Kaleidoscope open the door

Kaleidoscope Opens Chapter 178

Although there is no meaning to split with the body, it is always good to be able to spend more time freely, and the wooden clone is still weaker than the body. It is only a necessary prerequisite to absorb a lot of Kabbah's vitality.

It didn't use the pupil power, but simply transformed the Buckingham sword into a cone-like thorn. Repeated several times, taking away all the vitality in the Kabbah, Mu Clone said to Houji who was waiting on the side:

"Okay, let's go back."

Sui Ji was not surprised by the magic of the Buckingham sword. She had already experienced it firsthand, but said to Mu Cava:

"Is that enough?"

"Well, enough."

Mu Chibi nodded. This Kabane group is not small and provides a lot of vitality. It is more than enough to do what he wants to do. If his idea is unsuccessful, it is useless and useless. The number is not important.

"Oh, then go back."

Suiji opened the door but got into the driver's seat, and smiled at Bai Lu's Mu clone:

"When you come here, it's fun to see what you drove. Let me try it too."

Bai Lu's wooden clone did not object, and got into the passenger seat, pretending to be suspicious:

"You? Are you okay?"

"Huh, don't underestimate people, it's simple, OK!"

Sui Ji expressed dissatisfaction with his suspicion, snorted, according to Bai Lu's memory operation method, firing, gearing, clutching...Although it was a bit rusty, it was true. He started the off-road vehicle smoothly.

Turning the steering wheel for a half circle, entering the road that overwhelmed the weeds when he came, and on the road steadily, Suoji cast a small proud look at the Bailumu clone beside him.

Since being transformed from Kabaneri by Bailu into a human body last time, Houji has broken through the limits of the human body, not just in terms of physical fitness. It is indeed not difficult for her to learn the technology of driving.

Bai Lu's wooden clone raised an eyebrow at the girl's proud eyes, and chuckled lightly:

"Yes, I'll leave it to you."

"of course."

Houji responded confidently, and...

Then Bailu's wooden clone understood what a true female demon is called, female driver + novice + running-in period = female demon.

Chapter 180 Female Driver, Experiment


After the off-road vehicle drifted horizontally on a trajectory that ordinary people could not achieve, it stopped dangerously and dangerously at the entrance of the Jiatiecheng Station. The door on the co-pilot side was pushed open, and the guarding warrior stared at them. Bai Lu, who existed like a god in her mind, jumped out, staggeringly supported the body and walked a few steps, couldn't help but bow her head and retching.

Bai Lu's wooden clone wiped the non-existent cold sweat on his forehead, took a few deep breaths and quickly adjusted back to the state. He finally understood what a devil's head was.

When he first started on the road, Sui Ji drove quite well and was quite satisfactory. After a little proficiency, he let go of his hands and feet. It is a trivial matter to step on the accelerator and drag racing. With Bailu's physique, he will not get motion sickness.

More importantly, during the drag racing, you never know what maneuvers this car will make in the next second, flicking, side-drifting, and maneuvering. Except for a plain rollover, only you can't think of it, and there is nothing that Suoji can't do. Uehoji didn't know how to do it himself.

The speed of the car is not easy to control as soon as it is up, and combat effectiveness and vehicle skills are completely different. No matter how strong a driver's combat effectiveness is, it is useless if the vehicle skills are not enough. Fortunately, it is enough for the devil to drag racing on the deserted plains. The gatekeepers of the two posts hit and flew.

Sui Ji was still unfinished, and could not help but smile awkwardly when she saw the bad state of Bai Lumu's clone just getting out of the car.

"Sorry, Bailu."

"Nothing, leave the car for you to practice."

The recovered Bai Lumu avatar waved his hand speechlessly, and he couldn't blame Sui Ji. After all, he knew that Sui Ji was a novice at random and agreed to drive Sui Ji's car. It can only be said to be self-inflicted.

"Okay, thank you!"

Sui Ji was very happy to hear that. Perhaps she had been accustomed to a passionate life since she was a child. After re-establishing the station and having Bailu to protect her, she felt a little idle.

She also went out to pay the Kabane around the station, but her strength is already very strong. It can easily kill Kabane, who was previously struggling, but it feels even more boring.

