Chapter 144: Joey Boi, Times Have Changed [One More Kneel for Subscription]].


With Im’s departure, the Holy Land Marijoya seemed to have lost the protection of some mysterious force, and many Draco and World Government officials who had not been affected by the “Drum of Liberation” suddenly felt that something was wrong, because the sound of Luffy’s heartbeat from the live broadcast screen was like some kind of life-urging charm, making their hearts beat faster, their hearts were restless, and their faces became extremely ugly, among which the world nobles Draco were even more unbearable, and some of what they had done constantly appeared in their minds The “evil” things, the invisible pressure, made them all tremble and kneel on the ground.

“What’s going on?”

“Could it be that our patronus, Lord Im, has already left the Holy Land Marijoya?”

“Damn… The voice of the legendary “Drum of Liberation” has appeared again, and Lord Im must have gone to solve the straw hat Luffy and the ancestors of the sea, and we are putting up with it. ”

“Lord Im came out of the mountain, there is a good show to watch…”

Soon, the Draco people of the Holy Land reacted, suppressing their mental and physical discomfort with a frightened face, and made an incredulous roar.127 What is the situation, Lord Im, who has not left Marijoya for more than eight hundred years, actually left the Holy Land, this… Is this the rhythm of Armageddon?

You know, all along, no matter what era, Lord Im has been sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai platform, and now that he strikes, it means that a new blank hundred years of history will appear again.

Whether it’s Straw Hat Luffy, or the sea ancestor Luo Lei, they all have to die…


Meanwhile, above that giant ring in Wano Country; As Luffy’s heartbeat intensified, the breath on his body soared rapidly, and finally… Before Luffy could react, he was pulled into a very illusory spiritual space by Nika’s power.

“Lost… I lost… The loss was very thorough. ”

At this time, Luffy, who had lost his right arm, did not care where he was, and collapsed on the ground very slumped, his eyes were godless for a while.

This time, he carried the hopes of “the whole village” and lost thoroughly, all dignity, face, honor, self-confidence….. He was defeated by the ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei, with the force of destruction and decay, which disappointed countless people who supported him, and he must have become a joke of the entire sea now. Thinking of this, Luffy couldn’t help but show a trace of bitterness and despair, after all, the clown is still himself, and… Because of his self-confidence and arrogance, he also indirectly harmed those friends and partners who supported him, he is a sinner, a trash, a self-righteous, self-defeating bastard….. Marvel?

In front of the ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei, there is no miracle.

“Alas!! Have you thrown in the towel? ”

However, at this moment, an incomparable sigh sounded, followed by… Under Luffy’s incredulous gaze, a person who was almost identical to his fifth awakening state appeared in the space,

“You………… Who are you? ”

The sudden sound suddenly scared Luffy, especially after seeing that the person in front of him was almost exactly the same as Thanica, Luffy’s heart instantly became messy.

“I actually died a long time ago…”

Hearing these words, the figure showed a meaningful expression and said, “I died eight hundred years ago, and I can appear here now because I have been completely awakened by you?” ”


Luffy frowned, as if he had thought of something, his eyes widened, and he made an incredulous voice: “You have been completely awakened by me, can it be that……… Could it be that you are the sun god Nika? ”

“Pretty much!”

Joy Boi suspended in the spiritual space and said with some emotion: “At the beginning, after I died, the spirit and soul did not disappear, but somehow merged into the Fruit of Everyone, the Illusory Beast Species, and the Devil Fruit in the form of Nika. ”

“To put it simply, I became the Devil Fruit Spirit of the Fruit of Everyone, the Phantom Beast Species Nika Form. When it comes to this. ”

Joy Boi couldn’t help but show a sighing expression, when he learned that he was not dead, he began to secretly arrange, but he did not expect to be defeated by a sea ancestor.


“You are the Fruit of Everyone, the Phantom Beast Race, the spirit of the Devil Fruit in the form of Nika?”

“Wait a minute, you’re the Joey Boi who makes people smile wherever you go?”

Luffy was stunned for a moment, and then he couldn’t help but exclaim.

The whole person is in a state of confusion, in fact, when defeating the hundred beast Kaido, he knew that the rubber fruit was not as simple as imagined, and turned on the fifth gear, allowing him to defeat the hundred beast Kaido, now it seems that it is not simple? Even a person who has been dead for an unknown number of years has been awakened by him.

“Like a fake bag change!!”

Joey Boi chuckled and said, in fact, when Luffy defeated the hundred beast Kaido, he had already awakened, and originally wanted to develop obscenely, secretly observe the situation of the sea, and move one by one.

But did not expect that now the era of the sea has changed, the world government did not dominate the world, but a sea ancestor Luo Lei, who had died for more than 40 years, single-handedly punched the navy and kicked the pirates, quite a taste of being invincible in the world and completely becoming everyone’s ancestors.

Now that Luffy has encountered a death crisis, he also has to show up, otherwise, the layout of more than eight hundred years will not be ruined.


Before the words fell, Luffy couldn’t help but show a surprised expression, and then seemed to think of something, and lowered his head to reveal a sad look, facing the invincible ancestor of the sea, even if this Joey Boi in front of him is awakened, what is the effect? Even if it is an outbreak, it is not self-inflicted humiliation and crushed??

All right!

After fighting with the sea ancestor Roley, Luffy had already experienced the feeling of breathlessness and powerlessness, and did not think that Joey Boi could help him after awakening.

[PS: Kneeling for tips, collections, flowers and reviews, cute new, tears kneeling to beg… Kneel down and beg you to read the boss, kneel and beg you to read the boss. 】。

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