Kaleidoscope open the door

Kaleidoscope Opens Chapter 177

Anyway, whether it is Bailu's deity or this wooden clone, they are people who will not listen to others after making a decision.

It's no wonder that Mu Chibi always emphasizes that they are the same person, with the same nature, how could they not be the same person.

Moreover, this is also an opportunity to understand Bailu, which Houji doesn't want to miss.

"What are you looking for?"


Sui Ji was startled when he heard the words, and said in a puzzled way:

"Aren't we all around us?"

Bai Lu chuckled.

"What I want is to be alive, it's best to be full of vitality, the more the better."


Houji is silent. In this world, Kabane is synonymous with terror, death, and destruction. Everyone can't avoid it. The Iron Fortress is also equipped with jet bombs that can penetrate the metal film and the technology to coat weapons with metal film. After that, I had some confidence to fight against Kabane, and only in such a remote place that Kabane was about to be starved to death could he have the courage to expand outward.

And Bailu actually said that he wanted a lot of Kabane in his heyday.

Had it not been known that Bailu was strong enough to easily suppress the Kabane Aggregate, Houji would definitely think that he was a lunatic sitting next to him.



A violent collision sounded in the open wilderness, and a tall off-road vehicle rammed into the Kabane group, abruptly hitting all the Kabane in front of it, and hitting the wandering group of hundreds of Kabane. Crossed through, and then rushed out of the encirclement unscathed.

Of course, ordinary off-road vehicles cannot withstand this kind of impact. Even ordinary Juncheng is vulnerable to damage at weak nodes. In comparison, the crispy off-road vehicle is unscathed mainly because the person driving it does it. Protection.

"Good luck."

Bai Lumu's avatar stepped on the accelerator, stopped after the off-road vehicle rushed out of the Kabane group for more than 100 meters, and watched the howling and chasing Kabane group said.

It is also wrong to attribute it entirely to luck. Choosing this direction was decided after considering the surrounding station branch and the track direction. When encountering the Kabane group, there is a component of luck, but more is that the initial decision is correct.

The state of these Kabane is a little different from what Bailumu clone expected, but this amount is also enough.

Bailu's wooden clone got out of the car alone, holding a Buckingham sword, and rushing up to meet the Kabane group, a sword pierced Kabane's heart, and the next moment Kabane turned into smoke and disappeared.

Easily killed one of the cabanas, drawing vitality, the wooden clone didn't feel any, swiping the sword this time was beheading, and it also robbed part of the vitality, but the cabana was not weathered, the sword light was floating, and it passed the waist of the other cabana. , Cut in the middle, the same is not weathered!

The kaleidoscope of the wooden avatar turned around, and he observed the cut down Kabane in detail. The singular side noticed the difference. The attack continued, the sword light shot in all directions, and one end was cut down from different angles and positions. At one end of the Kabane, the writing wheel keeps turning, and everything is collected in the eyes.

Bai Lu's wooden clone was thoughtful. He came out this time for two main purposes, one of which was to study the capabilities of weapons that can be realized in the kaleidoscope space.

Um, the distance is critical, wrong, the more vigorous the place, the faster the extraction speed?

The key to Kabane is the heart, the source of power is also the heart, and the most vigorous nature is the heart.

Bailu’s wooden clone found that whenever the Buckingham sword hits the heart, regardless of whether it was chopped or stabbed, it can drain all vitality in an instant. As for other places, the closer it is to the heart, the faster the extraction speed. , The larger the amount drawn.

So, let's try the shape change next.

Mu Fen thought about it physically and mentally, gave up the attack, and plunged the Buckingham sword into the ground.

Chapter One Hundred and Seventy-Nine

Bailu rarely used the Buckingham sword to fight. He didn't like the feeling of plundering the lives of others, not to mention this way of eating cleanly. Bailu also believed that there is no need to reserve a lot of vitality, and there are one or two points in it. It is sufficient for emergency use.

And without testing, Bai Lu couldn't know the strength of the Buckingham sword. What if it broke?What should I do if it affects the space of the kaleidoscope after being broken?

