Chapter 152: The Heavenly King Appears and Shakes the Sea [One More Kneels and Begs for Subscription].

There is no doubt that this is the Heavenly King, one of the three ancient weapons… Airplanes!!

As the Heavenly King Ouranos loomed in the dark clouds, the atmosphere of this sea area suddenly became solemn, and many people’s cheeks showed doubt.

No way, this is an ancient weapon with the power to destroy the world, one of the three ancient weapons that have never appeared? No, it is more accurate to say that he has appeared twice, the first time was to sneak attack and kill the ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei, more than forty years ago, and the second time was that Im shocked the entire sea by using the heavenly king to destroy a country through the air.

Now is the third very official appearance of the Heavenly King, that… The invisible deterrent force has made many people’s hearts tremble.

“It seems to have flown from the moon…”

Luo Lei looked up at the dark clouds that enveloped this sea area, revealing a sudden realization. That’s right, after Im appeared, his super perception and the top-level domineering 03 began to look for the Heavenly King, thinking that he would fly from the Holy Land Marijoya, but he did not expect that it would fly from the moon beyond the earth.

This can also explain why Im can destroy a country in the air, as long as there is an accurate coordinate address, the king of heaven can quietly descend from the sky to destroy everything anytime and anywhere. Of course, because the strength has reached the level of the Six Dao Ancestors, therefore, the heavenly king Ouranos in the dark clouds, he can see through at a glance, it turns out to be a super spaceship larger than the capital of the Sum Country; This also echoes Hades [Pluto], Aquaman [Poseidon] from a distance… One is a super warship, one is a super spaceship, and there is a sea king that can command countless seas, almost all of which have the power to destroy the world.

“Hahaha, you should see what the Heavenly King is, right?”

At this time, Im laughed loudly, glanced at Luo Lei with extremely cold eyes, and said, “In that case, let the people of the entire sea see the Heavenly King, one of the three ancient weapons!” ”

Rumble!! Before the words fell, a terrifying power roared out from the dark clouds, and the powerful shock wave actually smashed all the countless dark clouds that had gathered, revealing the huge body of the Heavenly King. Seeing this scene, the expressions of countless people froze, because, in mid-air, a spaceship that covered the sky appeared, looking at it, the spaceship was very huge, a little larger than the country of He, like a super spaceship, suspended in mid-air.

Although there is no movement, it invisibly gives countless people a feeling that their souls are trembling…

“The Heavenly King’s body is actually a super spaceship…..”

Solon wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and couldn’t help but say in shock: “With such a large size, it is no wonder that it can have the power to destroy the world.” ”


Sanji suppressed the throbbing in his heart and said, “The Heavenly Kings have appeared, and the Sea King is in the ring, but I don’t know if Hades will appear.” ”

“Hades is in the Land of Wano and can appear at any time…”

Hearing these words, Robin took a deep breath, his eyes swept over a wisp of understanding, and said with an astonishing voice: “I have a hunch that Joey Boi should be able to control and restore Hades.” ”


“Doesn’t that mean that Im, the Heavenly King, Joey Boi and Hades will unite against the Sea Ancestor Lore and Neptune White Star?”

Thinking of this, Luo, Kidd, Uta, Usopp and others were involuntarily shocked, this unprecedented Armageddon, even the three ancient weapons have to participate in it, plus Im, Joey Boi, the ancestors of the sea, this is the rhythm that wants to destroy the sky and the earth?

“The Heavenly King has appeared, and Lord Im is finally going to do it.”

Sakaski’s eyes were filled with irrepressible excitement, and he had decided that as long as Lord Im won, he would strike with thunder to punish those traitors one by one.

Wang Tianguo

“It turns out that more than forty years ago, Im used the Heavenly King to kill the ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei.”

“Im exposed the hole card.”


Locks, Roger, Whitebeard, Shiji, red-haired Shanks, Karp, Sengoku and others showed a sudden realization of their expressions, the original battle of Kamiya Island, they also suspected that the huge black shadow in the dark clouds was one of the three ancient weapons of the Heavenly King, now there is no need to suspect anything, it turned out to be a super spaceship.

“The real Armageddon is about to begin.”

As soon as they saw the Heavenly King appear, the expressions of the hundred beasts Kaido, Charlotte Lingling, Blackbeard, Green Pheasant, Yellow Ape, Green Bull and others also became serious and solemn, although they were very confident in Lord Luo Lei, the ancestor of the sea, but… After all, the opponents are Im, Joeyboi, and the heavenly king Ouranos, and you have to give them some respect and value…


“The king of heaven has appeared, Im is really moving!!”

“This… Is this the Heavenly King Ouranos, one of the three ancient weapons? ”

“The feeling of oppression is really too strong, and it feels like it makes the soul become a little suffocated.”

“Heavenly King… So this is the legendary Heavenly King? ”

An uproar resounded everywhere in the sea, and countless people watching the live broadcast on the sea looked at the super spaceship larger than a meteorite on the live broadcast screen, their foreheads constantly overflowing with cold sweat, and their cheeks were filled with extremely unbelievable expressions.

“Heavenly King… The Heavenly King, one of the three ancient weapons, appeared….”

At the headquarters of the Navy, the decline of countless naval soldiers was swept away, and they all stood up collectively, looking at the heavenly king on the live broadcast screen, just like watching “God”, extremely excited and excited; Even the staff officer of the crane in the conference room, Taotu and other high-ranking officials who remained in the navy showed expressions of great expectation.

There is nothing to say, Lord Im is the Heavenly King Ouranos as soon as he moves, and they suddenly have self-confidence. Therefore, after the appearance of the Heavenly King Ouranos, the situation was instantly reversed, and many people, while being shocked, no longer believed that the ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei, was certain to win. After all, this is the legendary Heavenly King?

[PS: Kneel for tips, collections, flowers and reviews, cute new, tears kneeling and begging… Kneel down and beg you to read the boss, kneel and beg you to read the boss. 】。

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