Chapter 155: Bursting the Heavenly King [Two More Kneeling for Subscription].


With Im’s command, the Heavenly King suspended in mid-air suddenly erupted with a palpitating force, which invisibly made this sea become oppressive and heavy.

“Heavenly King… The Heavenly King is about to start attacking? ”

“Im can’t help but do it.”

“This… What a powerful oppressive force? ”

Sensing the sudden outbreak of the Heavenly King, everyone who was still in shock instantly came to their senses, looking at the Heavenly King in mid-air, they all showed solemn expressions in no particular order.

Everyone knows very well that after the consciousness of the Hades was stifled, the Heavenly King, who is also one of the three ancient weapons, could no longer help but do it, and almost in the next instant, the Heavenly King trembled violently, and his whole body flashed with dazzling white light, perhaps too powerful, so that the air in this sea area collapsed in an instant, and countless cracks appeared visible to the naked eye.

Airplanes!! In the next moment, without any warning, a brilliant white light burst out from the Heavenly King’s body, tearing through the air and space, and blasted towards the ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei, at a lightning speed.

Terror!! Extreme horror!!!

In the face of this attack that seemed to destroy the world, both the people on the scene and countless people watching the live broadcast couldn’t help but widen their eyes, afraid of missing ten wonderful scenes.

In the end, in front of everyone’s eyes, the white pillar of light swallowed up the ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei, from top to bottom, and in an instant, a terrifying explosion energy wave erupted, causing a wisp of cracks in the space, and the ring, which had been motionless, began to tremble violently, and it seemed to collapse at any time.

“Good….. So strong, huh? ”

“This… It’s terrible!! ”

“The Heavenly King, one of the three ancient weapons, is really worthy of his name……..”


Sensing the suffocating energy shockwave, countless people in the ring began to retreat at a very fast speed, and almost everyone’s cheeks flashed with disbelief.

No way, it’s really the attack of the Heavenly King is too terrible, under one blow, countless spatial cracks visible to the naked eye directly appeared in the central area, and what makes people’s scalps numb is that the Heavenly King’s attack has not stopped, and the white Heavenly Pillar is constantly falling from the sky, fiercely bombarding the area where the ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei, is located.

For a second… Ten seconds… Twenty seconds…..

In the end, after continuing to attack for three minutes, the shocking blow of the Heavenly King gradually subsided, and in the core area of the attack, the ring had already been blasted through, and the spatial collapse caused by countless spatial rifts directly swallowed all the ancestors of the sea, so that countless people on the scene could not feel Luo Lei’s breath at once.

Quiet!! In an instant, the entire sea seemed to fall into a burst of silence!!

“Is the ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei, dead?”

Looking at the center of the empty ring, many people couldn’t help but flash a wisp of doubt in their minds, especially Sauron, Kidd, Uta, Robin, Luo and others, seeing that the domineering color was even more urged to the extreme.

In the end, without perceiving anything, the aura of the sea ancestor Luo Lei completely disappeared.


After making sure again and again, Sauron, Sanji, Choba, Usopp, Kidd, Beckman and others couldn’t help but show extremely excited expressions, and the joy in their hearts could not be suppressed.

No way, it’s really not easy, this sea ancestor Luo Lei has given them great oppressive power and deterrence from beginning to end, and now it is good, it is finally sanctioned by the Heavenly King.


Sakasky couldn’t help but shake his magma-based fist, he already had some impatient shots, those traitors, none of them could run away.

“It’s terrible! The space has collapsed, the ancestors of the sea should be dead, right? ”

“It turns out that the Heavenly King more than forty years ago did not show his true strength?”

“Yes… The pillar of light that the Heavenly King burst out just now, I feel that it is just like those black balls of Luo Lei, it is an unsolvable existence”

“In the end, it was the Heavenly King’s pillar of light that laughed last…”


After Locks, Roger, Whitebeard, Shiji, Zefa and others reacted with hindsight, they couldn’t help but sigh, what else can they say? The Heavenly King is worthy of being the Heavenly King, and after full firepower, it can really destroy the heavens and the earth.

This sea ancestor Luo Lei was finally planted in the hands of the Heavenly King…..

“It’s going to be fine.”

Hundred Beasts Kaido, Charlotte Lingling, Blackbeard, Ember, Yellow Ape, Green Pheasant and others did not care so much, and their expressions did not change from beginning to end, they had confidence in Lord Luo Lei, the attack of the Heavenly King was very strong, but: Lord Luo Lei would not be so vulnerable.

“Something is wrong…”

Suddenly, right at this time…

The red-haired Shanks seemed to have thought of something, and the excited expression on his face instantly froze, and he couldn’t wait to speak loudly: “It stands to reason that Luo Lei is dead, and we should be affected, but… Our resurrected body is not abnormal at all, which means that the ancestors of the sea are not dead. ”


As soon as the red-haired Shanks’ voice came out, some of the people who were originally very happy, the expressions on their faces also froze, even Sengoku and Karp, who had just breathed a sigh of relief, looked at their bodies, and they were indeed not affected.

“Not good!!”

“The ancestors of the sea are not dead yet?”

In the next moment, Karp and Sengoku couldn’t help but roar loudly,


Im and Joy Boi, who had already shown a smile, their faces changed and changed, and when they were about to say something, Im seemed to sense something, suddenly raised his head, looked into mid-air, and in an instant, Im’s expression froze, and his eyes showed a dumbfounded look.

Because… I don’t know when, countless cracks have appeared on the huge body of the Heavenly King, as if they are about to crack and explode at any time.

Rumble!! The next moment, a crisp sound sounded, just like fireworks, and the bullish heavenly king exploded like this.

[PS: Kneeling for tips, collections, flowers and evaluations, cute new, tears kneeling to beg ·· Kneel down and beg you to read the boss, kneel and beg you to read the boss. Chuan].

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