Chapter 170: Joey Boey’s Hole Card [Subscription Requested].

“Then it depends on whether you have that ability.”

Hearing this sentence, a wisp of resolute determination flashed in Joeyboy’s eyes, and he broke the jar and said, no way, things have developed so far,

Joey Boie knew very well that they had lost, defeated

“Very thoroughly.”

Can………… Extremely proud, he still didn’t want to admit defeat, and he had been forgiving for more than eight hundred years, and he really didn’t want to fall short just like that, and let people like the ancestor of the sea laugh to the end.

“Yes, Joey Boi, I can’t throw in the towel.”

And within the spirit world, Luffy, who had lost his soul, flashed a ray of essence in his eyes, and said in a deep voice: “Continue to fight, as long as there is hope, we can’t give up, we must fight with the ancestor of the sea Luo Lei to the end.” ”

“Don’t worry, I still have a hole card.”

Joey Boie seemed to be trying to stabilize Luffy and directly gave him a reassuring pill. Metaphor!!

The next moment, there was almost no sign,

Joyboy, who had entered the fifth gear Dai Feng state, erupted with the golden light of the sun, and almost frantically burst out a majestic power, sweeping out in all directions, perhaps because the power was too strong, causing the air to explode.

Then, under the gaze of countless lights,

Like the legendary sun god, Joey Boi’s body appeared in mid-air in a flash, opposite the ancestor of the sea Luo Lei,

“Me! Joey Boi, the sun god, will never throw in the towel, and I hope that those who support me can give spiritual support”

The next moment, Joey Boi took a deep breath and said loudly: “As long as I have your support, I will gather everyone’s spiritual power and fight to the end with the ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei.” ”


I am most afraid of the sudden quiet of the air!! After this sentence, whether it was the people in the ring or the countless people watching the live broadcast on the sea, they all showed confused and speechless expressions, and their gazes towards Joey Boi were like looking at some idiot.

Nima’s have reached the point of exhaustion,

This Joey Boie still thinks about struggling and resisting, is there a mistake?

Wasn’t the oppressive and deterrent power given to him by the ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei? Do you have to come with a pebble to hit a stone? It’s just beyond measure.


“I……… I didn’t hear you wrong, right? ”

“Joey Boi, it can’t be a brain problem, right? At this time, don’t give up? ”

A few seconds later, accompanied by a series of undisguised sarcastic and disdainful voices,

I saw that Kaido the Hundred Beasts, Charlotte Lingling, Blackbeard, Ember, Quinn and others all showed a very speechless expression, they have seen the head iron, have not seen such an iron head as Joey Boi, more than eight hundred years have passed, I am afraid that there is no problem with the brain, right?

What’s more, what’s more, it’s Kaido and others,

Even the resurrected Rocks, Roger, Whitebeard, Zefa and others, as well as countless people watching the live broadcast on the sea, shook their heads with the same disdain, in their opinion, this Joey Boy has been incurable, and there are some mental disorders that were hit by the ancestor of the sea Roley, all at this time, they still look hopeful, thinking that a miracle will happen?

This………… Isn’t it funny?

Doesn’t Joey Boie know that in front of the absolute, what shit hope and courage are useless, not to mention, didn’t you see that even Yim has some despair?


However, at this time, the most embarrassing people are Solon, Sanji, Uta, Kidd, Ro, Robin and others, they are ready for defeat, but… Joey Boie is like a mental disorder, and he will continue to fight?

Isn’t this sent to the door to be slapped in the face by the ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei?

“No one supports me?”

At this time, sensing that there were some quiet rings and a sea that fell into silence, Joey Boi trembled in his heart and couldn’t help but show a shocked and incredulous expression.

Doesn’t anyone want to believe him?

Unity is strength, as long as you can combine the strength of everyone, you have a chance to defeat the ancestor of the sea Luo Lei!!! That’s right, as a legendary man,


He also has a very special and terrifying ability, which is to gather the spiritual power of all those who support him and launch a hopeful attack.

Well, now, no one supports him, and this still launches a hammer attack?

“Joey Boie, I support you…”

Suddenly, at this very moment,

Solon seemed to sense something, gritted his teeth, and said, “I hope you can attack the sea ancestor Luo Lei.” ”

Laugh at!!

After these words, Solon’s body exploded a white beam of energy light towards Joyboy,

“I support you too!!”

“Luffy, I’m not going to give up…”

“Joey Boi, Luffy, come on, even in the face of a desperate situation, we will support you.”

In the next moment, with Solon’s beginning, Sanji, Usopp, Ro, Uta, Robin, Nami and others all gritted their teeth and made their voices one after another.

There is nothing to say, things have developed so far, Solon has opened his mouth to support Luffy and Joey Boi, and they can only choose to follow the brush!! Brush!!

One after another the sound of breaking the air sounded, and I saw that Sanji, Luo, Uta and the others all erupted in no particular order and a white beam of energy light shot towards Joeyboy, Yu!!

As these energy light pillars poured into the body, the golden light that erupted on Joyboy’s body became more and more dazzling, and the energy that erupted became more and more majestic and palpitating.


In the spirit world, seeing that his partners have regrouped to support Joey Boi, Luffy’s eyes flashed with tears, and his heart was very gratified.

Solon, Sanji and the others did not disappoint him after all, even if they were desperate, they could stand behind him and support him! Now I only hope that Joey Boy will not let him down…………[PS: Kneeling for tips, collections, flowers and evaluations, cute new, tears kneeling for beging… Kneel and beg you to read the boss, kneel to you, read the boss. Mountain].

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