Chapter 161: Scare Silly Im and Joey Boy [Subscription].

When I think of it,

Yim took a deep breath and reluctantly suppressed the throbbing in her heart, there was nothing to say, she would not admit defeat, and it was impossible to admit defeat! Isn’t it the Chakra God Tree? It’s over…. On the other side,

Joey Boy and Luffy also fell into a look of amazement, in which… Luffy, who is in the spiritual world of Joeyboy, is the most confused and desperate, I thought that after awakening Joeyboy, he would be able to turn the tide, defeat the ancestor of the sea, Loley, and avenge Grandpa Cap, red-haired Shanks, Saab, and his father now,

Im and Joey Boi had just revealed the Devil Fruit Tree, and the ancestor of the sea, Rore, had made a Chakra Divine Tree, which… Invisibly made Luffy’s heart feel as uncomfortable as eating, Nima’s, he thought of many possibilities, but he didn’t think that the sea actually had the existence of the Chakra God Tree.

The ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei, taught him another good lesson and let him know the true cruelty of the sea:

“Joey Boie, can you win?”

“If you lose, the whole sea will be finished…”

“Not only do I have to die, but even my friends with me may die, you must find a way to defeat Rore?” Otherwise, I’m going to take over. ”


So, under such circumstances, Luffy in the spirit world began to roar in a hurry,

“Shut up for me…”

Listening to the voice in his head, Joey Boi, who was still in a state of shock, couldn’t help but snort angrily.

Special… Which pot does not mention which pot, after being activated by Luffy to awaken, he has been eating deflated, being eaten to death by the ancestors of the sea, and the appearance of the Chakra Divine Tree made his heart faintly desperate.

It turned out well… This Luffy, who has a brain problem, is still there to disturb his mind, there is really a problem.


was yelled at by Joey Boi, Luffy was stunned all of a sudden, opened his mouth, but found that he couldn’t say anything, and in the end, he could only show a grievance expression.

Starting from the West Sea, he smoothly became the emperor of the sea,

But… After the resurrection of the ancestor of the sea, Roley, everything changed, he seemed to have changed from a child of fate to an outcast of fate, constantly deflated, and now he is still disliked by Joeyboy.

This made Luffy feel a sad feeling in a trance…

“Damn it!!”

“Im, we can only fight with our backs.”

“Even if they die together, they can’t let the ancestor of the sea Luo Lei do whatever he wants in the sea.”

At this time, Joey Boi did not pay attention to Luffy, who was more than mourning, but gritted his teeth and let out a final cry, since there was no way to retreat, then he opened up the fire and bit off a piece of meat from the body of the ancestor of the sea, Roley.


Hearing this, Yim nodded crisply, turned his gaze, glanced at Luo Lei, and said coldly: “I really didn’t expect that there was actually a Chakra Divine Tree in the sea, but…” We don’t throw in the towel easily. ”


Luo Lei shrugged indifferently and said quietly: “If I tell you that the Chakra Divine Tree did not originally exist in the sea, but was made by me, would you believe it?” ”


“Impossible, absolutely impossible!!”

Before the words fell, Yim and Joey Boi let out an incredulous exclamation in no particular order, and looked at Lore’s gaze like some idiot,

Are you kidding?

Is the divine tree capable of being made by man? Is it true that when they have no insight, is it easy to deceive?

If it was true, wouldn’t that mean that the Devil Fruit Tree was also made by humans? It’s completely impossible.


Luo Lei didn’t care so much, snorted coldly, and said: “Im, Joey Boi, you are still too weak, don’t you know that when the strength is strong to a certain extent, there is nothing impossible.” ”

“The Chakra Divine Tree is just a toy I made, and you are scared to pee!”

When he said this, Luo Lei paused slightly, and added in a tone full of ridicule: “You two guys, more than eight hundred years have really lived to the body of a dog…”


“You’re not kidding, are you?”

Yim and Joey Boi’s bodies were a little stiff, they still couldn’t believe it, their expressions were changing for a while, and they both knew very well that if this Chakra Divine Tree in front of them was really made by the ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei, then… Luo Lei’s true strength has definitely reached a level that even they have to look up to.

Therefore, they can’t believe it, even if they are self-deceived, they will not believe it.

“Why is that?”

“Is the Chakra Divine Tree really made by the ancestors of the sea?”

“Ahh No way! This… How can it be. ”

At this moment, not only Yim and Joyboy, but even the people in the ring, as well as countless people watching the live broadcast, were stunned first, and then showed a wisp of extreme horror.

No way, originally everyone thought that the Chakra Divine Tree originally existed in the sea, and after it was controlled by the ancestors of the sea, Luo Lei would be so powerful and incomprehensible? Well, now that the Chakra God Tree was made by Roley, is there a mistake?

It’s terrifying to think about… Can you make a Chakra God Tree in 2.9? Doesn’t that mean that Luo Lei’s strength is even stronger than expected?

“Forget it…..”

After a few seconds, Luo Lei didn’t bother to say anything, and said in a deep voice: “Since the Devil Fruit Tree has already appeared, then I will reluctantly take it into my pocket!” ”

Airplanes!! After saying this, under the incredulous gazes of Im and Joey Boi,

The behemoth-like Chakra Divine Tree once again changed its form, directly becoming taller than the Devil Fruit Tree, and countless branches appeared, thus imprisoning the Devil Fruit Tree.

[PS: Kneeling for tips, collections, flowers and evaluations, cute new, tears kneeling for advice… Kneel and beg you to read the boss, kneel and beg you to read the boss. 】。

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