Chapter 143: Joey Boi shakes the sea, and Im wants to appear [Two more kneels for subscription]].

And with these dances that seem to symbolize freedom appear in my mind, on the sea, many people who are watching the live broadcast are out of control, and finally can’t help but let out a loud laugh, so,

In such a situation, the whole sea is full of joy and happiness, it seems that the sea has no darkness, oppression, decay, killing, etc., all negative emotions have disappeared, everything is positive and full of light!!

Navy Headquarters;

“This… Is this what Joey Boi is capable of? ”

Staff Officer Crane suppressed his constantly restless heartbeat and muttered, “Karp seems to have made the right bet, and at the critical moment, Luffy did it.” ”

“What a powerful contagion?”

Taotu showed a stunned look and said incredulously: “It seems that as long as you hear the “drum of liberation”, you will regain your fighting spirit and strength, which invisibly makes all the naval soldiers who already have no fighting spirit cheer up. ”

“Maybe there’s a chance!”


Staff Officer Crane and Peach Rabbit laughed knowingly, especially Peach Rabbit, she finally had the opportunity to see the ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei, being punished. At the same moment, the island of the future country; within the laboratory;

The six avatars of Berga Punk, want [York], violent [Atlas], know [Pythagoras], want [Edison], evil [Lilith], just [Shakya] are gathering together, watching the live broadcast…

When I saw Monchi · After D. Dragon was killed in seconds, the representative of Berga Punk Shakya couldn’t help but show a helpless expression, as an old friend of the dragon, he actually talked to the dragon on the phone when the Straw Hat League was just established, and at that time he warned the dragon that the ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei, had become a great trend, and he had decided not to stand in line with Luffy.

The result?

But the dragon scolded him and said that there was no friend like him, and Shakya was not angry about this, but persuaded the dragon to stop Luffy, and it was unnecessary not to face the ancestor of the sea.

But… But the dragon said what to fight the tiger brothers, and go into battle with father and son soldiers; Luffy is not afraid, and neither will he, a father, be afraid.

Now, the dragon was directly crushed to death by the ancestors of the sea, which made Shakya Du, as the doppelgänger of Bergapunk, still have some discomfort.

“Wait a minute?”

“This… This heartbeat seems to be the drum of liberation? ”

“Something is wrong, Luffy seems to have awakened the true power of the Human Fruit, Phantom Beast Species, and Nika form.”

“Sleeping… The legendary sun god Joey Boi is not going to show up, is he? ”


Soon, with the heartbeat sound of the live broadcast, York, Atlas, Pythagoras, Edison, and Lilith seemed to think of something, and they couldn’t help but make a surprised sound.

Among them, Lilith and Atlas, who have a relationship with Luffy, showed incredible expressions, obviously did not expect that Luffy, who was in a desperate situation, could actually explode, and also burst out the terrible ability of the legendary Joey Boi, needless to say, it is necessary to know that the ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei, is going to be in trouble.

After all, as the doppelgänger of Bergapunk, they certainly know how terrifying the legendary character Joey Boi is, and it is said that he has taken the power of the sun god to the extreme.

Well, now that such a big man wants to appear, thinking about it is a little numbing on the scalp.

“Don’t be so excited.”

Hearing these words, the representative of Bergapunk Shakya shook his head disapprovingly, and said in a solemn tone: “In the face of the ancestors of the sea who broke through in front of countless people in the entire sea, Joey Boi is very likely to be completely killed. ”


“Shakya, you’re not kidding, are you?”

“What’s more than a joke? Joey Boi shouldn’t lose even if he can’t win. ”


As soon as he heard these words, York, Atlas, Pythagoras, Edison, and Lilith suddenly had some dissatisfaction, yes, the ancestor of the sea, Lorrey, was very strong, but… Now Straw Hat Luffy has just erupted some of Joy Boi’s power, which has already affected the entire sea, and if it completely explodes, it will definitely shake the entire sea.


The representative of Berga Punk Shakya showed an indifferent expression and said, “If you don’t believe it, just keep watching!” That sea ancestor is not as simple as we see. ”

When he said this, the representative of Bergapunk Shakya also added meaningfully: “After all, with his strength, he can kill Luffy in seconds, but he has delayed for so long; Maybe he wanted Luffy to burst out Joey Boi’s power, and then collapse with a devastating blow…”

York, Atlas, Pythagoras, Edison, and Lilith heard this, opened their mouths, and immediately did not speak, and could only fall on the live broadcast screen.

Holy Land Marijoya, among the flowers in the deepest part of Pangu City;……

“The sound of the drum of liberation has appeared!”

“Joey Boi, you still can’t help but appear after all…”

“Good… Very good, as long as you appear, then I can appear and show my true strength. ”


Im looked at the live broadcast picture, rarely showed an excited and excited expression, already had some impatient heart, and suddenly surged madly!!

How many years, she… After waiting for how many years, I finally waited for the appearance of Joey Boi, in fact, after learning that Luffy of the D family is the ability of the rubber fruit, she secretly put Luffy on the list of key attention, just to see if Luffy can make the energy of Joey Boi’s reincarnation appear.

Now it seems that Luffy did not disappoint her, and under the crushing and stimulation of the ancestor of the sea, Lore, he awakened Joey Boi’s ability at the last minute.

“I’m also going to prepare to make a move, sea ancestor Luo Lei, Joey Boi, this time I will wipe you all out.”

“Everything about you is mine…”


With a spatial fluctuation, Im disappeared on the Void Throne, there is nothing to say, even Joey Boi, who has been dead for more than eight hundred years, has appeared, then she will also appear brightly and shock the entire sea.

[PS: kneel for tips, collections, flowers and evaluations, cute new, tears kneeling to beg….. Kneel down and beg you to read the boss, kneel and beg you to read the boss. 】。

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