Chapter 157: The Devil Fruit Tree Appears, and the Sea Shakes [Subscription].

That’s right, the Tree of Devil Fruit; More than 800 years ago, when he and Im were still friends, he discovered the secret of the origin of the Devil Fruit during an expedition, that is, all the Devil Fruits that appeared in the sea fell from the Devil Fruit Tree.

In other words, the Devil Fruit Tree is the origin of all Devil Fruit!! Of course, he and Im were very excited and happy about this, at that time, as the “sun god Nika”, he planned to study the Devil Fruit Tree to benefit all mankind; However, they were strongly opposed by Im, saying that as long as the Devil Fruit Tree was in their own hands, they could unify the entire sea and make the sea forever peaceful;

The two argued that their faces were red-faced, and in the end they broke up.

The next thing is very simple, sake red face, wealth is moving, in the face of the deadly temptation of the Devil Fruit Tree, Im completely changed, it was at that time that Joey Boi saw how ruthless his former good friend Im was, and directly entangled the twenty strongest people on the sea to strangle him.

Of course, he did not 03 instigated, but also gathered some high-end combat power, carried out a strong counterattack and…….. That battle that affected the entire sea for a whole decade, knocked the sea at that time into some faults, and the Devil Fruit Tree was also scattered in the fierce battle, and the Origin Power Im absorbed six layers, and he absorbed four layers.

Eventually… He was defeated in Im’s hands with hatred, and was forced to sleep in the rubber fruit with the origin power of the four-layer Devil Fruit Tree, wanting to be awakened one day in the future.

At this point, the rubber fruit is no longer ordinary, not an ordinary rubber fruit, with many attributes, such as: animal resistance, superhuman rubber, natural flame, broken limb recovery and so on…

Among them, the Human Fruit, Phantom Beast Species, and Nika form is the Devil Fruit he ate at the beginning, because he sleeps inside the rubber fruit, Luffy can also enter Nika form.

Thinking of this, Joy Boi couldn’t help but show a bitter expression, today, more than eight hundred years later, he was finally awakened, but he had to cooperate with Im to deal with a more perverted sea ancestor Luo Lei, which was also unlucky to the extreme.

What is even more resigned and helpless is that he has no choice at all now, except for cooperating with Im, there is no second way to go… —


Hearing these words, Im, who was originally a little uneasy, laughed loudly, and a crazy and violent smile appeared on his cheeks under the black mask, and he yelled: “Sea ancestor, I’ll let you see what real power is!” ”

How many years have passed, the legendary Devil Fruit Tree can finally appear!!

The sea ancestor Luo Lei in front of him is indeed very strong, the Hades was strangled, the Heavenly King was blasted, and other terrifying scenes have long been unexpected by Im.

But… So what?

Facing the Devil Fruit Tree of the Origin Devil Fruit, the Sea Ancestor Luo Lei will definitely be severely suppressed.

After all, eight hundred years ago, he and Joey Boi had both seen the terrifying energy of the Devil Fruit Tree, and if it weren’t for the Devil Fruit Tree without any spiritual intelligence, he and Joey Boi wouldn’t have scattered the Devil Fruit Tree’s origin power so easily.

But… Rao is so, the torso of the devil fruit is intact, even if more than eight hundred years have passed, it is intact, but there is no origin energy.

Now… As long as they can gather the origin energy of the Devil Fruit Tree, they can make the true and complete Devil Fruit Tree reappear to the sea, and they can become the host of the Devil Fruit Tree, and the Devil Fruit Tree can be called endless power and immortal body.

“The legendary Devil Fruit Tree…”

In the next moment, the power of Im’s whole body, who was laughing, surged and snorted loudly and coldly: “Appear!” ”


With a spatial fluctuation, in front of everyone’s eyes, a huge monster almost tens of thousands of meters high like a towering tree appeared on the ring, bang!!

Although it was just a shell, the powerful force still made the ring tremble a few times, and countless cracks appeared, as if it was about to collapse at any time.

“Sure enough…”

Facing the towering tree in front of him, Luo Lei nodded expressionlessly, and did not show any expression of thought, after all, in the Naruto world, the divine tree is actually the ten tails, and it is also the origin of Chakra, so it is also very normal for the origin of a devil fruit in the pirate world.

And yet… Except for the sea ancestor Luo Lei, the entire ring, no, it is… The entire sea, outside the appearance of the body of the Devil Fruit Technique, fell into extreme shock and shock.


A silence and oppression597!!! No way, no one thought that after the Heavenly King, one of the three ancient weapons, was blasted, Im directly made out a Devil Fruit Tree?

This… Is this a huge king bomb? Just kidding, with the name Devil Fruit Tree alone, everyone knows what kind of earth-shattering thing this is?

For a long time, everyone has all kinds of conjectures about how the devil fruit appeared, among which the most accepted is undoubtedly that somewhere in the mysterious place of the sea, there is a tree of devil fruits, which can specifically produce devil fruits of various attributes…..

Well, now this conjecture has been directly confirmed, it turns out that the sea really has a Devil Fruit Tree, which is controlled by the final boss of the world government-Im, and after the Heavenly King, one of the three ancient weapons, was blasted, Im couldn’t bear it anymore and took out this final super invincible hole card.

So, in such a situation, the entire sea exploded in an instant.

[PS: Kneeling for tips, collections, flowers and reviews, cute new, tears kneeling and begging… Kneel down and beg you to read the boss, kneel and beg you to read the boss. 】。

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