Chapter 153: Hades Dumb Fire, Stupid Joey Boi [Two More Kneels for Subscription]].

After all, this is the legendary Heavenly King?

Once the power that can destroy the world is used, it is really difficult to say whether to win or lose.

In fact, after the appearance of the Heavenly King Ouranos, a smile finally appeared on Im’s cheeks covered by black robes, who used the Heavenly King to destroy the ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei, more than forty years ago.

Now she wants to open up all her firepower and let the ancestors of the sea know the true power of the Heavenly King Ouranos.

“Wait a minute, I still feel a little unsafe!!”

The next moment, as if thinking of something, Im glanced at Joey Boi and said in a deep voice: “Don’t you do it yet?” Can Hades [Pluto], one of the three ancient weapons, also appear? It has been hidden under the ground of Wano Country for more than 800 years. ”

“Got it…..”

Joy Boi nodded with an unchanged expression, and sighed with embarrassment: “More than eight hundred years have passed, and it is indeed time for Hades [Pluto] to come out from under the ground to penetrate the wind.” ”

Airplanes!!! After these words, before many people could react, a scorching energy wave gushed out from Joey Boi’s body, covering this sea area at a lightning speed.

Bang! Bang! Bang!!

And this was like a fuse, causing Wano Country under the ring to tremble violently without warning, emitting a sound of great earthquake. Click… Click…….

Under the violent shaking, cracks began to appear on the ground of Wano Country, when… Following the countless rifts, you can see that a super battleship tens of thousands of meters long and emitting an icy aura is gathering energy under the ground of Wano Country, as if it is about to awaken and recover.

“Hades… Hades revived under the ground of Wano Country? ”

“Crouch, Hades is really awakening!”

“Sure enough, Joey Boi was able to control Hades, one of the three legendary ancient weapons.”


Although because the ring blocked everyone’s view, everyone could not see what was happening in Wano Country, but… Most people’s eyes and smells are domineering, and they almost clearly perceive that countless cracks have appeared on the ground of Wano Country, and under that crack, a magnificent energy is constantly gathering in a battleship tens of thousands of meters long, and you don’t need to think about it to know that after the Heavenly King, the Hades will also appear.

Shock!! Absolutely shocking!!!

No one thought that Hades would actually appear in the world, this is the meaning of the Heavenly King and Hades to cooperate and attack the ancestors of the sea together?

“Sure enough…..”

Robin showed a look that had long been expected, Hades is under the ground of Wano Country, she has long known, originally thought about how Hades will be activated, now don’t think about it, Hades is Joey Boi’s weapon, just like Im’s heavenly king.

In other words, perhaps only Joey Boi can activate Hades on the sea…

Now that the Heavenly King and Hades appear together, even without the Sea King, their chances of winning are much greater.

“The king of heaven has appeared, and the king of Hades is also going to stink and lively.”

Han Cook clenched his silver teeth and subconsciously asked: “White Star, are the Heavenly King and Hades very powerful?” ”

“It’s amazing!!”

Hearing these words, Bai Xing glanced down at Han Cook and said playfully: “More than eight hundred years ago, the Heavenly King and the Hades bombarded each other, that scene was to destroy the heavens and the earth, and in the end the Hades were defeated, but now they want to join forces, which is really ridiculous to think about.” ”


Before the words fell, Han Cook, Mitsuki Hiwa, Yamato, Ember, Hundred Beast Kaido, Charlotte Lingling and others all became a little serious.

“Of course… Don’t worry, the Heavenly King and the Hades are still not enough to see in front of Lord Luo Lei. ”

In the next moment, Bai Xing’s eyes widened, and he turned his words around, and said confidently: “Anyway, I am very confident in Lord Luo Lei. ”

“We are also confident…”

Hancock and the others looked at each other and didn’t say anything more.

One of the three ancient weapons, the sea king, said so, then there is nothing to worry about, no matter how strong the Heavenly King and Hades are, I am afraid that they are not the opponents of Lord Luo Lei

“Six Dao, Mu Duan, Wood Dragon Technique!!”

Suddenly, at the critical moment of Hades’ awakening, Luo Lei, who had not been moving, gently clapped his hands, and then, a black ball formed by seeking jade passed through the ring and fell on the ground of Wano Country, turning into a huge wooden dragon with a long hooked nose and thorns all over the body, almost tens of thousands of meters long.

“Damn it!!”

The moment the wooden dragon appeared, Joey Boi’s expression changed abruptly, “Luo Lei, you… What do you want? ”


Luo Lei didn’t bother to explain anything, this stupid Joey Boi, didn’t he know that Wano Country was his territory? Once Hades breaks through the ground, the country of Wano will basically be abolished, so it is better to continue to stay under the ground of the country of Wano.


In the next moment, the wooden dragon flicked its tail into the ground, wrapped around the huge and incomparable body of Hades at a very fast speed, and unceremoniously began to absorb the energy on Hades’ body with full firepower, snort!! As the wooden dragon absorbed for a while, the awakened and revived Hades was like a dumb fire, and his body trembled violently, as if he wanted to break free from the entanglement and binding of the wooden dragon, but unfortunately… It faced the Six Dao Wooden Dragon, and the more it struggled, the tighter it bound, and in less than a few seconds, it made Hades dumbfounded, and suddenly fell into silence again.

If anyone was underground, they would have found that countless cracks had begun to appear on the huge warship of Hades, which were obviously tied up by wooden dragons.

“Nope! Grave! ”

Sensing the complete dumb fire of Hades, Joey Boi couldn’t help but exclaim, incredulous: “You… Your wooden dragon is actually able to absorb the energy of Hades!! ”

Heartache·· Some of the heartache could not breathe, especially thinking that Hades had absorbed more than eight hundred years of energy, but it was easily absorbed by the wooden dragon, and he painstakingly made a layout for Luo Lei to make a wedding dress, which made Joey Boi almost vomit blood angrily.

[PS: Kneel for tips, collections, flowers and reviews, cute new, tears kneeling and begging… Kneel down and beg you to read the boss, kneel and beg you to read the boss. 】。

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