Chapter 156: Strangling the Heavenly King, Super Hole Card: Devil Fruit Tree [Subscription].

With the explosion of the Heavenly King, countless debris fell from the sky like raindrops, and the countless people who watched were stunned, and it seemed that they did not react at all.

What’s the situation?

The Heavenly King’s attack not only did not cause any damage to the sea ancestor Luo Lei, but he was also blown apart? What kind of joke?

But… The fact is that everyone must believe it if they do not believe it. Bang! Bang!!

The sound of fragments of the Heavenly King smashing on the ground sounded, and many people listening to the scene and countless people watching the live broadcast were numb in their scalps, and their hearts were shocked in addition to trembling.

Everyone knows very well that the Heavenly King and Hades, one of the three ancient weapons, are basically abolished and disappeared into the long river of history?

“This… The king of heaven was just abolished? ”

“How is that possible? How did the sea ancestor Luo Lei do it? ”

“I don’t know, I didn’t see how I did it? The king of heaven exploded. ”

“I didn’t expect the Heavenly King to follow in the footsteps of Hades…”


A few seconds later, an unbelievable uproar could no longer be suppressed, and the expressions on the faces of Robin, Uta, Sauron, Sanji, Luo, Kidd, etc. had completely solidified, as if they had not expected that the Heavenly King, who had just been magnificent, would be so vulnerable. I don’t dare to write the script like this!!

“The Heavenly King was exploded?”

Sakarski, who was already ready for battle, was like being poured with cold water, and the whole person suddenly fell silly in place, and the heavenly king with high hopes suddenly exploded and gave him a super crit.


Roger, Locks, Shiki, Whitebeard, Zefa, Sengoku, Karp and others didn’t know what to say except for bitter smiles.

Nima’s, this sea ancestor Luo Lei Zhente is a god-level pervert, in the face of the attack of the heavenly king that can be called destroying the heavens and the earth, not only is it fine, but also the heavenly king is exploded, this… It was a huge shock

“Heavenly King… That’s it? ”

Hundred Beast Kaido, Charlotte Lingling, Blackbeard, Ember, Green Bull, Yellow Ape and others, looking at the fragments that the Heavenly King fell on the ring, all smiled disdainfully.

This heavenly king, the attack could not be reversed and exploded, the name of the first life was destroyed and in the headquarters of the navy, watching the fragments of the heavenly king fall like raindrops, countless naval soldiers who had just lifted up their fighting spirit, as if they were deflated, suddenly entered a state of depression and disbelief.

Even the staff officer of the crane, Taotu and other high-ranking naval officials who had already gathered their spirits were stunned for a while, and after rubbing their eyes again, they found that the Heavenly King was really exploded, and after a buzzing sound in their minds, they slumped in their respective chairs with dull faces.

Obviously, they did not expect that the bullish and coaxing Heavenly King would also be so vulnerable…

“What’s the joke?”

“Why is this so, is the Heavenly King such a waste?”

“Not only did the ancestors of the sea not die, but they also recoiled and exploded the Heavenly King?”


And the Draco people in the holy land of Marijoya widened their eyes in disbelief, as if they couldn’t believe what they said they saw, Nima’s, originally thought that the bottom card of the world government, that is, the king of heaven, one of the three ancient weapons, would be fatal with one blow, just like more than forty years ago, strangling the ancestors of the sea;

But he didn’t expect that Luo Lei didn’t die, but the Heavenly King exploded? Is it a joke?

When did the Heavenly King, one of the three ancient weapons, become such a waste? This… So that the Draco people in the Holy Land couldn’t accept it at all, and they didn’t want to face this scene that almost shattered their faith!!


“Lord Im, save me…..”

“I… I don’t want to die yet? Lord Im, save me!! ”

“I… I’m the Heavenly King, one of the three ancient weapons? How could it be exploded without even noticing? ”


With the body exploded and collapsed, only a white ball of light was left The Heavenly King made a desperate and speechless sound, it never thought that it launched an attack that destroyed the sky and the earth, not only did not kill the ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei, but also killed himself; What’s even more frightening is that it doesn’t feel how Luo Lei did it? The huge body has already crumbled

“Give me a restore…”

Hearing these words, Im, who was in shock, came to his senses, and a terrifying aura fluctuation erupted from his body,

“Can I still call for help?”

Sensing Im’s burst of energy and wanting to save the Heavenly King, the corners of Luo Lei’s mouth suspended in mid-air were slightly upturned, and he said lightly; 9898 exploded 9898″

That’s right, the so-called attack of the Heavenly King, for him at the level of the Six Dao Ancestors, is almost like tickling, after easily resisting the attack of the Heavenly King, Luo Lei collected his breath, and his body flashed and launched an attack on the Heavenly King.

How strong he is now, in fact, he himself is not very clear, anyway, he did not use the power of the six realms, just relied on his body to blast it with one blow before the Heavenly King could react.

And after he collected all his breath, no one could perceive him, unless his strength was stronger than him!

The next moment, with a sound of breaking the air, I saw a black ball appear next to the only remaining white light cluster of the Heavenly King at some time,



“I surrender, I surrender to you!”

“Don’t strangle me, don’t…..”

Seeing this black ball, the Heavenly King made a sound that was terrified to the extreme, but… Everything was late, and the black ball burst out a black light, cutting through the space, and directly bombarded the only remaining white light cluster of the Heavenly King… Laugh at!!

In the face of this black light, the only remaining white light cluster of the Heavenly King still wanted to resist, but found that there was no use for any eggs at all, and it was directly extinguished….. Maybe until death, the Heavenly King didn’t figure out why he was like Hades, so mercilessly strangled? It… But the Heavenly King, one of the three ancient weapons? Wouldn’t it smell good to keep it and subdue it?

He’s dead…..

The Heavenly King, like Hades, is completely dead!! For a time, the entire sea fell into absolute silence;


However, at this time, Bai Xing finally couldn’t help but show an expression of understanding, and his heart was comfortable to the extreme, sure enough… She stood in line to fight, the Heavenly King and the Hades, these two dog things were finally killed after eight hundred years, and the ancestor of the sea, Lord Luo Lei, is really awesome!!

Next, Caim and Joey Boi were killed…….


Hearing these words, the angry Im snorted coldly at Bai Xing 1.5, turned his eyes, looked at Luo Lei, and roared angrily: “Luo Lei, you are completely angry with me…”

“Since you strangled the Heavenly King and the Hades, then don’t blame us for being polite!”

“Joey Boi….”

After saying this, Im did not hesitate, and said to Joy Boi: “I need your help, as long as I clean up the ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei, and eradicate the uncertain factor of him, everything is easy to say.” ”

“This… Good!! ”

After seeing the almost oppressive power of the sea ancestor Luo Lei, Joy Boi nodded without hesitation after hesitating for less than a second.

He knew very well what Im was going to do, and perhaps, in eight hundred years, the Devil Fruit Tree should also return to the sea and show its invincible might.

[PS: Kneel for tips, collections, flowers and evaluations, cute new, tears kneeling and begging you to read the boss, kneeling and begging you to read the boss. ] 】。

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