Mu Chibi actually had the same concerns, but he didn't mind eating dry kabane, and tested the Buckingham sword's abilities and various data, by the way, reserve more vitality for his next experiment.

The Buckingham sword pointed downwards and inserted into the ground.

The hands of the avatar made a seal, transforming the chakra into the source of life, pouring into the ground, finding the crisscrossed roots of weeds, the yellow weeds that were originally a little dry in early autumn rejuvenated, and a group of weeds with thin pencils The group knitting is entangled together in the form of a group of snakes dancing in a flurry, and all the Kabane is tied up in an instant, then pulled forcibly, hung up, and arranged in a line.

"Let me try, limit!"

Mu Chibi said as he picked up the Buckingham sword again, and under the control of his will, it turned into a ball wrapped around his fist like a stream of water, and then slammed a simple straight fist at the Kabane on the line in front of him.

The liquid white gold dumpling fisted with the wooden avatar, and the sharp slender thorn burst out, easily piercing the heart furnace in the first Kabane, after which it seemed to be unimpeded, continuously breaking through without any reduction in speed. .

The slender cone thorn stretched more than ten meters and then stopped, like an oversized long needle, all the Kabane pierced by it was exhausted into ashes and drifted away in the wind.

Mu Chibi raised his eyebrows. This piercing state was the same size as the Buckingham sword state. It could not be extended or changed indefinitely according to his imagination, but he could feel that there was still room for motivation, just You need to use the pupil power of the kaleidoscope.

With the thought of giving it a try, Mu Chibi used the pupil power of the kaleidoscope to stimulate, the cone thorns really grew longer, and at the same time, Mu Chibi also felt the sourness from the right eye, with the information and the first place left by his grandfather about the writing wheel. The sourness after using the second eye opening, Mu Chibi knew what it meant.

What a terrifying consumption!

Mu Clan sighed secretly, Kaleidoscope retracted the thorns, closed his eyes involuntarily, and stretched out his hand to gently comfort.

Houji noticed the changes in Mu clone, and couldn't help but said nervously:

"what happened to you?"

"Strength is slightly overused."

Mu Chibi chuckled and said to make Houji feel relieved. At the same time, he opened his right eye and closed his left eye. He immediately noticed the slight difference in vision between the two eyes. He was silent on the surface, but he was secretly vigilant and could not abuse it. The power of the kaleidoscope has grown. Although the other consciousness did not rely on these eyes at the beginning, although it was too cautious, it now seems to have foresight.

Hey, how can I explain it...

Mu Chibi thought that once he returned, the consequences of consuming pupil power would definitely be fed back to his body, and he was afraid that he would fight when he was known by another consciousness.He is usually very hungry, but this is because he is wrong. He can be shameless and domineering with others, and it is useless to play with himself.

Of course, Mu Chibi was just worried about this. He knew his own character too well, um, it was very Buddhist, and at best, it was a quarrel.

The more important thing is to find a way to solve the problem of the kaleidoscope. According to the research materials and records left by the grandfather, the eternal kaleidoscope will not suffer from the exhaustion of pupils, but the evolution of the kaleidoscope to the eternal kaleidoscope requires the catalysis of the kaleidoscope fusion of siblings.

The success rate is no problem. That's how Grandpa Ban's eternal kaleidoscope came from.

The question is where is he going to find a brother!?clone?It's not impossible, but who knows whether the cloned kaleidoscope has the same effect as the brother's kaleidoscope, and without his special conditions similar to schizophrenia, the cloned person may not be able to easily evolve the kaleidoscope.

Don’t you see Uchiha for so many years, Kaleidoscope has Madara and his brothers appearing in Kaleidoscope?The strongest and the hardest are always brothers.

Damn it!I'm so annoying.

Mu Chibi looked impatient and gave up decisively.

He originally belonged to the kind of character that didn't care about what happened and used force to make it difficult for him to think about so many things. Just leave this kind of troublesome matter to the deity.

Yes, exactly!

After pitting the main body and throwing the pot, Mu Chibi no longer considers the kaleidoscope. If his idea is successful, he may be able to move independently, let alone the kaleidoscope.

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