Chapter 164: The Restored Devil Fruit Tree [Subscription Requested].

It turns out… What he did has never been put in the eyes of Yim. Egg hurt!!

It’s a pain in the eggs!!!

It was at this time that Roger experienced a sense of depression and powerlessness from the inside out,

He was ignored by Im, and he was also ignored by the ancestor of the sea, Roley, and he barely had a little relationship with Joeyboy, and he felt that there was no use for eggs.

Because… Now Joey Boy has joined forces with Im!!

“Lujiu and Ace, I’m sorry for you, I’m not a good husband or a good father.”

Roger shook his head a little dejectedly, and his heart was relieved.

He has given up, no matter who wins, it doesn’t matter anything, he doesn’t take it to heart, everything has nothing to do with him.


Soon, after sighing for a while, Whitebeard also shook his head consciously, there was no pride and awe-inspiring on his cheeks, and he looked at Marko and the others who chose to stand with the ancestors of the sea, and he was relieved.

Without his protection, his sons finally made the right choice.

This… There is nothing wrong, in order to live, there is no chill at all, now it depends on how long these 957 so-called Devil Fruit Trees can hold out!

“Whitebeard Daddy…..”

Sensing the white-bearded eyes, Marko and the others subconsciously lowered their heads,

However, they soon realized something, and quickly raised their heads, staring at Whitebeard without fear, and they made a choice that they did not regret at all.

No way, it’s really that the sea ancestor Luo Lei is too strong, so that Marko and other remnants of the white-bearded pirate group are shaken in their hearts, and after weighing the pros and cons, they chose to stand with the sea ancestor Luo Lei.

“Whew!! The real battle is about to begin…”

“The Devil Fruit Art and the peak battle of the Chakra Divine Tree, it’s a little exciting to think about?”

“yes! This… Perhaps it will determine the future of the sea. ”

And looking at the Devil Fruit Tree that was constantly absorbing the Devil Fruit, Kaido the Hundred Beasts, Charlotte Lingling, Ember, Yellow Ape, Kuzan, Green Bull and others all took a deep breath, and their eyes faintly showed excitement and excitement.

Now Yim and Joeyboy are going to fight back, it depends on how Lord Rowley will show his sword, anyway, they hope that Lord Rowley can Yim and Joeyboy in one go.

“The Heavenly King and Hades have been abolished, and the Devil Fruit Tree is just a stubborn resistance.”

The corners of Bai Xing’s mouth curved slightly, and he said confidently: “I believe: Lord Luo Lei will not let us down.” ”

Of course, I think so, in fact, Bai Xing’s heart still has some luck,

Fortunately, when she was on Fishman Island, she chose to stand with Lord Lore, and now it seems that there is nothing wrong with her choice, what shit Luffy, what shit Joey Boi, are just garbage.

The king of heaven, Hades, is also vulnerable….

“The concubine’s vision is really good.”

Hancock also raised his head proudly and glanced at the Devil Fruit Tree, without any fear, but some wanted to laugh.

This Devil Fruit Tree has absorbed so many Devil Fruits, and it is not afraid to support itself to death.

As for the sweet fruit in his body that was summoned by the Devil Fruit Tree and began to stir, Hancock suppressed it without thinking.

At such a critical moment, Sweet Fruit should not go to the excitement to find death, in fact, not only Hancock,

In the ring, many Devil Fruit Abilities subconsciously suppressed the Devil Fruit power in their bodies, including Robin, Kidd, Rowe, Nami and others of the Straw Hat League, as well as Marshal Sakaski of the Navy.

For a second…. Ten seconds… Three minutes…..


Finally, twenty minutes later,

The Devil Fruit Tree has only been absorbed from the Devil Fruit gathered in all directions, which invisibly makes the aura that erupts on the body more and more terrifying and majestic, making the atmosphere of the entire sea become extremely depressed, just like the prelude to the coming storm, making people’s hearts tremble.

“Good… So strong? ”

“How do you feel that the whole sea has been affected?”

“Could it be… This… This is the true Devil Fruit Tree…….. It’s terrifying, right? ”


As the aura of the Devil Fruit Tree became more and more depressed, whether it was the people in the ring or the countless people watching the live broadcast on the sea, they couldn’t help but make one after another shocked sounds, and some of the slightly weaker ones, their legs were soft, and their faces were extremely pale and sat on the ground.

Because, the current Devil Fruit Tree is like a legendary god, making people dare not look at it directly…


Suddenly, at this moment, Yim let out a smug laugh and said, “Luo Lei, I don’t know if you are confident or proud, allowing the Devil Fruit Tree to absorb so many Devil Fruits, aren’t you afraid of capsizing in the gutter?” ”

“Even if the current Devil Fruit Tree can’t beat you, it can’t be lost.”

Joey Boi also made a cold voice and said, “Since you are so arrogant, let you see the true power of the Devil Fruit Tree after the battle!” ”

All right! From the beginning, Yim and Joey began to worry,

If the ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei, prevented the Devil Fruit Tree from absorbing the Devil Fruit, he would definitely lose.

Well, now, the ancestors of the sea have not obstructed from beginning to end, that… I’m sorry, the Devil Fruit Tree, which absorbed countless Devil Fruits scattered all over the sea, has recovered most of its strength.

Thinking of this, Yim and Joeyboy, who were integrated into the inside of the Devil Fruit Tree, both looked at those Devil Fruit Abilities in the ring, if the Demon Fruit Power of these Devil Fruit Capable People was absorbed, the Demon Fruit Tree would be a lot stronger.

[PS: Kneeling for tips, collections, flowers and evaluations, cute new, tearful kneeling begging… Kneel and beg you to read the boss, kneel and beg you to read the boss. 】。

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