Chapter 184: Desperate Draco [Kneeling for Subscription].

Now he wants to maintain the dignity of Draco!

As soon as he thought of this, a sneer appeared at the corner of the Draco’s mouth, and his eyes flashed with undisguised violence, because he had already anticipated the picture of the slave being shot in the head in front of him.

A lowly slave who dares to despise their unnoble Draco is really looking for death. however

The plan is very beautiful, but the reality is very skinny.

Before the Draco could pull the trigger, the slave of the giant race rushed towards him in a violent manner, bang! Bang!!

One after another crisp gunshots sounded, and the Draco violently pulled the pistol in his hand,

A few bullets flew towards the slave of the giant race at lightning speed.

“Less come, what is this attack?”

In the face of the oncoming bullet, the slave of the giant race grinned, and as soon as his heart moved, the pitch-black armed color domineering covered his whole body, directly ignoring the bullet’s attack.

Clang! Clang!!

With the sound of metal clashing, the bullet collided with the body of the giant slave, and instead of breaking the defense as expected, it was bounced away.

“You… You!! ”

137 Seeing this scene, the Draco’s eyes shrank sharply,

Perhaps too scared and unbelievable, his body trembled, and the pistol in his hand fell to the ground. How can it be?

Why can’t he even break the defense of the slaves of the giant race, it’s completely abnormal?

However, this Draco did not know,

In the past, they had the support of the world government and navy, and those slaves did not dare to resist at all, let alone use armed color domineering, seeing and smelling color domineering, and some physical skills, which could only be left to the disposal of Draco,

Now, the world government has failed.

That giant slave didn’t have to endure it anymore, let alone let the Draco, so a small bullet couldn’t break at all.

“Nothing is impossible, you Draco are waste within waste.”

The giant slave didn’t care so much, and after ignoring the bullet’s attack, he came directly to the Draco and slapped it sharply.


This is the sound of the bubble hood exploding, pop!!

Immediately after, another piercing slap sounded,

Before the Draco could react, he was slapped out by the giant slave and smashed on the ground a few meters away.

Quiet!! A dead silence!! All right!

The slave of the giant race suddenly exploded, and then the Draco was slapped and flew away, it was only less than a few tens of seconds,

Many people didn’t react at all, and saw a lowly slave slap the high Draco out, it seemed that there were some people who couldn’t believe it, and many slaves and officials of the world government couldn’t help but rub their eyes.

However, it turned out that a slave sent a Draco flying.


“It’s so cool…”

“Lao Tzu actually threw the world’s noble Draco out with a slap in the face.”


At this time, the slave of the giant race did not care so much, looked at his right hand, and then looked at the Draco who was beaten away, and couldn’t help but raise his head to the sky and roar.

How many years, how many years have you been taken as a slave,

He had never been so unscrupulous as today, and the Draco who was high above and enjoyed countless privileges was thrown out by his slap, which was simply refreshing.

“You… You actually dare to hit me? ”

The Draco who was sent flying did not seem to have imagined that he would one day be slapped by a slave, so that after smashing on the ground, he was in a state of extreme confusion.

Nima’s, a little slave, actually slapped the noble him, this… What is this?

Don’t these slaves know that a skinny camel is bigger than a horse? Now the Holy Land Mary Joa, but… Or do they Draco have the final say?

Is it really that tigers are not powerful, when they Draco are soft persimmons? Poof…

I don’t know if it’s angry, or maybe it’s pampered and superior, can’t accept the reality that he was slapped by a slave, the Draco also spat out a mouthful of blood, and the whole person passed out at once.

“Be bold!!”

“What are you waiting for?”

“As long as Lord Im is not dead, we Draco will have the last reliance.”

“Put… Put all these slaves to death, leaving none behind. ”


At this time, the remaining hundreds of Draco also reacted, and they couldn’t suppress their inner anger at all, and they all made a thunderous sound.

A slave in front of everyone, slapped a Draco, is unbearable, they can’t bear it, they must make these slaves pay a bloody price!!


In the face of the angry Draco, the Navy, CPO agents, and officials of the World Government fell silent,

If it was usual, without Draco opening his mouth, the slave could not get up, and he was suppressed, but… Today, the sky of the sea has changed, and from the moment Im lost to the ancestor of the sea, Luolei, the rights and privileges of the Draco fell apart.

Besides, they are not stupid and stupid,

Now is the era of the ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei, if they help to cause trouble, the consequences may be very serious. So, in the face of Draco who was thrown off by a slap in the face,

The navy at the scene, the agents of the CPO, and the officials of the world government, after looking at each other, all chose to ignore and let the slave act recklessly, and a smile appeared at the corner of the mouth of some navies, CPO agents, and officials of the world government.

Usually, these dog day Draco treat them all as dogs, wantonly call, and do not put them in their eyes at all. It’s good now

Being ridden by the remaining slaves who once rode on the face, no matter how I think about it, I have some comfort in my heart. One [PS: kneeling for tips, collections, flowers and evaluations, cute new, tears kneeling for pleading… Kneel and beg you to read the boss, kneel and beg you to read the boss. 】。

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