Chapter 163: Absorbing Countless Devil Fruits [Subscription].

That’s right

It is the overwhelming devil fruit from all over the sea, towards the devil fruit crazy surging, so, in such a situation,

Countless people watching the live broadcast on the sea subconsciously glanced around themselves, and saw a picture that they had never seen before, only to see one devil fruit after another emerge from different places, fly up, and disappear from everyone’s eyes at a very fast speed.


“Good… A lot of devil fruits? ”

“Are there so many undiscovered Devil Fruits?”

“This… That’s scary! ”


Soon, with one after another an uproar,

Countless people watching the live broadcast on the sea, in addition to their faces were horrified, they couldn’t help but show a look of trembling and frightened, and only felt a burst of shock and palpitations.

No way, there are too many devil fruits, it is simply numb.

Of course… There are still some forces all over the sea that collect the devil fruit, and they are also instantly stupid, because, after the Devil Fruit Tree began to summon the Devil Fruit, the Devil Fruit they collected rushed out uncontrollably, even if it was placed in the treasure house, they were all washed out of a hole, and it seemed that there was no power to prevent the Devil Fruit from returning to the arms of the Devil Fruit Tree.

Thereinto….. The biggest losses are undoubtedly the giants of various countries, underground dark forces, as well as major families, pirate groups, navies, and world governments!

Especially the Draco of the Holy Land Marijoa:

Originally, after seeing Yim and Joyboy cooperating to fight back, they didn’t even dare to breathe, they knew very well that Draco could still be a world nobleman in the future, and enjoy countless privileges, all tied to the Devil Fruit Tree.

The result?

But saw the tree of demon fruits summoning demon fruits scattered all over the sea, this Nima has some that makes the Draco speechless, to put it in a bad way, more than eight hundred years of accumulation, the Draco family in their holy land themselves do not know how many demon fruits have been collected, among which there are some demon fruits with quite good attributes, all of which have been collected by them.

Now well, a thousand days of firewood for a day to burn, one day back to before liberation!!

“Ah! ~”


“The Devil Fruit all flew away by itself…..”

“This… This is our Draco’s stuff? Just like that, he was summoned away by the Devil Fruit Tree. ”


Looking at the devil fruit that pierced through the treasure house like raindrops, the Draco people in the Holy Land only felt that their hearts were dripping blood, and in addition to being powerless, their hearts were full of heartache and suffocation.

Nima’s… In the face of the ancestors of the sea, they were deflated again, and that feeling was really more uncomfortable than eating.

“Gollum… Gollum…”

And looking at the densely packed devil fruit in the sky, the officials of the world government who had already knelt on the ground and shivered, in addition to swallowing saliva, they were swallowing saliva.


It is really a lot of devil fruits, Draco is worthy of being a world nobleman, and he is really too rich. meanwhile

Above the ring above the country of Wano, as countless demon fruits surged from all directions, the tree of demon fruits began to tremble violently, emitting a wave of palpitating breath fluctuations,

However, it was very embarrassing that no matter how the Devil Fruit Tree emitted aura fluctuations,

The Chakra Divine Tree that imprisoned it did not react at all, and did not seem to pay attention to the Devil Fruit Tree’s action of summoning the Devil Fruit at all.

“Hmph… I don’t believe it yet. ”

Facing the Chakra Divine Tree, which had no reaction, Im, who was inside the Devil Fruit Tree, snorted coldly and said, “When you absorb these summoned Devil Fruits, you will know the true power of the Devil Fruit Tree.” ”

“Sea Ancestor Luo Lei, we won’t let you get away easily.”

Joey Boie gritted his teeth and also put a cruel sentence: “Even if it is death, it will drag you to the cushion.” ”


With the cruel words released by Im and Joey Boi, the Devil Fruit Tree once again erupted into an aura fluctuation that only targeted the Devil Fruit, oh! Swish! Swish!!

The Devil Fruit, which was originally rushing towards the Devil Fruit Tree, once again increased its speed, turning into one afterimage after another, overwhelmingly pouring into the body of the Devil Fruit Tree.

“This… How shocking? ”

“Does the Devil Fruit Tree produce so many Devil Fruits?”

“After absorbing so many Devil Fruits, I’m afraid that the Devil Fruit Tree will achieve a super transformation, right?”

“It’s not just a metamorphosis, this… This Devil Fruit Tree is the prelude to a big explosion? ”

Watching countless devil fruits being absorbed by the Devil Fruit Tree, Solon, Uta, Robin, Yamaji, Usopp and others in the ring were all wide-eyed, in addition to shock, they were amazed.

There is nothing to say, if the Devil Fruit Tree does not erupt, it will be its own, and it will be amazing when it breaks out, and the rhythm of destroying the world is ah? It’s too terrifying and perverted, after all, on the sea, except for Blackbeard, a person can only eat one devil fruit, now well, everyone has seen it, and the tree of devil fruits has absorbed countless devil fruits in the blink of an eye.

“I feel the breath of the Shock Fruit?”

Whitebeard seemed to sense something and made an incredible sound.

“Me too… The fluttering fruit was also absorbed by the Devil Fruit Tree. ”

The golden lion Shiji replied with a stunned face, “It seems that this time the Devil Fruit Tree is really going to fight the donkey to the death.” ”

“I really didn’t expect that the Devil Fruit Tree would be so terrifying and summon back so many Devil Fruits.”

Rocks showed an extremely shocked expression, no longer knowing what to say.

By this time, he realized that the Roxes era he created was a complete joke,

Roger, who was suffering from the same illness as Rox, also shook his head bitterly, and in vain he proudly opened the era of sea thieves, it turned out that… What he did has never been put in the eyes of Yim.

[PS: Kneeling for tips, collections, flowers and evaluations, cute new, tears kneeling for advice… Kneel and beg you to read the boss, kneel and beg you to read the boss. 】。

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