Chapter 165: No Coffin, No Tears [Subscription].


Sensing Im’s undisguised greed, many Devil Fruit Abilities in the ring couldn’t help but shiver,

Especially under the influence of the Devil Fruit Tree, the power of the Devil Fruit in their bodies actually showed signs of losing control, as if they were going to break away from their bodies and go straight to the Devil Fruit Tree.


However, at such a moment,

The ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei, snorted coldly, like a thunder on the ground, causing the restless energy in the bodies of many Devil Fruit Ability people on the scene to subside in the blink of an eye.

“Oh, Im.”

“You’re dead!!”

Ember wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, and couldn’t help but open his mouth and shouted angrily: “From now on, the Devil Fruit Tree will belong to Luo Lei. ”

“Really damn it…..”

Drought Jack clenched his fists and said irritably: “You still want to absorb the Devil Fruit energy on our bodies, are you worthy?” ”

“Im and Joey Boy are really obscure.”

“Fortunately, Lord Luo Lei dispersed the invisible aura fluctuations of the Devil Fruit Tree at a critical moment.”

“The Devil Fruit Tree is indeed very perverted, but… The Chakra Divine Tree facing Lord Loley can only be crushed and absorbed. ”


With the opening of Ember and Jack, Devil Fruit Abilities such as Quinn, Kuzan, Yellow Ape, Green Bull, etc., couldn’t help but show a relieved expression after suppressing the throbbing in their hearts.

Because, at that moment,

They actually had an urge to dedicate themselves to the Devil Fruit Tree, which… Undoubtedly influenced by the Devil Fruit Tree. Yim and Joey Boi of Dog Day actually used the Devil Fruit Tree to influence them, really damn it…

As for the hundred beasts Kaido, Charlotte Lingling and the others who were reborn in the soil, because the body of the reincarnation of the soil was relatively special, they did not feel anything, but showed a disdainful expression.

What else can be said?

At this time, Yim and Joey Boi are still stubbornly resisting, and they really don’t know the height of the sky; Wait to be blasted by the ancestor of the sea Luo Lei at one time!!

“Very good…..”

Hearing these words, Im, who was integrated into the Devil Fruit Tree, showed an extremely suffocating expression, took a deep breath, and released a cruel word without hesitation: “You all wait for me, as long as I can win, you will all die”

After saying this, Im added incompetently and furiously: “The Devil Fruit Tree will definitely not disappoint me.” ”

Nima’s, these ant-like things,

To openly despise and underestimate him is really damned.


In this regard, everyone in the ring who stood in line with the ancestor of the sea Luo Lei showed a disapproving expression, and they all thought that Im’s words were farting, win?

Are you really thinking about farting and eating?

“Im, let’s get down to business first!”

At this time, Joyboy shook his head, took a deep breath, and said solemnly: “The first task now is to free the Devil Fruit Tree from the confinement of the Chakra God Tree. ”


Yim gritted his teeth and said coldly: “No matter what, I will not admit defeat, I…” But O master of the Void Throne! ”

Airplanes!! Before the words fell, the Chakra Divine Tree, which had never made any movement, burst out with an aura fluctuation that seemed to be able to destroy the sky and the earth, and then began to tremble violently, wanting to get rid of the confinement of the Chakra Divine Tree.

Click… Click….

Perhaps the energy explosion is too violent and majestic, centered on the Devil Fruit Tree, wisps of cracks visible to the naked eye began to appear in the air, and even the space appeared visible to the naked eye, and what made the scalp of countless people at the scene numb was that this sea area, no… The whole sea seemed to start shaking.

Obviously, the invisible momentum of the Devil Fruit Tree had already affected the entire sea. Terror!!

Extremely terrifying!!!

In the face of such a terrifying Devil Fruit Tree, whether it was the people in the ring or the countless people watching the live broadcast, in addition to horror, their cheeks were unbelievable, and their eyes were filled with incomparable dullness.

No way, it’s really that the power of the Devil Fruit Tree outbreak is too terrifying,


What makes the scalp numb of countless people watching the live broadcast is that the distance between the place where they are and the country of Hezhi is thousands of kilometers, and some even differ by hundreds of thousands of kilometers, the result?

You can feel that the ground is shaking, as if the entire sea has been greatly affected. However, the very strange thing is,

The Devil Fruit Tree is frantically erupting and signing, but the Chakra Divine Tree that imprisons it has not been affected in any way, and there is a smell that no matter how much you struggle, it can’t escape the palm of my hand.

For a second… Ten seconds…

Three minutes…

With the passage of time, the Devil Fruit Tree had exploded to an extreme, but… It was very embarrassing that the Chakra Divine Tree was not affected in the slightest, and in an instant, the originally somewhat suffocating atmosphere became a little strange.

After all, everyone is not a fool and a fool,

This Devil Fruit Tree can’t break free from the confinement of the Chakra Divine Tree so explosively, and you don’t need to think about it to know that the Chakra Divine Tree is definitely much stronger than the Devil Fruit Tree.

“How is that possible?”

“Why is that?”

Of course, at this time, the most anxious and flustered were the cold sweating Yim and Joey Boi, they never thought that the Devil Fruit Tree, which absorbed so many Devil Fruits, could not break the confinement of the Chakra Divine Tree after bursting out with all its strength.

It just made them unbelievable…….


“Im, Joey Boi, you really don’t shed tears when you don’t see the coffin!!”

“I’ll let you see the true strength of the Chakra Divine Tree!!”

Seeing that the time was ripe, Luo Lei, the ancestor of the sea who had been watching coldly, suddenly laughed, revealing Azu’s unique smile, do whatever you want, then start by bursting the Devil Fruit Tree.

[PS: Kneeling for tips, collections, flowers and evaluations, cute new, tearful kneeling begging… Kneel and beg you to read the boss, kneel and beg you to read the boss. of].

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