Kaleidoscope open the door

Kaleidoscope Opening Chapter 102

Yuuki Shinohara was speechless as expected, and shook his head slightly and sighed:

"I will try my best."

Chapter 102-Meeting Shinohara and Suzuya Again

"You really are..."

Bailu walked out of the cafe in the evening, and saw a large and small figure walking along the street. The corners of her mouth twitched, and she said silently:

"Search officers are so leisurely?"

Only a few days after driving away that gray hair combination?Less than three days!Although I have never underestimated ordinary people and the technological society, it would be an exaggeration whether to move so quickly.

He originally wanted to say'the ghost is not gone', but he thought it too much, so he changed his words.

Suzuya Shizao has been interested in Bailu since the first meeting, or refused to admit defeat, and watched curiously around Bailu, and said with a weird smile:

"Ahhhhhhhh, this is really too much. Obviously you made trouble in the city by yourself!"

After speaking, he said in a very eager, curious, and very serious tone:

"Hey, can you tell me how you did it? It's such a big sea. The weather is very hot recently. It's enviable to have that kind of ability."

When Bai Lu heard the words, he couldn't laugh or cry and said:

"Your idea is very interesting."

The a-level water escape ninjutsu, which is comparable to the destructive power of natural disasters, was actually used by this young man as a summer summer escape skill. I have to say that this brain is really admirable, but after thinking about it, it seems that it really makes sense...

"Well, let's talk to another place."

After a few interrogations, there are one, two, no three things. This is the second time g has come to the door, and it is one of the seven special-class members. It is enough to prove g's attention and sincerity. It is reasonable and reasonable, and Bailu is not good to refuse. , At least listen to what the other party has to say.

But talking on the street is always not the same thing. Bailu glanced at the darkened sky and the lights on the shops on both sides of the road, and when it came time to eat, he said:

"have you eaten?"

Lingwu's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he said bluntly:

"No, do you want a treat?"

Bai Lu replied irritably:

"Dreaming, aa!"

It's really enough, and it's not that he asks people, it's normal to have people who ask people treat guests. I have never heard of people who are asked treat guests.

Shinohara Yuuki looked at Shiroro and Suzuya making a quarrel, smiled gently and said:

"Let me please, I know a good restaurant."

Suzuya's big eyes lit up when she heard this, and she said with joy:

"Oh! Mr. Shinohara is such a good person."

Bai Lu did not refuse, and he did not need to refuse.


It didn't take long for them to drive to the colorful, burgundy, green, and busy street. They stopped at the entrance of a tall building with antiques and ancient Chinese architecture.

After getting off the car, Lingwu Shizao looked at the exquisite and gorgeous architectural structure and the atmospheric auspicious colors, as well as the beautiful lady waiter in cheongsam at the door, raised her hand in front of her forehead, looked up, and exclaimed:

"Wow, Chinese cuisine? It's a high-end place at first glance."

Shinohara Yukiki smiled and said:

"So wait a while and be merciful."

"Okay, Mr. Shinohara."

Suzuya Shizao readily agreed. As for what he thought in his heart, only he knew what he thought. Yuuki Shinohara smiled bitterly without a trace in his heart.

However, the level of consumption here is not stressful for being a top class, no need to repay the mortgage, and no bad hobbies. Yuuki Shinohara is just casually talking and interacting with Suzuya.

Bai Lu has no mood swings. After he came to this world, he bought more textbooks and products related to science and biology, but more of them were eating. He wanted to taste all kinds of specialty snacks and restaurants, and he liked to eat them. Some or more distinctive ones will purchase a lot more, and then seal and save.

Naruto World is really too backward. In terms of daily life for eating, drinking, and having fun, no one can get on the table except h trading. Even gambling and gambling are simple dice rolls, which is simply speechless. Kimha Village is worth mentioning The delicious food is also a ramen and kebab shop of the autumn road.

In just seven or eight days, Bailu has not eaten in Tokyo, but he has been to this Chinese restaurant because it is very close to where he lives and the price is high. Of course, the food made can not be compared with the local Chinese cuisine. , But also very good.

Anyway, Bailu is not used to eating omelet rice that is so-called special but half-baked, or eating sashimi, octopus slices and the like with wasabi.


The cheongsam ladies at the door said with a smile, and they did not show the slightest underestimation because of the exclamation of the previous bell house. They are worthy of the waiters in high-end consumer places, and their quality is obvious.

One of the cheongsam ladies greeted her and asked:

"Do you want a private room or in the lobby?"

Kouki Shinohara said without hesitation:

"Come to a private room."

Of course, private rooms are required. The lobby is quite large and there are not many people. It is not impossible to find a remote place to talk, but that would seem rash and contemptuous of Shiroro. Shinohara Yukiki was fighting full-time as a special investigator, but it was not Make this kind of low-level mistake.

"Okay, please come here."

Miss Qipao said that she stretched out her hand and pointed to the elevator.

The private room is on the third floor, and the interior decoration is very Chinese and antique, and it has a style without any charm, but the feeling it brings is far more meaningful than other places.

The temperature is also very suitable, the sound insulation is good, and it is especially quiet. There are green ornamental plants in the corner, which is quite seductive, and I feel a lot more relaxed when I look at it.

There are a few ink paintings hanging on the wall. Those who do not know how to do it look very interesting, but Bailu regards it as dregs and graffiti.In the world of Naruto without paint, Bailu's achievements in ink painting are no less than those of some modern artists.

The last wall is a floor-to-ceiling window, which happens to be able to see the lights and traffic of the whole street.

The high consumption of high-end restaurants is not only determined by the quality of the waitresses and the room decoration, the speed of serving and the taste of the dishes are also excellent.

"Mr. Shinohara, this candied potato is so interesting."

"Oh, this Kung Pao Chicken is so spicy."

"This fish tastes amazing!"

Not to mention Shinohara Yukiki and Shiroro, Suzuya Shizo is very happy to eat. He has never been to such a place before, where he can taste delicious food and express his thoughts at the same time.

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