattered and fractured, and the whole person was constantly vomiting blood on the pool.

“Jean… Let Luffy….”

Before the words were finished, Hades Renly lay dead in Beckman’s arms, dead….

The deputy captain of Roger’s Pirates, Renly of Hades, known as the “right wrist of One Piece”, was slapped to death by the ancestor of the sea.

“Renly, you deserve to teach me how to do things too?”

And it was at this time that Luo Lei said lightly: “I have already given you a chance on Nine Snake Island, and now you are here, really Laozi dare not kill you?” ”

To be honest, Luo Lei was in a good mood on Nine Snake Island at the beginning, and now Hades Renly is still here, with a look of sincere teaching, which is really funny.

Of course, he had already shown mercy to his subordinates just now, and he didn’t use much strength, but he didn’t expect Renly to be so careless and slap him to death.

[PS: Kneeling for tips, collections, flowers and reviews, cute new, tears kneeling and begging… Kneel down and beg you to read the boss, kneel and beg you to read the boss. Beggars].

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