Trying to learn from Miss Sifang Chuanchangpu to be a lady, it turns out that she does not have that talent, and the hand that is used to holding a knife can't hold the embroidery needle.

Exciting activities like drag racing are rare things that make her feel interesting and challenging.

Bai Lu's wooden clone laughed and shook his head when he saw Sui Ji's happy appearance. He trains with Sui Ji every day. How can he not see the boredom of this girl? A car is nothing to Bailu, it can make Sui Ji become very energetic. It's a bargain, the big deal is not to take Suiji's car for now.

Returning to his house, Mu Chibi adjusted again to restore himself to its peak state, including the consumed chakras, and then used the vitality plundered in the kaleidoscope space.

As the owner of the kaleidoscope, he doesn't need to use actualized weapons (buckingham swords) as the medium when he wants to save the ears.

Vitality, or the source of life, Bailu's wooden clone does not need to be specially collected with a Buckingham sword, because the arrival of Mudun·Tree Realm can also do the same thing, and it is easier and more convenient.

However, Bai Lu's wooden clone wanted to know more about the kaleidoscope with instant weapons. This goal has been achieved. In addition, it is to look at the difference between the source of life extracted by the Buckingham sword and the source of life plundered by Mu Dun.

In fact, the two are indeed different. The wooden avatar understood when it came into contact with the source of life in the space of the kaleidoscope.

Bailu’s blood, to be precise, is that the cells are highly corrosive, and this corrosiveness comes from Mu Dun and the bloodstain of unknown mutations. Therefore, the source of life that Mu Dun extracted is not pure. The mark of Bailu was already marked in an instant.

The source of life extracted by Mu Dun is a super tonic for Bailu, but it is highly toxic to others, and the source of life extracted by Mu Dun can be transformed into chakra, but it cannot be reversed a second time and become Bailu's own life. source.

This is why the first generation of Naruto Society died young. The more you fight against powerful enemies, the more chakras and the source of life need to be invested, but there is no way to get supplements and make ends meet, even with the bloodstains of Mu Dun and the immortal body. The vigorous vitality can not withstand such consumption.

The Buckingham sword is different. The source of life it extracts is the source of pure life, without any mark. The original owner of the vitality and the mark of Bailu do not exist. It is a very pure source of life, which can be used by anyone alive. People absorb.

As for animals and plants, it should be possible.

As for the dead, plants will probably be reborn due to their characteristics. People and animals may be resurrected or useless, and they may become "zombies".

But these are Bailu’s guesses. What Bailu wants to do now is to use these vitality to reshape the wood clone and gain the vitality of flesh and blood. Even if he cannot become an independent individual, he must have a certain degree of independence, such as being able to restore chakras. some type of.

Although the wooden clone belongs to the entity type clone and possesses the same strength as the body, the chakra consumed cannot be recovered, which is also the weakness of all clones.

After all, the so-called chakra is a mixture of physical energy and mental energy in a certain ratio, but the body of the clone is not a real flesh and blood body, and may be able to carry out a high degree of simulation (otherwise it is impossible to hide the injury without bleeding) , But after all it is simulation, the essence will not change.

The Mu clone used his own blood to experiment on Kabane, and the horrible aggressiveness that broke out was not unrelated to the nature of the Mu clone.

The pure vitality was directly transferred from the kaleidoscope space to the body, and it immediately played a role. The wooden clone kept his body in a simulated state. The facts proved that he was in vain. The vitality was absorbed by the body, but no Chakra was produced.

It's as if a ball of cotton has sucked in the water and can be twisted out, but I don't want to change it, the water is still water.

Mu Chibi just frowned on this and then let go. He expected this. If things were really that simple, there would have been news in the Ninja world.

After all, human beings have never lacked creativity. His grandfather even developed the ninjutsu that separates the soul from the body (spiritualization) and greets the soul from hell (reincarnated from the dirty soil). How could there be no ninjutsu that draws vitality?

However, things are not so simple. The addition of vitality makes the nature of the wooden clone begin to wake up, and the wooden clone feels that he can't help but sprout...

In desperation, Mu Chibi had no choice but to vent the excess vitality through Mu Dun.

Chapter 181 Parting

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