Chapter 166: Desperate Im, Joey Boi, Luffy [Subscription Request].


With Luo Lei’s words, the Chakra Divine Tree, which had never moved, erupted with an aura fluctuation that was more terrifying and vast than the Devil Fruit Tree, shaking the entire sea.

Immediately afterwards, in front of everyone’s eyes, wisps of black energy permeated out at a thunderous speed, wrapping around the dense branches of the Chakra God Tree.

“Chakra Divine Tree, give me full firepower.”

Seeing this scene, Luo Lei’s eyes flashed with crimson, and he almost did not hesitate, so he ordered without hesitation.

Laugh at! Laugh at!!! Before the words fell, the Chakra Divine Tree imprisoned the countless branches of the Devil Fruit Tree,

Under the blessing of the power of the six paths, he suddenly increased his strength, as if he wanted to bind the Devil Fruit Tree alive, okay!

After entering the six levels, in fact, Luo Lei himself did not know how strong his strength was,

Invisibly, the strength of the Chakra Divine Tree is much stronger than that of the Divine Tree in the Hokage World.

So, just launched an attack… Perhaps the power is too strong, so that the sea that is already trembling is trembling more and more violently, and there is a taste of destroying the world and the earth.

“Damn it!!”

“Not good… What is this force? ”


“Extremely dangerous!!”


At the moment when the Chakra Divine Tree broke out, the cells in Yim and Joeyboy’s whole body were frantically alerting, as if something terrifying was about to happen, making the souls tremble in fear and ring the alarm bell madly.

This made Yim and Joyboy tremble, and the whole person was not good at once.

Say a word… Very bad words, for the first time in more than eight hundred years, the two of them felt this sense of crisis deep into the marrow, even Joey Boi, who had “died” once, couldn’t help but overflow a trace of cold sweat on his forehead, and his heart was panicked.

All right!! At the beginning, he and Im, because they obtained the origin power of the Devil Fruit Tree, they were able to immortalize and die; The only difference is that Yim has lived hard for more than eight hundred years, but he has lived in the rubber fruit with his own ability, living in another way, and now, facing the Chakra Divine Tree, he actually has a feeling of dying, which is simply incredible.

“Im, Joey Boi, you guys are really too weak.”

At this time, Luo Lei shook his head expressionlessly, and ordered quietly: “Now I will let you see what the true ancestor of the sea is!” Chakra Divine Tree, give me the tree that bursts and absorbs the Devil Fruit and makes them feel despair. ”

Airplanes!! As soon as this sentence came out, it was like a fuse,

The Chakra Divine Tree twisted violently, entangled the countless branches of the Devil Fruit Tree, and directly erupted.


“It can’t be!!”

“The Origin Power of the Devil Fruit Tree doesn’t seem to be able to defend it?”

“No… How so? ”

Sensing the crazy outbreak of the Chakra Divine Tree, Yim and Joeyboy’s eyes contracted violently a few times, without hesitation, stimulating the origin power of the Devil Fruit Tree to an extreme, trying to resist the six powers from the Chakra Divine Tree.

However… Everything is meaningless; The current power of the six paths of the Chakra Divine Tree is not the power of the ordinary six paths, but the power of the six paths mixed with the special energy of the ancestors, and the quantitative change causes qualitative change, which is no longer something that the original power of the Devil Fruit Tree can resist.

In a nutshell; Perhaps the Origin Power of the Devil Fruit Tree can be comparable to the ordinary power of the Six Dams, and has the power to destroy the world, but…


There is still one ancestor left from the power of the six paths of the Chakra Divine Tree.

So, in less than a few seconds, click… Click…..

A series of piercing cracking sounds came from the Devil Fruit Tree, and I saw that under the oppression of the countless branches of the Chakra God Tree, the supposedly indestructible Devil Fruit Tree was like glass, and countless cracks like spider webs began to appear.

That’s right, you read it right, even if it is covered by the power of the origin,

Wisps of cracks appeared in the Devil Fruit Tree…. Of course, it’s not just that.

As the Devil Fruit Tree appeared cracked, the Origin Power also began to flow at a speed visible to the naked eye, and as for the place where it passed, it was the Chakra Divine Tree…


“Why, why is this?”

Im is crazy, completely crazy,

The whole person is like falling into madness, manic.

She didn’t expect that she had finally plucked up the courage to fight back, but she was so vulnerable, and the Devil Fruit Tree was even more useless, and was completely abused by the Chakra God Tree.

Well, now, the origin power is still continuously absorbed by the Chakra Divine Tree,

This doesn’t need to be thought about it, the Chakra Divine Tree will become stronger, not more precisely, the ancestors of the sea will become stronger. Can’t fight, and back a hammer in the water?

“It’s all over…..”

Joey Boi couldn’t help but show a bitter smile, opened his mouth, wanted to say something, but said nothing. It’s over, it’s all over,

He and Im fought for more than eight hundred years, but in the end, the bamboo basket was empty, and he made a wedding dress for the ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei.

The clown turned out to be themselves, in vain he also laid out so many backhands, in the face of the power of absolute 2.2, there is no use.


And Luffy in the spirit world also saw that the Devil Fruit Tree was at the end of the strong crossbow, and his soul collapsed on the ground, he knew very well that everything was over, and the ancestor of the sea Luo Lei laughed to the end.

“I… Am I the child of destiny? ”

As soon as he thought of this, Luffy felt a little uncomfortable and wanted to cry, starting from the East China Sea, he became the emperor of the sea step by step, but in the end it was empty, and the ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei, became the man who laughed last.

He became a complete loser and joke….

[PS: Kneeling for tips, collections, flowers and evaluations, cute new, tears kneeling for beging….. Kneel and beg you to read the boss, kneel and beg you to read the boss. 】。

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