Chapter 182: The Navy Changes the Flag [Kneeling for Subscription].

In a nutshell

The sky of the sea has completely changed, the ancestor of the sea, Roley, has become the uncrowned king of the sea, what Im, what Joey Poey, what straw hat Luffy, what Sakaski, what Rocks, what Roger, etc., are just garbage in garbage, it is no longer a concern. Of course

It was at this moment when the overall situation was decided, the entire sea, major countries, various families, and various giants of the underground dark world and other people began to move,

Many of them, the country, family, and giant of the underground dark world who had already sided with the ancestors of the sea, were excited and happy to the extreme, and the ancestors of the sea, Luo Lei, were terrifying, and they succeeded in standing in line.

But… Some people who did not take sides, or stood in line with the world government, navy, began to panic in their hearts, joking, who did not know the character of the ancestor of the sea Luo Lei to do whatever he wanted, would not give face to anyone, unscrupulous to the extreme,

Once he really dominates the sea and becomes a veritable king of the sea,

That sweeping activity that affected the entire 04 sea must be indispensable, so they must prepare early, give up the name early, and hug the thigh of the ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei. So,

In such a situation, some countries, families, giants of the underground dark world, pirates, etc., did not even bother to watch the live broadcast, and directly began to move, as for resisting?

Then don’t joke, they don’t have a brain problem, now the ancestor of the sea Luo Lei has become a big trend, resistance will only die worse, or kneel down and be conquered, is the best choice.

Alive, really shudder…. At this time, at the headquarters of the Navy,

Countless naval soldiers looked at the live broadcast picture, all of them did not know what to say, except for the desire to cry without tears, it was a burst of numbness and bitterness,

It’s not that they don’t work hard, but the difference in strength is too big, the top of the navy, except for Marshal Sakaski, all turned to the sea ancestor Roley, as for the final boss of the world government – Im, was also defeated by the sea ancestor Loley, and Monchi D. Luffy, who had high hopes, was unilaterally crushed,

Now the ancestor of the sea Luo Lei has become a big trend, and their naval headquarters has finished calving, completely finished…….

And after the conference room at the top of the fortress of the Navy headquarters, the high-ranking naval officers stationed at the headquarters of the Navy no longer have any unnecessary ideas, no… More precisely, they no longer dare to have any extravagant hope of turning defeat into victory.

The ancestor of the sea Luo Lei is too strong, they have a weak heart…


Suddenly, at this moment, Staff Officer Crane sighed heavily, took the teacup and took a sip, and said with an incomparable face: “The defeat of the world government has been decided, and our navy is ready to change its flag!” ”


“Staff Officer Tsuru… What do you mean? ”

“Change the flag… Could it be… Are we going to turn to the ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei? ”

“This… This…..”


With the astonishing voice of the crane staff officer, the high-ranking officials of the navy in the conference room, after glancing at each other, they can see the surprise and shock in their eyes, no way,

They had thought of many possibilities, but they did not expect that at such a special moment, Staff Officer Crane would actually say such a sentence, which undoubtedly made them unbelievable.

After all, what the ancestor of the sea Luo Lei did to the navy can be described as cruel, violent, and unscrupulous to the extreme, especially killing the former marshal of the navy Sengoku and the hero of the navy, Kapu, which can be described as hitting the navy on the cheek fiercely, and what makes the navy even more powerless is that after killing the warring states, Karp and others, Luo Lei resurrected the warring states, Karp and others in a puppet way, which is simply desecrating the navy in front of the entire sea.

Well now, as the chief of staff of the Navy, friend of Sengoku and Karp,

It is really incredible that Staff Officer Crane wants to change the flag of the Navy headquarters.

Peach Rabbit’s pretty face was also filled with a wisp of surprise, opened his mouth, wanted to say something, but found that he couldn’t say anything in the face of absolute strength, once the navy headquarters was stubbornly resisted, it would definitely be killed by the ancestor of the sea Luo Lei, so the initiative to surrender and admit defeat is a good choice, at least to save the navy, so as not to let the navy headquarters bleed.

“No way, we have no choice!!”

In the face of everyone’s reaction, Staff Officer Crane’s heart was also very uncomfortable,

But… As the general staff officer of the Navy, she could only suppress her inner anger and helplessness, and made a choice that was most suitable for the Navy, and she believed that Sengoku, Karp, Sakaski and others would definitely understand her and support her.

There are also green pheasants, yellow apes, green bulls, vine tigers, black horses and others who have already defected to the ancestor of the sea Luo Lei, then it is also very normal for the naval headquarters to change its flag.

As soon as he thought of this, Staff Officer Crane took a deep breath, suppressed the helplessness in his heart, and added with a resolute face: “The navy, from now on, will support the 353 ancestor of the sea 353 ancestor Luo Lei, just as he supports the world government and the Draco. ”


“Staff Officer Tsuru, we understand.”

“The ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei, has become a success, and our navy should also make a choice.”

“Actually, I have long seen that the world government and the Draco people are unhappy, and now our navy is going to go to the right path and support the ancestor of the sea, Lord Luolei.”

“Draco? It’s a bunch of beasts, and Lao Tzu no longer has to look at the face of the Draco. ”

After hearing these words, the naval high-ranking officials in the conference room all nodded in no particular order, and they were also relieved in their hearts, to be honest,

They actually have some fear in their hearts, in case the crane staff officer wants to fight with the ancestor of the sea Luo Lei to the end, and hit the stone with a pebble,

So do they follow or not?

Now the crane staff officer took the initiative to speak, then of course they have to follow, besides, the navy gives the world government and the Draco as a dog,

They have long been unhappy, and now it is a good choice to follow a new boss again. One [PS: kneeling for tips, collections, flowers and evaluations, cute new, tears kneeling for pleading… Kneel and beg you to read the boss, kneel and beg you to read the boss. 】。

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