Chapter 183: The Dignity of the Draco [Kneeling for Subscription].


The Navy is a dog for the world government and the Draco, they have long been unhappy, and now it is a good choice to follow a new boss again. Uh-huh!!

The ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei, is their new boss…

“But… Marshal Khasakaski also…”

The next moment, Peach Rabbit clenched his silver teeth, opened his mouth, and said anything, but was simply interrupted by the crane staff officer.


Staff Officer Crane suppressed the grievance and helplessness in his heart, and said in a deep voice: “This is the best choice, and only in this way can the navy continue to continue.” ”

“Good… All right!! ”

Peach Rabbit showed a sad and helpless expression, there is nothing to say, since the crane staff officer said so, then she just did it, but,

Thinking of the ancestor of the sea Luo Lei, her heart still faintly trembled, after all,

She still couldn’t escape the palm of that devilish man… That’s it, since it is destined to be so,

I, Peach Rabbit, will definitely satisfy the ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei.

“Okay, tell the entire navy!!”

A ray of determination flashed in Staff Officer He’s deep eyes, and he said, “From now on, our navy will change its banner and always be loyal to the ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei.” ”



“Well, we’ll tell the entire navy right away.”


Before the words fell, the naval high-ranking officials in the conference room nodded in no particular order, and their hearts relaxed. They are well aware that

This decision of the Tsuru staff will determine the future direction of the Navy, and will also affect the situation in the sea, and the world government and the Draco will become alone…

“That’s it…”

Staff Officer Crane swept his gaze and took in everyone’s expressions, but he didn’t know what was going on,

Despite the decision already made, there was some bitterness in the heart of the Tsuru staff officer,

The navy has been crisscrossing the sea for so many years, after all, it is still necessary to compromise and retreat in order to live, to hug the thigh of the ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei, and there is still something sad to think about.

At the same time, Holy Land Marijoa, the officials of the world government, and the world noble Draco, have collectively fallen into despair and depression, and are finished,

Everything is over, the world government that has ruled the sea for more than eight hundred years, in the face of the ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei, is still defeated after all, it’s not that Lord Im is not strong enough,

It’s that the ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei, is too perverted and too strong!!

So much so that now, the officials of the world government and the world nobles Draco no longer have any thoughts in their hearts, and only fear and fear of the ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei.

Among them, the officials of the world government are okay, in addition to being uneasy, they have already begun to think of a way back in their hearts, and if they can’t beat it, they will join,

In the past, because of Lord Im’s divine power, he didn’t dare to have any different intentions, but now?

Of course, you have to find a way to stand up and hold the thigh of the ancestor of the sea Luo Lei; And the world nobles Draco, it seems that they can’t accept this reality, they all sit on the ground, their expressions have already distorted Nima, they really didn’t expect,

Lord Yim would actually lose so completely, and now that the calf is finished, as the nobles of the world, they will also become rats across the street.

Thinking of the evil things they did, the world nobles Draco couldn’t help but shiver, and their scalps were numb for a while, and they couldn’t help themselves.

No way, in the past, with the support of the world government and navy, they are the same as the current ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei, they can do whatever they want, but… Now that the world government and the navy have failed, the situation has been reversed in an instant, and everything is over.

“Damn… Really damn it! ”

“What should we do, what should we do now?”

“Lord Im… Lord Im is not dead yet, there should be a backhand, we don’t have to worry. ”

“Hold steady… Steady, we will not necessarily lose yet, our ancestors will bless us and will definitely bless us. ”


Soon, one after another strong and calm voices sounded,

The Draco people of the Holy Land, after looking at each other, they could see the resolute look in their eyes, and they obviously had hope for Im, thinking that Im still had a chance to defeat the ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei.

“Hahahaha, Draco, are you really idiots?”

Hearing these words, a slave of the giant race laughed extremely happily, clenched his fists, the muscles of his whole body bulged, and stood up from the ground abruptly, saying: “The world government is gone, you still want to think that Im will turn defeat into victory, it is really wishful thinking, daydreaming!” Bang!! ”

After saying this, the slave of the giant race also violently ripped off the restraint that imprisoned his hands, and then tore the anklets of his feet abruptly, the whole process was flowing through the clouds, without putting Draco in his eyes at all.

“On your knees!!”

Seeing that the slaves of the giant race actually dared to talk to them like this, one of the Draco snorted angrily and said coldly: “Damn slave, who allowed you to rise, do you want to rebel?” Dead… You are dead, and it is difficult for anyone to come. ”

“Hahahaha, Draco Dog, now you are already dogs who have lost their families.”

The slave of the giant race did not panic in the slightest, and once again let out a rough laugh: “You who are accustomed to being mighty and blessed, do you also have today?” It’s really the Heavenly Dao Wheel that should be unhappy with the return!! ”

“Go and die!!”

“Inferior slaves… As a Draco, I will execute you. ”

Hearing this, that Draco directly couldn’t bear it, Nima’s,

As Draco who have always been high, how could they have been despised and despised by a lowly slave,

Now this slave of the giant race is doing this purely to find death, and must pay a bloody price. Saying that, the Draco took out a pistol and aimed it at the slave of the giant race, there was nothing to say,

He wanted to tell those lowly slaves that even if they became bereaved dogs, they Draco were not something that a small slave could despise.

They don’t deserve it…

Now he wants to maintain the dignity of Draco! [PS: Kneeling for tips, collections, flowers and evaluations, cute new, tearful kneeling begging… Kneel and beg you to read the boss, kneel and beg you to read the boss. 】。

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