Chapter 173: Luffy’s Despair [Subscription].

That’s right

You read that right, entered the peak of Nikka,

Joey Boi, who played the hole card, was so vividly blasted by the hot sight, and the energy gathered in the whole body was like a kite with a broken line, which was overflowing everywhere in an instant, perhaps because the energy was too majestic, and it also made a wisp of cracks visible to the naked eye in the air, and even this sea area began to tremble slightly.


“Damn it! He… He can actually stifle my spiritual power? ”

“Dead… I actually died, how strong is this sea ancestor Luo Lei? ”


“I’m really unwilling…”

“Ancestor of the Sea Rolei, I hate you…”


As for Joey Boi, who was directly bombarded, before dying, a panicked expression flashed on his cheeks, and his heart was roaring madly, full of unwillingness and resentment, more than eight hundred years ago, laid out more than eight hundred years ago,

But he ended up with such a second killing, he really still can’t accept it, and he doesn’t want to accept it, but… The facts were in front of him, and he did not accept them and had to accept them. What’s more,

Joey Boi couldn’t figure out why, a near-incomprehensible ancestor of the sea appeared in the sea, Loley,

Well, now everything about him has fallen short and has become a joke for the entire sea, what a shit sun god Nika has finally become a clown who has been stinking for ten thousand years.

“Luffy… It’s up to you!! ”

Finally, at the last moment,

Joey Boi seemed to have thought of something, and said with a miserable smile at Luffy who was in the spirit world: “I have tried my best, but the opponent is really too strong, and next, only rely on yourself.” ”


After saying such a sentence to Luffy, it completely disappeared.


“Joey Boi, you can’t lose, what should I do if you defeat?”

“You… You’re coming back!! ”


At this time, Luffy, who was in the spirit world, was undoubtedly broken and desperate in his heart, and the whole person was not good all of a sudden, especially after perceiving the energy of everyone’s fruit, phantom beast species, and Nika form and Joeyboy’s spiritual power was crushed by the hot sight of the ancestors of the sea, he was in a state of lost soul.

Nima’s, more than ten seconds ago, he still had hope for Joey Boi,

Now well, the ancestor of the sea Luo Lei defeated his inner fantasy with his terrifying strength, even if it was Joey Boey, who showed the last hole card, he still had no egg use, and was directly killed in seconds.


After Joey Boi’s energy was defeated, Luffy’s body smashed violently on the ring, seemingly being eaten by the energy of the Renren Fruit, Phantom Beast Species, and Nika form, and he couldn’t help but spit out a few mouthfuls of blood.

Of course, because the energy of the Renren Fruit, Phantom Beast Species, and Nika form dissipated with Joey Boi,

Now Luffy can’t maintain a fifth-gear posture, the powerful aura on his body is weakening at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the whole person is paralyzed in the ring, his eyes are blank, as if he has not yet recovered from the shock of Joey Boy being killed in seconds.

No way, from the awakening of Joey Poey, to the crisp and neat second kill of the ancestor of the sea Roley,

Luffy is always hopeful, convinced that if he works hard, he will create a miracle, but… The reality was to slap him fiercely, in front of the ancestor of the sea Luo Lei, it seems that no miracle can happen, now well, everything is over, after there is no energy in the form of everyone’s fruit, phantom beast species, and Nika, he doesn’t know what he can do with ordinary rubber fruits?

After all, he has no one to help,

Or suffered a severe beating from society, a critical attack from the ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei. Despair, for a while Luffy fell into a deep despair……. At the same moment, after Joey Boy was completely killed,

The whole scene, no… It was the entire sea that fell into absolute silence in an instant.

Everyone did not expect that Im, who had lived for more than eight hundred years, would be so vulnerable, so he was strangled, waved his sleeves, and took nothing away.

“This… That wouldn’t be true, would it? ”

“Joey Boie is dead, and there is almost no way to fight back.”

“The ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei, is also too terrible! Effortlessly killed Joey Boi. ”

“It’s over, it’s all over…”

A few seconds later, Solon, Sanji, Uta, Kidd, Ro, Robin, Usopp, Nami and others, reacted after realizing it, opened their mouths, wanted to say something, but found that they couldn’t say anything, and there was only one thought in their minds, that is, it was all over.

Originally, after condensing their strength to Joey Boi, they were still very confident in the awesome Joey Boi ·

The reality is very face-beating, Joey Boi, who just took out the hole card, was killed by the ancestor of the sea Luo Lei in seconds, and Zhennima’s blow made their faces snap.

“It’s over?”

Sakaski’s expression changed, the whole person was not good all of a sudden, Im and Joeyboy, who he had high hopes for, were hung up and beaten by the sea ancestor Luo Lei like two wastes, and now one of the wastes was also killed by the sea ancestor in seconds, it is still a little ridiculous to think about it.


Thinking of this, Sakaski couldn’t help but sigh,

After all, it was he, the marshal of the navy, who endured everything!!

At such a desperate moment, he had already seen the form clearly, especially after knowing the relationship between Joey Boi and Luffy, he vaguely knew something.

To put it simply, if there were no birth of the ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei,

Then, Luffy, who has countless backgrounds, may really have the last laugh, to put it mildly, if Luffy gets married one day in the future, he may be left alone in the Navy.

[PS: Kneeling for tips, collections, flowers and evaluations, cute new, tearful kneeling begging… Kneel and beg you to read the boss, kneel and beg you to read the boss. 】。

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