Kaleidoscope open the door

Kaleidoscope Opening Chapter 103

Yuuki Shinohara didn't get impatient when listening to Suzuya's endless chatter, but rather caring as if he was watching his own child, while observing Shiroru's posture and performance when eating.

Bai Lu directly insinuated what Suzuya had made. After getting to know Jilaiya, he was immune to this nagging noise while eating.

Chapter 103 Soliciting and Negotiation

The eating speed is not hurried or slow, in fact it is very fast, the tableware is relatively clean, does not leave too much soup and oily water, does not pick up the food that the chopsticks can not pick, and does not turn randomly, not picky eaters, the staple food of rice and Cooking starts from the edge and progresses inward.

Behave appropriately, family son?

Shinohara Yuuki brought Shiroro's movements and postures into his eyes, and secretly thought, he has also seen those families that have been passed down for a long time, at least a hundred years of inheritance, and since childhood, he will cultivate family children to self-discipline and form a unique temperament and appropriateness. Words and deeds.

It's just that Bai Lu looks much more easy-going and natural than the family children I've seen before, and the temperament seems more cold, especially when he doesn't speak.

Talking at the dinner table is a common phenomenon, but Bailu is accustomed to not talking, and his own aura makes Kouki Shinohara not good at talking.

But this is also of course possible. If you insist on a certain habit for more than 20 years in the past and this life, anyone will have a natural but charming aura.

After eating and drinking, it's time to talk about business.

Bai Lu drew a piece of paper and wiped the greasy side of her mouth. After drinking tea and cleaning her mouth, she started straight into the subject and said:

"What does g want to talk to me?"

He doesn't want to go in circles, not because he is impatient, but because he is not necessary. In this world, he dare not say invincible. After all, human beings have gone a long way on the road to death. They have developed biochemical viruses, nuclear bombs and many other people who know or don’t know. , A weapon that can die together.

But with an organization like g, Bailu really doesn't need to be polite. It's right to say something straightforward. Going around in circles will be underestimated, not to mention that he may not have won others.

Yuuki Shinohara was startled when he heard the words. He didn't expect Bai Lu to be so direct, but after all he was a special investigator, well-informed, and only a little surprised. He quickly recovered and looked at Bai Lu with a solemn expression:

"We have affirmed your recent hunting and killing of ghouls, but your power is beyond our understanding and acceptable range. It not only caused damage to the construction of the city, but also brought a very bad impact on the residents.

Therefore, I hope you can restrain the destructive power of your ability to the environment.

It is best to join g, g has a detailed intelligence system and aftermath ability, whether for you or for us, it is a very good choice."

Bai Lu said without thinking:

"I reject."

Bai Lu also knows that his recent big move of using water to escape has almost become an urban quirk, but he also knows that the tricks that can really change the terrain on a large scale are released in parks or remote areas, and the damage to the city is not serious.

So Shiraro ignored Shinohara's accusations.

As for the fact that joining g is the best choice for both parties, it is even more nonsense. Bailu joining g, for g, not only solves the urban myths, but also adds great power, but for Bailu, he does not need To conceal something, adding g is an additional constraint.

What's more, Bai Lu wasn't ready to hunt anymore. What he wanted was combat training experience, not bullying, uh, Ghoul.

Suzuya laughed heartlessly and said:

"Haha, Mr. Shinohara, I was rejected without hesitation."

"Although it had been predicted, it was really too simple."

Yuki Shinohara also smiled bitterly when he heard that, Maru Tesai had analyzed it for him before he came, and believed that the possibility of Shiroru being attracted is very small.

Similarly, Shinohara Yuki was not a face-conscious person, and was not angry.

Yuuki Shinohara shook his head helplessly, and proposed the preparations for Marutesai, or the real proposal.

"Then cooperate. Cooperate with you. I don't know why you are hunting ghouls, but we can provide you with information. If you help us solve those powerful ghouls, we will pay you a certain amount.

how is it?"


Bai Lu subconsciously wanted to refuse, he was not going to bully anymore, he paused as soon as he spoke. He suddenly thought that g seemed to be able to use Kazuto to make all kinds of weapons. This was a good ability.

Bailu didn't want to learn the technique of building Kuink, nor did he need the weapons made by Kuink, but Tsunade needed it.

The destructive power of Tsunade’s strange power technique is terrifying, but the price it bears is not small. The extreme accuracy of the Chakra control is only the most basic. Recently, due to preliminary training, the strength cannot be controlled. The fist has already been countered by the attack. I have been injured several times.

Moreover, the defensive force technique is weak.

Ninja’s forging technology is really too backward. It’s nothing to build kunai, shuriken, and swords, but it’s more difficult to build armors and other armors, or to customize unique weapons. The best casters in Kiba Village create fists. The sleeve also couldn't stand Tsunade several times.

Kuink is different. Kuink is a weapon made of Ghoul Kazue. It is essentially a biological weapon. Its toughness and rigidity far exceed steel. I heard that some special weapons can absorb blood and repair themselves, which is really incredible.

The glove made by Kuynk is enough to withstand Tsunade's strange power technique, at least it can support Tsunade's strange power technique completely, and will not hurt himself when attacking.

Moreover, Cuink has many advantages that metal cutting tools do not possess, such as being lighter than steel of the same volume, and being able to compress the volume several times in normal times.

Bai Lu's thoughts turned sharply, and then he paused for a while, did not refuse, and instead said:

"The reward I want is Kuink, and it is customized according to my ideas."


Kouki Shinohara hesitated when he heard that, Kuink is also a precious and scarce weapon in g. Most high-level investigators are not equipped with it. Instead, the investigators have to hunt and kill them themselves. Generally, it is modified according to the original form and characteristics of Kazuko, and there are few special customizations among search officers.

In addition, when Maru Tesai formulated the remuneration for Shiroro, based on the information shown by Shiroro in recent daily activities, he believed Shiro would ask for money, science books, or high-tech toys such as computers, mobile phones, and sports cars. It is expected that Bailu will choose Kuink.

Moreover, they all think Bailu is so strong, and they don't need Kuink at all.

Bailu didn’t know that someone had guessed what he wanted based on his daily activities, but he also knew about Kuink’s scarcity on the Internet. He probably guessed the embarrassment of Shinohara Yukiki, so he added:

"I can provide materials."

"It's not the problem."

Kouki Shinohara shook his head slightly when he heard this, but he didn't doubt Bailu. He had hunted so many ghouls and left no corpses. It was strange that Bailu didn't have Kagko on his hands.

"Wait a minute."

Chapter One Hundred and Four

"Sure enough, he solved the'Glutton' Jason'.

Fortunately, District 11 has been chaotic lately, and it is best to vacate the staff in District 20."

Maru Tesai poured a cup of tea for Shinohara Yuki. The reason why Kuink was scarce and precious was mainly because it was difficult to obtain the A-grade Kazuko, and Shiro was willing to pay for the materials, so things were simple.

Customizing Kuynk or something is difficult to say, but it actually takes some time.

The cooperation intention is reached. Although there is no need for cooperation for the time being, for now g, not only has it solved a "natural disaster" running around, but also added a strong foreign aid, especially during the turmoil in the 11th district. Said it was a great thing.

Kouki Shinohara was startled when he heard the words, and said with some surprise:

"Zone Eleven? Didn't Bai Lu only hunt once three days ago? And such a big movement.

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