Chapter 162: Revived Devil Fruit Tree [Subscription Requested].

“Not good… The Devil Fruit Tree is imprisoned? ”

“Damn, what does the ancestor of the sea Luo Lei want to do, it won’t be to absorb the Devil Fruit Tree, right?”

The sudden change made both Im and Joey Boi stunned, and after reacting, they both showed extremely incredulous expressions, what happened? Didn’t Luo Lei know that the Demon Fruit Tree was an immortal existence even if it had no Origin Power, even if there was only one shell left?

No matter how strong the Divine Tree is, it is impossible to break the Devil Fruit Tree, right?


The next moment, Yim took a deep breath and said coldly: “We can’t let him act recklessly, let’s do it too!” ”

“That’s right…”

Hearing this, Joyboy also nodded solemnly, and said in a deep voice: “Then let’s fight in the back!” ”

Swish! Swish!!

The words did not fall, accompanied by two breaking sounds, Im Hojo Boi’s body flashed and merged into the Devil Fruit Tree, buzz!!

The moment it merged into the Devil Fruit Tree, the originally lifeless Devil Fruit Tree13 was like a long drought, and it sent out a second spring, erupting into an energy shock wave that was so terrifying that the space trembled slightly.

Click… Click…

Maybe it is too strong, and a wisp of crack faintly appears in the space, making the entire sea fall into trembling strong!!

Very tough!! Of course, with the Devil Fruit Tree Origin Power in place, above the sea,

Everyone who ate the Devil Fruit invisibly had an inexplicable closeness to the Devil Fruit Tree, just like the feeling of facing his mother when he was a child, the Devil Fruit energy in his body also began to surge.

“Hehe, still can’t bear to revive the Devil Fruit Tree?”

Seeing this scene, Luo Lei showed a disdainful smile, he was waiting for the revival of the Devil Fruit, only in this way, the Chakra Divine Tree could achieve a metamorphosis after absorbing the Devil Fruit Tree.

“The Devil Fruit Tree has been revived…..”

“Good… So strong? ”

“Im and Joey Boi are going to fight back.”

A few seconds later, Solon, Yamaji, Usopp, Robin, Uta, Nami, Kid and the others came back to their senses, looking at the completely revived Devil Fruit Tree in the field, and they didn’t even dare to regain the atmosphere.

They all know very well that the final decisive battle that really determines the direction of the sea and the course of history is about to begin.

If you win, the sea will return to its previous state, and if you lose, the entire sea will completely enter the era of the ancestor of the sea.

“It finally started.”

“I didn’t expect that we who died could actually witness this historic scene.”

“yes! The ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei, murdered people, and he completely pinched us. ”

Rokes, Roger, Whitebeard, Zefa, Shiji and others, after looking at each other, in addition to helplessness, there was a wisp of bitterness on their cheeks, even if they had stood at the peak of the sea, they had no idea.

This ancestor of the sea resurrected them in order to retaliate against them

“Hope to win!!”

Sengoku glanced at the Devil Fruit Tree and comforted him meaningfully: “If the Devil Fruit Tree can forcibly take back the Devil Fruit scattered all over the sea, it may not be without the power of a battle.” ”

“Wait a minute..”

Hearing this sentence, Karp didn’t react at first, and immediately seemed to think of something, his eyes swept a ray of essence, and he couldn’t help but speak: “Yes?” If the Devil Fruit Tree takes back all the Devil Fruit scattered outside, maybe we still have a chance. ”


The corner of Warring States’ mouth twitched slightly, opened his mouth, wanted to say something, but shook his head helplessly.

He just wanted to comfort Karp, where did he want to get Karp to believe it, this… Some eggs hurt, because, with the strength displayed by the ancestor of the sea today, Luo Lei, the Devil Fruit Tree is not an opponent even if it takes back all the Devil Fruits.

Didn’t you see that the Chakra Divine Tree was imprisoning the Devil Fruit Tree, and didn’t move?

At a glance, I know that the ancestor of the sea, Roley, is waiting for Yim and Joyboy to revive the Devil Fruit Tree, and then give Yim and Joyboy a stick, let them go from hope to despair…


“Im and Joeyboy are still resisting…”

“I really didn’t expect that Yim and Joey Boi would still have such iron heads at this time.”

At this time, the most happy and excited are the hundred beast Kaido, Charlotte Lingling, Ember, Kuzan, Yellow Ape, Green Bull and others, things have gone on so far, they don’t need to think about it, Lord Luo Lei has won, and it is only a matter of time before the battle ends.

As for the countless people watching the live broadcast on the sea, they didn’t even dare to breathe, their eyes did not dare to blink, and they silently stared at the live broadcast screen. In such a disadvantageous situation,

Yim and Joeyboy chose to revive the legendary Devil Fruit 477 Solid Tree, which proves to be the last fight, this battle that affected the entire sea, is about to end, the fact is also the same, after reviving the Devil Fruit Tree, Im and Joeyboy are not idle, as soon as their hearts move, they begin to urge the Devil Fruit Tree, recycling the Devil Fruit scattered throughout the sea, wanting to restore the peak power of the Devil Fruit Tree to the greatest extent.

“Give me all back!!!”

One by one, a cold drink sounded, like a fuse,

The Devil Fruit Tree suddenly burst out a majestic suction force that only targeted the Devil Fruit, covering the sea at a thunderous speed.

So, after a few seconds, without any warning, countless people saw a scene that they will never forget. Swish! Swish! Swish!!!

Countless sounds of breaking the void sounded from all over the sea, and I saw countless densely packed Devil Fruits, surging towards the place where the Devil Fruit Tree was.

[PS: Kneeling for tips, collections, flowers and evaluations, cute new, tearful kneeling begging… Kneel and beg you to read the boss, kneel and beg you to read the boss. 】。

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