Chapter 172: Explosive Killing Joey Boy [Subscription Requested].

“Lao Tzu is going to kill you today…”

With a cold voice sounded, I saw the body of the ancestor of the sea Luo Lei appear in the place where Joyboy was suspended just now, looked directly at Joyboy, and said quietly: “This time, I will let you die without a place to be buried, and you will never be able to live beyond life.” ”

All right!

Seeing this Joey Boi is like a retarded mind, the fire in Roley’s heart does not hit a place, Nima’s, his general trend has become a success,

Victory is already a sure thing, and the result is good, this Joey Boi, like a stone in the pit, smelly and hard, and specially kicked his nose on the face, to gather the strength of those who support him, to come to a final blow? Create a miracle?

Something hilarious?

You are Joey Boi, not Goku in Dragon Ball, you can raise your hands to absorb the vitality of all creatures, condense into a huge blue-white vitality bullet and attack your opponent.

What’s more, even if you are the protagonist and the child of destiny,

What is the role in the face of absolute power? It’s just a negative stubborn resistance, looking for a way to die, why do you have to think so much about looking for death? Marvel? It does not exist in front of the ancestors of the sea.


Hearing these words, Joey Boi, who was suspended in mid-air, felt the extremely painful cheeks, opened his mouth, wanted to say something, but did not say anything,

Just now, he was thrown out by a slap that was powerless to fight back, which… There are some in particular that make him unbelievable.

You know, now he has not only awakened the Renren Fruit, Phantom Beast Species, and Nika form to the peak, but also absorbed the power of Solon, Sanji, Kidd, Luo and others, and his strength can be said to have achieved a metamorphosis.

The result is good, this metamorphosis is useless, or was it crushed by the ancestor of the sea Luo Lei.

People are more popular than dead, which makes Joey Boi’s heart appear an unprecedented sense of powerless despair, he has thought of many possibilities, but he did not expect that he would be so helpless.

“Forget it.”

“You can die too…”

“Remember that it is the ancestors of the sea who ended you!!”

At this time, Luo Lei didn’t care so much, a flash of crimson light flashed in his eyes, and Azu’s signature smile appeared on his cheeks, there was nothing to say, next,

He will let Joey Boey know what a real flash kill is.

You are very strong, Lao Tzu can still kill you in seconds, making you experience the purest sense of despair.


In the next instant, Luo Lei’s right fist clenched slightly, absorbing the power of the Devil Fruit Tree and achieving a transformation, and the six powers of transformation were wrapped around his fist.


“Extremely dangerous!!”

“No… How can there be such a feeling? ”

Facing the sea ancestor Luo Lei who entered the attack state, Joey Boi’s pupils contracted violently a few times, and the cells in his body were frantically alerting, as if he had encountered some flood beast.

Therefore, under such circumstances, Joey Boi did not have any hesitation, and as soon as his heart moved, he urged the strength of his whole body to an extreme, wanting to resist the attack of the ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei.

Of course, in fact, deep down, there is also a voice urging Joey Boi to leave the battlefield, leaving Qingshan without worrying about firewood, as long as he lives, he has a chance.

But… Things have come to this point, Joey Boi really has no face to leave, and more importantly, he has an intuition that in the face of the ancestor of the sea, Roley, he may not even have a chance to escape.

“Joey Boie, go die!!”


In the next instant, a sound of breaking the air sounded, and Luo Lei’s body disappeared in place,


Facing Joey Boi, who seemed to move instantly, his eyes widened, and the strength of his whole body was urged to an extreme, bursting out a golden light comparable to the sun, illuminating this sea area.

It’s a pity that Joey Boi burst out with all his strength is meaningless,

Facing the current Loley, Joey Boi’s so-called defense is like paper paste, just touching Luo Lei’s fist, it is like tofu, which is shattered and disappeared like a decay.

Therefore, in such a situation, you can see that Joey Boi, who burst out with dazzling light, has a dark hole in his chest, just like sunspots, which makes the light suddenly weakened a lot.

For a second… Ten seconds… Three minutes…….. As time passed, it wasn’t until ten minutes later that Joeyboy’s burst of light completely disappeared,

And then… Countless people saw a numbing picture, only to see that Joeyboy’s chest in mid-air had disappeared, and together with the air and space behind Joeyboy, a fist-sized black hole visible to the naked eye appeared, and everyone was stunned to watch this scene,

Invisibly, the atmosphere of the scene fell into a state of solidification, and time entered a state of stagnation. One hit!!

Just one hit!!

Joyboy, who had entered a peak state, was broken by the sea ancestor Luo Lei without any ability to fight back.


Looking at the bloody blood hole that appeared in 423’s chest, Joey Boi opened his mouth, he could only keep vomiting blood, he really didn’t expect that he would be so vulnerable, and more importantly, this sea ancestor also took out his sun god heart.

In other words, he died without a heart….

“This is your heart, it’s not bad!!”

Not far away, Luo Lei glanced at the heart that was still beating in his hand, the corners of his mouth turned up slightly, and said, “This time, you should not be able to resurrect.” ”

Poof… Before the words were finished, a crisp voice sounded,

Joey Boi’s heart was pinched alive by Loley.


Seeing this scene, Joey was blinded, roared loudly, and wanted to urge the power, but found that the strength of the whole body was constantly fading, and the sun god Nika form could not be maintained.

“I… I!! ”

It seemed that he wanted to put something cruel, but what greeted Joey Boi was a symbolic crimson hot gaze. Poof…

An explosion sounded, and Joey Boy was so vividly blasted by the heat sight. One [PS: kneeling for tips, collections, flowers and evaluations, cute new, tears kneeling for pleading… Kneel and beg you to read the boss, kneel and beg you to read the boss. 】。

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